Flag: Iceland
Registered: November 2, 2021
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 2:11 AM
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but tenz is also lurking so your point isnt valid at all

posted 4 months ago

thats actually the most W counter to this argument ive seen yet

posted 4 months ago

their floor is raised but their ceiling is lower. Pancada was by far the best performance out of a controller weve seen to date and if he ever managed to get the chance to replicate that on SEN they could easily win a trophy if they all play their best

posted 4 months ago

The guy was one of the best if not the best tier 2 duelist/flex, I'm surprised he wasn't picked up by any org
Did he choose to stream or is he pursuing smth else?

posted 4 months ago

tbf if you want 3rd party tourneys this will be in support of that in order to allow teams to keep practicing + now t2 is for the most part middle franchising level

posted 4 months ago

marved was good on sen tho...

posted 4 months ago

Love that response, shows that I'm completely right

posted 4 months ago

Berlin was a horrible tourney ace were ass, 100t were ass, Sen had a crazy dip in performance cause they played comps they clearly weren't good at, gambit owned them
Champs they got wrecked by X10
Iceland was hella nerfed by no fnc fpx who were the favourites
Copenhagen was pretty disappointing considering they went against easy upper bracket teams
Champs was pretty good I'd say it was actually a good tourney out of them but loud were just smurfing

posted 4 months ago

He's literally not wrong tho, Berlin 2021 they faced some washed ass teams and had an easy group, champs got wrecked by X10(tbf these guys had a chance to beat gambit if they had better mental), Iceland was nerfed hard no good EU teams the only good teams were optic and one tier below was drx Prx loud zeta, fnc and fpx would easily be in the same tier as optic if not better.
Copenhagen was p mid as well they had some p easy matches, and champs was really the only impressive one where they beat teams that were on runs

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Bro said eg ☠️

posted 4 months ago

I just can't agree with this take simply because he could never make anything out of pre franchise eg who had so much potential yet always were so inconsistent game after game. Boostio had the players to be top 3 or 4 in NA but could never make anything out of it till he got Ethan and then demon1

posted 4 months ago

Nah vanity is absolutely horrendous, he fucking failed when he had 2 of THE BEST flex players in the game at the time against a team who have some of the messiest calling in valorant history (Team Liquid)

posted 4 months ago

Nah I'd say stax is very clearly horrendous at adapting and anti, he's shown time and time again to fail when it comes to adapting to teams like optic who change up the moment they lose a round, he's very similar to angel, they just don't have enough ideas and maybe it's cause they don't have access to good second callers like fns and boaster do

posted 4 months ago

Boaster doesn't perform under pressure tho. He also has an over reliance on protocols/setups and it's shown in previous fnc iterations. The amount of fragging he's also had access too for all his time in valorant is a huge part as to why he's seen as such a good igl.
Fns is honestly very similar I mean look at how absolutely dismantled he was by blg and how he just couldn't find a way to completely switch up the way the team played to accommodate for that.
In all seriousness I don't think the actual best igl is in saadhak boaster or fns, I think its probably in some lesser team that doesn't have insane fragging players but still competes. Off the top of my head I'd immediately say some EU team like maybe atakaptan since he looks like he keeps such a good leash on every player on FUT and brought once mediocre players into real tier 1 contention.
Well never know tho tbf

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Bros living in delusion

posted 4 months ago

Johnqt still makes a lot more sense compared to boostio. If boostio was so good he would've done something with prefranchise eg, they already had a pretty stacked like up and as a person who was actually a fan of how they played the team just seemed way too inconsistent with midrounding and relied so heavily on post plants. The addition of Ethan and demon1 inflated the perception of boostios abilities and probably potters too tbh. We'll have to see but I'm not exactly very impressed with how boostio is doing so far in 100T, he doesn't seem to have very huge impact on the midround if anything the intense fragging potential of 100t rn is only finally being tapped into now that they have a solid igl

posted 4 months ago

No not really, they went against oxg who are the favourites for this tourney and then c9 who arguably is more consistent than mxs and should be better for the most part.
100t been scrimming for a month or so with boostio, they haven't had the time to fix their fundamental issues and lack of protocols

posted 4 months ago

M80 have always been franchise level that's not an excuse. If anything franchise teams took their tech, m80 have been innovating even more than tg

posted 4 months ago

No he really isn't. As firepower tenz adds more firepower, as util, reliability to hold down sites, and support pancada takes it for sure. Tenz is a lot more selfish and that means when he solos smokes esp on defense on a big map Sen are constantly down a smokes cause he keeps peeking so much.
With pancada his lurks as compared to tenz are better timed probably just cause tenz isn't used to the lurk timings yet but either way pancadas lurks were massive for loud in champs and tenz has only had a few rounds of crazy lurk impact however, this was against teams that were so underprepped
On the attack tenz is also rlly selfish in that a lot of the time he uses the blind for himself and constantly tps around the place to catch a timing rather than using it to stall and to play for the clutch.
2 completely different playstyles but I could easily see tenzs style cause Sen a loss later on against rlly good teams that'll exploit his shenanigans

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Is there a rumour they're picking up someone or what?

posted 5 months ago

King gonna bring this team back fr fr

posted 5 months ago

2 or the biggest events this year we're Mickey mouse?
Tbf the competition was pretty ass this year so you do have a point

posted 5 months ago

To be fair tho the reason ghost fell off so hard is because they had a really late read on the meta and didn't adapt fast enough so they weren't able to perform. That was the combo of johnqt and Kaplan so who knows it might happen again

posted 5 months ago

this is the proof that Navi fans are the most wholesome BY FAR

posted 5 months ago

tbf prx was absolutely trolling

posted 5 months ago

not a fluke but they fs wouldnt beat a peak for PRX id say. def rlly good tho

posted 5 months ago

Lmao try win a game before you start calling ppl racist for not thinking about them

posted 5 months ago

now i know this guys an OG, the best to ever touch the role

posted 5 months ago

PRX are terrible in BO5s tho tbf so if SEN manage to even get 1 map they might very well be favoured towards the end. All PRX need to do tho if they wanna win is take the game seriously from the get-go make sure they secure map 1 cause their stamina is doo doo balls compared to every other team in their weight class.
Even so tho SEN beating PRX this tourney wasnt that impressive, it was mostly troll on PRXs part, they had terrible ideas on Breeze esp with running mindfreak on sova, then on top of that there were so many chances to win on Haven but they kept throwing as if they didnt know wtf was going on. They looked a lot more solid against FS, DRX, and T1

posted 5 months ago

If PRX take the game seriously theyll win regardless

posted 5 months ago

Pancada was put onto a new role in a dysfunctional roster... I wonder why he wasnt comfortable, I couldnt possibly find an answer to that question

posted 5 months ago

pancada: Reached Int. LAN GF twice, won 1 as the number 3 highest rated player in the entire event
Zellsis: Made the first ever LAN in the game, fumbled the bag in his last match

posted 5 months ago

bro thats not even a sen hater take, i completely fucking agree, they never even let pancada prove himself as the best smokes and snaked his spot with the sub just cause he was sick

posted 5 months ago

and sen have only lost 1 game with pancada on this roster whats your point? The We dont have nearly enough proof that this team is even that good in the first place and on top of that we have no proof that zellsis is the one that is responsible for this improvement.
They were literally so rough around the edge when zellsis joined in its just time and experience, theyd be just as good with pancada on the team and tenz wouldnt have to be throwing on omen all the time. Especially on sunset i feel like we definitely need pancada cause that map is absolutely critical for the smoker to not be the first death. Haven is another one where Tenzs omen is gonna be their downfall cause he just doesnt understand the nuances of a smokes agent, thats something pancada knows all too well, the mf was top 3 rating in champs only behind yay and king

posted 5 months ago

but even if sen win its just an off season tourney, realistically if PRX take it seriously SEN are gonna get wiped

posted 5 months ago

when the org themselves dont care about long term success how can we? This isnt a move for long term success this move was based off of 2 showmatch wins, we havent seen them lose yet and mark my words the moment sen lose 2 or 3 matches in a row theyre gonna start scrambling the roster again

posted 5 months ago

Every fake SEN fan is supporting the snaking of pancada the goats main spot on the team

posted 5 months ago

where is the proof that his comms are bad? yall get this out of nowhere to just cope with why they subbed in zellsis. Check the goddamn LCQ comms pancada was literally comming every round and even midrounding in some rounds

posted 5 months ago

so youre claiming that pancada has bad comms bad mechanics bad util bad energy bad etc and somehow pancada is the one that had the third highest rating in champs and zellsis is the guy that hasnt achieved anything since V1.
It is true the guy chokes in big games its always happened since the V1 days, you just havent been watching him long enough. I love the guy but pancada is a fucking proven BEST SMOKES, hes literally a better marved

posted 5 months ago

well tbf they were trolling in the Upper Finals, they were just giving com the dumbest and most free clutches because they just didnt stop to think and analyse the round they were playing. In the GF they all just played terribly tho there was no other way about it.
Also why tf are you bringing up champs i wasnt even talking about that why are you still butthurt over a win?

posted 5 months ago

people always bring up communication errors but literally so many famous teams in so many games in EU have such broken english but yet they never make any problems out of it. On top of that look at LEV, 3 players including aspas can barely pronounce words right and yet they seem to be having a great time comming in english. SEA as well, we have some ridiculously heavy accents over here and many players esp indo players have terrible english yet forsaken has managed with his trash english from 2021 iceland and has improved it over time.
Knowing a language doesnt even make 10% of comms

posted 5 months ago

Pancada has literally reached higher peaks than every player on the sen roster other than tenz

posted 5 months ago

yea its just not gonna happen. Pancadas only chance at getting put back onto the main roster is if they shit the bed with the new roles or it seems like they were just honeymooning with zellsis. Other than that Pancada isnt touching the game with this team anymore and honestly its a shame that the best smokes player itw isnt gonna be playing anymore but what can we do abt it

posted 5 months ago

This guy fr still believes that pancada isn't their plan b rn 🤣

posted 5 months ago

Forgot to put it in my pickems but this was p expected.
They end up winning cause Prx is trolling comps and Sen actually have a pretty good map pool already

posted 5 months ago
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