Well whaddya know? The team platchat ranked DEAD LAST in their power ranking have just won the masters Bangkok trophy!!!!
WE NEED TO HAVE A CONVERSATION ABOUT THESE GUYS. Have they ever been sooo right about something where people said "oh, these guys were ahead of the curve. They knew what's up". I even think they are much more often dead WRONG about something than being right. Of course, if you make a prediction of something it's bound to be wrong sometimes & hindsight is 20/20 but if you are wrong so often you gotta have some grace when you shit talk players or a team, no? Like you gotta give people/teams the benefit of the doubt and not be so arrogant in your convictions bcz really, you guys don't know any better. Yall are just yapping and I respect it cuz it's your job ig but have some humility when you call people garbage or make a player tierlist or whatever.
Also, it annoys me when platchat nerds present 'Oh, sideshow said this' as a shield to their argument. I'm like I don't fkin care. nterure4564 on reddit has been right more often about valorant than the eggman. But, instead of presenting facts and logic these people still insist as if platchat opinions give their arguments some weight.