every round someone has different teamates or is on a different team and there is no balancing, so it could be like 7 v 3 or like 1 v 9 or 6 v 4, etc. i edited
give me a cs mode where everyone has the same util (2 Kayo flashes, a Brim smoke, A viper molly, and for the HE you can make the raze nade one explosion)
(no I will not just go play CS, I want my ADHD friendly skins)
Random agent every round could be fun
When I played Overwatch a lot of how I got better at the game was by grinding a few hundred hours of Mystery Heroes just to learn what everyone does lol
bro riot doesn't care for casual game modes like this. They legit removed all the fun game modes and now were left with swift and spike rush. Game is dying and is not fun.