Ohh. Got it. Thanks
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | August 8, 2023 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 10:58 PM |
Posts: | 303 |
I saw the upcoming schedule and I don't see any Rankers match in the future. They are supposed to play 5 games so when is their last match
Completely uncreative and same repetitive ideas man. What do you think about this
Yeah. I don't hate Tenz. Hell, I even watch his streams regularly but TenZ glazers make me so annoyed.
But that's what they are pointing out. Marketing campaign. TenZ doesn't even come close to what s1mple and faker have achieved.
FACTSSS. So many people and all they can think of is just stuns, nades and drones? Come on. Look at my other post about a mirror agent
Signature: You get to duplicate 1 count of ability from an agent. You get it second time after two kills and that too from the agents you killed (or tagged by initiators)
Buyable: A breakable mirror which reflects and give you vision from other angles
Buyable: When activated, you can shoot in the mirror and the player gets damaged
Ultimate: You get an ult from opposite teams agent you killed in the round.
Open to suggestions but I am annoyed by the lack of new creative abilities, especially mirror abilities.
And such low ceiling. You just point on map to send the "go kill" rockets. Why the fuck did they nerf Raze nades and drones but Tejo nades are like name written in death note? I thought the point of abilities is to clear angles right
I mean you could add humor to it rather than just hyping in first half of the first map no? And this is not a mid match
Exactly what the fuck was that. They lost like 4 rounds back to back doing the same thing.
Does anyone feel like she overhypes some moments when they actually aren't?
I usually air fry a bunch of Ore ida Fries during matches with a bit of garlic powder, salt and cajun powder
Edit: Ore Ida
Sen got popular because they were very good during the initial phase especially due to Sinatra. Then they were dogshit but got Tenz who was also very popular. Tenz had/has a lot of glazers (maybe rightfully) so they got more popular and won a Masters. Later they were trash again. Sentinels usually has, what you call, seasonal fans. They are not hardcore Valorant watchers, but they turn up when they play, especially when winning. They are also the one to have herd mentality and parrot the same opinion like "Tenz is best", "Tenz is washed", "Sick is the best", "Remove Zombs", "Bang is trash/downgrade" etc. It is best to acknowledge their contribution to popularity and viewership of the game but don't ponder over their Valorant takes.
What happened to utility not being able to kill players? Didn't they nerf raze's nade and drone to avoid this and still release tejo?
Leaf can be for this year, but based on stats, winnings, carry performances, aura. Aspas clear. I am no Brazil fan but you cant deny facts
Ask them who is the current GOAT and if they don't say Aspas, they are a bum
Exactly. Watch them play like trash against Sen for some reason
100T were trash? Or is Americas more balanced region this time
Exactly. I don't expect him to be unbiased but today he wasnt even doing his typical shit talk his own team
Just felt that he was giving an extra "corporate" kinda vibes.
Naah. He has 5 good games in his bank. He used 1 on the first game to beat the allegations
Venmo me $5 if he does? I will venmo you if he doesn't. Let's gamble people
Please mark your attendance.
Edit: Also, while you are here, please apologize.
I know Sen has the most money so they can do show matches and other events but how come NRG is doing so much content as well. They even has that friendly tourney during Ludwig x Tarik (which was stupid because they lost a lot of viewers). Why doesn't 100T do such events? Is it that NRG has more money or 100T isn't just focusing on Valorant that much
America bad. Anything related to America bad. Don't you know this about the internet? /s
That's good advice big bro. I actually need to study as well.
Exactly. Kid was considered a prodigy during TSM days, then changed role completely and was one of the best controllers in America. His only issue was consistency, but I think with a new team that might change. I hope the choke gene regarding 100T is not true though because they are about to add 2 time ascension choker. I love Zan zan, but man, the choker gene alligetions are hard to deny
Shitting on Bang even before he joins Sen and then they wonder why people hate these bunch of band wagoners. At least wait for the announcement.
Tarik just sat there watching games and still took a break instead of trying to watch tier 2 to give promote the sport. I get that it's his career and can do whatever but he can't say I want to do something good for Valorant community and then not watch tier 2 games. It's the easiest thing to do.
Sen Tarik was the worst thing that happened. He even dropped the KangKang fanboy stint this time, when he actually won the Champions
Tenz wasn't even that popular this season.
Why are some these absolute badies though?
Because TH is actually good and TSM is not lmao. You would act like that too if TSM ever reached a grand finals that matters
I specifically remember upper bracket being played with 1 lower bracket match. I can't remember when
Why are we making the teams play who just played yesterday. Shouldn't the Sen match happen today? Fucked for FNC
Sen fanatics (not the fans) are going to flood in and ride the hype till they get eliminated
Dough is like the biggest NA(and Sen) dickrider there is unfortunately.
People pleasers and a bit of prejudice against China region (in Valorant)
..are American casters