Flag: Iceland
Registered: November 2, 2021
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 2:11 AM
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Greatest cap of all time, nrg had victor

posted 3 months ago

Angel has gotten way better since champions 22 he isn't comparable to fns

posted 3 months ago

Eg winning btw, I read the script

posted 3 months ago

Mf have you seen Ur head??? Your barber did you dirty bro

posted 3 months ago

They're not comfortable on the map the fact that yay is playing viper I'm guessing means they've tried experimenting and now they're just locking in whatever normal comp they thought might've been good.
It didn't seem that bleed had anything pre planned in that map

posted 3 months ago

The map is pretty ass anyway. Also it isn't bleeds pick

posted 3 months ago

Unlike 100t Sen alr beat 2 world class teams

posted 3 months ago

Sen fans aren't annoying, that was 2021 bro. Believimg in your team is what any fan of any team does in any sport and the loud minority are the ones that say Sen are the best in the world.
You're being a child if you think Sen fans are annoying and if you think being annoying is justification for the shit y'all do

posted 3 months ago

It's mostly because saadhak is the hardest igl to play against. That mf is fiending on them reads and even when he misreads somehow it puts loud in a better position than if he didn't.
I have a feeling Sen and Loud are gonna be the top 2 Americas teams and Sen won't beat loud a single time the entire season

posted 3 months ago

Every single time they have a lead against GenG they end up throwing it all and losing

posted 3 months ago

That wasn't a tech pause it was a re-ruling

posted 3 months ago

This one was also more than an hour, that one was way longer tho

posted 3 months ago

Nah it ain't sucking gum it's chewing gum, also to keep a few gums for this long is psychotic

posted 3 months ago

Is yay using snus? Looks like he's sucking on something and I can't imagine a candy is lasting him this long

posted 3 months ago

I'll be back when Sen win the kickoffs

posted 3 months ago

I think their defense was made so much easier by the predictability of furias attack. I was more impressed at how well Ethan did calling on the attack as a new IGL. Furia also looked like they could really shine individually on defense.
Nrg look like they had glimpses of greatness but other rounds were very mid or just flat out bad. Tbf optic often looked like that too so who knows where this teamll go?

posted 3 months ago

Sure buddy

posted 3 months ago

Nah second seed is a little over hype. They looked like a middle of the pack team honestly. Demon1 looked like any other middle of the pack star player, victor actually is doing well on sentinel for once in his life, crashies seems like he's still consistent, marved looks ok, Ethan looks better than last year
Their calling was ok, the reads weren't anything crazy as expected, the strats on attack seemed pretty good though. I think their best attribute is their little combo plays but that's not something that'll get them top 2.

posted 3 months ago

But MIBR were good last year they just kept throwing and then lost all their confidence. They literally beat NRG during NRGs uptick in performance.
I don't think they'll be the definitive worst but I don't think there will be a team that goes winless this season, theyll be at the bottom if frod doesn't start doing something

posted 3 months ago

Like these mfs have the firepower they have the skill they have the strats but why is it that whenever the pressures on they just do the same shit over and over again, whenever they're about to win an important round they start over peeking, playing solo, whiffing, whenever the round has any semblance of signs that they MIGHT lose they save.
Get bzka off this team bro he clearly ain't the reason loud won champs

posted 3 months ago

Right? This is the superteam that's meant to take down fnatic? Don't make me laugh

posted 3 months ago

Holy shit their reads are crippling nrg rn, guys we don't have the fns brain no more, it's over

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

DRX were playing with players that had to do everything in their power to not get dropped, stop skewing the narrative to fit your hate boner

posted 3 months ago

Yes but for some reason we've seen no semblance of them performing in any scrims or off season events.
I was high on them too but after all this I'm losing a lot of hope in a team I thought could easily be top 3. Tho tbf they were looking rough throughout ascension as well and stepped up crazy when it mattered

posted 3 months ago

Sen has never had a fully competent igl and had practice at the same time ever since shahzs confidence fell off during champs
The pattern isn't Sen not making groups but them not having a good leader and coaching team

posted 3 months ago

Sen destroyed Prx bro, if anything you need to stop your cope

posted 3 months ago

Wow... Tbf tho in silver you don't even need a controller to win, you have 700 trs just lock in Reyna or raze. Its easy carry

posted 4 months ago

I don't like going down that path cause it's a very impossible thing to improve or fix but my gripe isn't actually with the players themselves cause they're playing at the level they should, I'm confused as to why I'm getting matched with them when clearly I'm not playing like a trash can who deserves diamond 1.
The moment ranks opened I destroyed every game and double ranked up so now falling back down after the plays have finally gotten back up to diamond is ridiculous

posted 4 months ago

Oh this is hilarious. I'm telling you right now I've gotten over that whole throwing phase and I've already had multiple come backs this act that seemed impossible because I knew my team had the skill to win and I igled them to the comeback. Imma tell you right now when I say I threw, it was at 2-11 and 2-12 after my teammates had just lost the most winnable rounds.
ATP I don't care if I can salvage some roundz or not, I want to get into a different game.
Not once this act have I shown any teammates any of my rage or else I wouldnt be asking the question of why matchmaking is so bad

Again just to reiterate, I don't care about ranking up, I care about getting matched with like skilled players cause ranking up comes easy once that happens. Im consistently getting players who very clearly are still struggling at the fundamentals of the game and can't even be bothered to comm nor follow simple strats.

posted 4 months ago

I would agree with you but I've been playing this game for so long around very critical players who are better than me. I know when I'm the one at fault. My performance currently dictates that I should be ranking up by one or two ranks as you already said but the fact that I opened D2 and I'm currently in D3 especially with the 570 trs just goes to show I'm not meant to be here.
It isn't 1 good game, it's multiple good games, multiple team MVPs, multiple 700+ trs games yet we still lose by a huge margin.
My previous 5 stack filled with asc3+ players and 1 immortal 3 guy agrees that I should at the very least be winning these games that I'm bringing impact to but the inevitably of teammates are just too hard to get around
I'm not saying I'm perfect and I know I can improve but the point is that I'm having near perfect matches and still losing anyway.

posted 4 months ago

Yea but tbh I had better luck right after the rank reset (cause spoilers it isn't really a reset at all)

posted 4 months ago

That was the 1 single throw in my entire act history. I don't ever throw it was just combined with the fact we were 2-10 and threw multiple rounds due to 0 comms and coordination.
Plus they didn't want to surrender and I had a 3 stack to a with
I get it worsens the stats but fuck if it's already destroyed anyway regardless of that game. I mean I got a 33k on viper and still didn't change my matchmaking in the slightest
570 trs isn't bad considering it's the whole act trs. That's not the weekly trs which really gauges that and of course I won't be popping off on smokes but I'm constantly igling strats, making sure others have better guns than me since i play behind them, I bring in a lot of cheese into the gamr in order to change the pacing of the game. There's a lot of things trs doesn't measure and honestly I've been on a Reyna journey before consistently with 700trs and that didn't change my rank much.

posted 4 months ago

Nah wrap it up dawg I'd switch accounts
But seriously though it seems like such a big problem. It really feels like the moment you 5 stack your MMR gets tanked and you're forced to continuously do so or else you face the repercussions by getting paperweights on your team

posted 4 months ago

Removal of Sean is what sealed them

posted 4 months ago

That most recent ascent game had my Reyna afk from round 3 or 4

posted 4 months ago

JustHunterM8 #343
Ignore the breeze game, I threw it cause my team was no commers, and they whiffed a 4v2 when I tagged both players 100

posted 4 months ago

Constantly for the past 2 acts now I've been getting horrendous and I mean HORRENDOUS matchmaking. I've been going crazy on my rank up games multiple times, I've been getting ridiculous win streaks with constant high impact games, duo queuing, 5 stacking, I'm always playing well for the most part yet somehow my hidden elo is diamond 1 during my winstreaks getting close to ascendant 2. This was the same issue when I was on a win streak from ASC 1 to ASC 3 2 acts ago, I was 5 stacking in immortal lobbies yet everytime I solo queued I got diamond teams. (My trs score AVG was 780 during that week of play and I placed lowest 5th on the leaderboard on any given match)
Everytime I solo queue there are afks, ASSSSS PLAYERS, No commers, and it's consistent. If it isn't one it's the other.

posted 4 months ago

Is scream going to be joining a team this year? It's gonna be one hell of a waste of we don't get to see him reach internationals for another year

posted 4 months ago

Victor is literally the worst player on nrg my guy, Tex is being so underrated cause he's coming from ascension but the guy has had a world class performance for TGs run to win Ascension.
Lev is making a super team, they wouldn't pick up Tex if he wasn't better than all the crazy cracked players on previous Lev

posted 4 months ago

Victor < tex

posted 4 months ago

Still is
Bros got a hate boner

posted 4 months ago

Wtf do you mean bias, aspas is probably the best player the game has ever seen, it isn't arguable

posted 4 months ago

The bullshittery and level of braindead that constantly births itself on this forum makes me want to slit my throat because I don't even want to be under the same atmosphere as someone like you

posted 4 months ago

Such a dumbass narrative like I can't explain how stupid you fucking look rn

posted 4 months ago

Exactly people are just spewing bullshit cause they're making excuses as to why he should be dropped when in reality pancada would've been a great player and teammate if Sen ever bothered to accommodate for the guy at all

posted 4 months ago

Tf no, tuyz stinks bro, just switch him out and have qck Duel or fuck it let saadhak

posted 4 months ago

He had literally 0 comms problems past 6 weeks into the season and really the whole season didn't matter cause dephh already threw their chances anyway

posted 4 months ago

my guy is trying to bait talking about the best team in valorant history playing in a farmers league. Thats like saying Real Madrid is ass cause La Liga is a farmers league (it isnt)

posted 4 months ago

fr pancada is a better khalil whos also more consistent on the role

posted 4 months ago
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