13 matches per year for VCT team

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So if any team doesn't qualify for any playoffs, they get a minimum of 13 matches this season?

What a joke of an esports Leo Faria even running. Riot is single-handedly ruining Valorant Esports. No third-party premier tourney, long off-season, 13 matches per year (which Mr faria likes), a limited no of sponsors, shitty tier 2 system, orgs cutting their teams, gc game schedule and lots more.

I don't get the logic of this 13-match per season (3+5+5 minimum).


its probably because they don't want teams getting burned out. Riot thinks long term so maybe by 2025 when the new calendar updates come in, teams will get more matches.


tbf if you want 3rd party tourneys this will be in support of that in order to allow teams to keep practicing + now t2 is for the most part middle franchising level

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