Aspas need to join a Clout team so people can put some respect to his name already. Dude is dropping +46 versus a good team and people are still treating him as a mid player.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | August 24, 2024 |
Last post: | February 9, 2025 at 11:13 AM |
Posts: | 42 |
Aspas need to join a Clout team so people can put some respect to his name already. Dude is dropping +46 versus a good team and people are still treating him as a mid player.
fortunately no brazilian teams so ill just adjust to watch vit games after playoffs.
Sen has no star power, they are good as a unit but they dont really have impressive individuals,you can see that by looking at their stats, if their team work faulters they lose.
I feel like they need to be cocky, For example aspas is really humble and chill, and i think that one of the reason why people keep understimating the guy and saying that {insert random good player here} is better than him.
Aspas is the Final boss you defeat him you win the game.
I like tuyz but he is about to be benched for the cracked 18 yo loud just hired.
Lev could not set fucking aspas up ,compare the amount of assists Lev had compared to Heretiics and edg
who wouldnt? we are proud people,not good losers.
We have to care about eachother because no one cares about us!!
Too bad for Demon1 that LEV is a team that does not help their duelists,so demon will not be able to pull an 2023 EG.Unless they change it
Thank for your greek sorcery or whatever the fuck you do in your country
they trained like 1 week in off season and 1 day on LA, they ill not do anything at kick off. The rookies were clearly really nervous Mr.cassava(cortezia) was not hitting shots.
Havoc 100%
How come? they are a new team and played vs an established roster you're delusional if you thought they had a chance.
khalil has some dirt on furia for sure
calma calabreso kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Imagine hating your own country because of a millionaire deserve everything bad that happens in your life.
thats what i have being saying why is he still on T1??????
Who did Asuna helped NADESHOT kill? to still have spot on the team.Is he blackmailing Nadeshot?
why would anyone watch the same game but worse? For example womens volleyball is much more technical than the male counterpart but with less power,but valorant is the same game but trash i dont see any reason for it existing if they cant even bridge to brigde the gap between cis and trans, how the fuck they intent to play T1.Flor and Srn are trash players with good aim and yet they cant deal with them.
If cis-women cant beat a tier 3 trans/non binary player they dont deserve to play professionally simple as that.
Riot should just force 1 woman or trans on each team.
it is impossiblle to win against SR,only liquid could do it and they fumbled
People here think women should be protected from imaginary guns in game , instead of telling them to improve. G2 and TL could win GC and they are a full cis woman team. The truth is Asians and europeans got shitted on and are mad.
This discussion does not make sense, if the cis women are losing they should play better,there is no physhical advantage to be mad about , if they wanna be taking serious this just look like an excuse.
Or maybe, just maybe you know play better valorant ?
yes !!! thats why this discussion is irrelevant
If cis-women cant beat Flor/SRN/Jelly how the fuck are they gonna play against Aspas/Derke/texture gc is a joke and should not exist riot should instead just force every team to add a women (trans or not.)
Saying aspas cant op is insane loooool
You have diabetes blindness, chichoo and smoggy were the best on their positions.
Kangkang got diffed by QCK bro, kk just have a better team.
I mean being on the top for so long is not as easy as you guys think it is. next year aspas ill probably still be top 3 even with his trash LEV team.
They are great in the first "game sport!" Chess.
It seems like TH cant win against a team with more than 2 players XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, so good to see EDG winning after shangai!