Women will be represented at the top level if they continue to improve their mechanics, fundamentals, strategy, etc. Frankly, the vast majority are still not good enough to compete in Tier 1/2. They'll make occasional correct decisions, plays and win rounds, but the depth in the playbook and consistency to pull this off is not on the same level as Tier 1/2.
Strawmanning trans/nonbinary players in a developmental league designed to be dissolved and merged with the Tier 2 ecosystem isn't productive because women are eventually gonna have to play men. There's no avoiding it and if anything, it's about embracing the challenge. There are several social factors which play a part in why not as many women pursue high Radiant (800-1000+ RR) which are not straightforward to resolve.
It's not about women being crowded out by trans/nonbinary players, but whether women are willing to keep up with the growing level of skill.