Everyone names their favorite phantom and vandal skin.
Phantom: Recon
Vandal : Primordium
BLuko [#2]Phantom: Oni (White and blue variant)
Vandal: Champs 2021
genuinely dont understand how someone can enjoy the champs2021 vandal
K4ziuHa [#10]genuinely dont understand how someone can enjoy the champs2021 vandal
like because its thin hence it does block the screen much and like the sleak design helps with aim . +its got a really good kill banner and sound .
K4ziuHa [#10]genuinely dont understand how someone can enjoy the champs2021 vandal
only og players understand
unofficialwaifu [#27]phantom: oni
vandal: the one with the sword underneath but finisher has a lot of swords falling (not sovereign)
K4ziuHa [#10]genuinely dont understand how someone can enjoy the champs2021 vandal
it was my first skin so thats why im fond of it.
NRG_FiNESSE [#5]phantom: singularity
vandal: prelude
Why did you punch verno and spit in bonkar's face