Flag: United States
Registered: March 23, 2024
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 12:46 PM
Posts: 229
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i think icebox is still the best single map, but as an overall series i think G2 vs T1 is better

posted 9 hours ago

they weren't awarding mvps till champs next year, so it's kinda up to us who the mvp of shanghai was but I think it was t3x

posted 3 days ago

played out of his fucking mind he has the best yoru in the world right now IMO, deserves his flowers completely

posted 3 days ago

I know meteor is the mvp put jaw was undeniably the best player in the server today and specifically the way he use yoru was sooo good

I've never seen anyone use the yoru tp to jump peek for info like every but the amount of info that I saw jaw collect today was unreal. He and G2 have some of the best yoru play in tier 1 right now and it was incredible to watch. I'm still super happy and proud of T1 for closing it out but goddamn.

posted 3 days ago
  1. T1 looked shaky in APAC kickoff and didn't start leveling up until about the end of swiss stage
  2. They still got 5/8 placements right for their power rankings. Putting the winner in last is pretty egregious, but the rest was actually solid predictions
posted 3 days ago

assistant coach and clutched up on the sub role when T1 needed him, absolutely won the trophy

posted 3 days ago

I agree, T1 definitely deserves their flowers for pulling off the upset through the lower bracket but G2 had 2 different series points. It was absolutely anyone's game and both teams had the potential to win for sure.

posted 3 days ago

no i agree furia is dogshit

still beats nrg tho that team is cursed

posted 3 days ago

i get that reasoning, i was more ranking after the top teams and going off of bangkok

posted 3 days ago

emea over americas (g2 is the sole exception) but other than that you're kinda right

posted 3 days ago

this guy thinks nrg can beat furia

posted 3 days ago

"asian domination" and it was an incredibly close game with multiple overtimes and five maps that could've gone anyone's way

T1 did not look dominant out there except for the first 6 rounds of abyss. while they did really good, I would definitely not call any one team at bangkok dominant and toronto & paris are still wide open

posted 3 days ago

woke up at 5 to watch and it was so worth it

posted 3 days ago

not true actually if fnatic hadn't made the comeback at lock//in they would've still won due to their immense aura from derke's bald head

posted 3 days ago

all of t1 went negative and they still won if that doesnt convince you that firepower isnt everything idk what will

posted 3 days ago

watching them jump out of their seats and hug felt amazing they deserve it so much

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

the past 4 grand finals now have gone to map 5 and goddamn do i love it but my poor heart

posted 3 days ago

he played it on breeze for geng last year though

posted 3 days ago

idk probably meteor himself who.. plays viper? im not sure what your point is

posted 3 days ago

wouldve been t1's without some huge clutches from trent and jaw, still believe in split and pearl though

posted 3 days ago

im so fucking pissed about that ace this map was t1's to lose

posted 3 days ago

please let it be paperthin and achilios to cast APAC's second international win

posted 4 days ago

yep this gives him the world record of most consecutive masters grand finals appearances

posted 4 days ago

for the longest consecutive masters grand final attendance streak, having reach three masters grand finals in a row (madrid, shanghai, bangkok)

posted 4 days ago

vyse is spelled as vyze a couple of times in the bind section

posted 4 days ago

80 assists in 84 rounds sylvan you monster

posted 4 days ago

nope, they lost an upper final (bo3) for stage 1 playoffs but came back to win the grand finals through lowers

posted 5 days ago

I do think an AC would benefit this team tremendously, but for a first-time IGL 4th at an international is pretty good. It stings a bit because watching them play during swiss it looked like they had the potential to easily reach the grand finals, but 4th will have to do for now. I have faith in this team's ability to grow, especially as sayf gets more and more used to IGLing.

posted 5 days ago

it's so far back it's really not even worth discussing but they actually have lost a bo5 before

in total, EDG have lost 5 bo5s in their lifetime, with the most recent one being April 2023 and never with s1mon

posted 5 days ago

and honestly i like what you cooked if VIT didn't win my next hope was T1 soo

posted 5 days ago

wait you might've been onto something

posted 5 days ago

holy shit that was so good to watch its been hours and his bind is still just replaying over and over in my head
every time it looked like he was about to die I swear he would get two instead
I understand why he's CHICHOO's goat

posted 1 week ago

please if G2 and DRX get matched up for the 1-1 round i'm gonna be so mald these teams are both very playoff worthy

posted 1 week ago
  1. VIT
  2. DRX
  3. EDG
  4. G2
  5. T1
  6. SEN
  7. TL
  8. TE
posted 1 week ago

yeah but most of them have been close, TL and T1 could've gotten maps off of EDG and VIT, even SEN almost closed haven against DRX
The box scores make it look like it's not close, but the past two days of matches have been close games tbh

posted 1 week ago

One time, when I was 5 years old, I went swimming in the sea, but I wanted to go further out, thinking I would be able to get back to the shore easily.

So I swam for a really long time, at least 20 minutes straight, and when I turned around, I couldn’t see anyone anymore. I realized I was extremely far away and started crying—all I could see were the shadows of people standing on the sand.

I stopped swimming and let the water carry me, but suddenly, I started sinking. I went underwater and tried to come back up, but I couldn’t. I kept going under, coming back up, over and over again—for at least a full minute.

Eventually, my whole body was in pain from struggling. I thought, "Well, whatever, I guess I’m dying," and I let myself sink, swallowing water. At that moment, I swear it didn’t hurt at all.

Anyway, next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital. Apparently, some guy on a boat had spotted me from a distance and came to rescue me pretty quickly.

posted 1 week ago

oh yeah these are definitely close and I have a feeling that one or two teams will pick and ban differently than I predicted or win on maps I thought they would lose so I could very easily be wrong but this is just what historical data shows

posted 1 week ago

G2 bans

  • bind, split vs TE
    • bind, lotus vs SEN (double ban)
    • lotus, haven vs SEN
    • haven, lotus vs LEV
    • fracture, pearl vs C9

EDG bans

  • abyss, haven vs TL
    • abyss vs BLG
    • abyss, split vs DRG
    • abyss, split vs XLG
    • abyss, pearl vs TE
    • abyss, lotus vs NOVA

how it will go - EDG ban abyss, G2 ban bind, EDG pick haven, G2 pick pearl, EDG ban fracture, G2 ban split, lotus remains
haven, pearl, lotus
EDG, G2, G2
G2 2-1 EDG


DRX bans

  • pearl, split vs SEN
    • pearl, haven vs T1 (double ban)
    • pearl, bind vs T1
    • lotus, split vs GENG
    • bind, haven vs NS

VIT bans

  • pearl, lotus vs T1
    • pearl, abyss vs TL (double ban)
    • pearl, lotus vs TH
    • pearl, abyss vs FUT
    • pearl, lotus vs KC

how it will go - VIT ban pearl, DRX ban split, VIT pick haven, DRX pick abyss, VIT ban lotus, DRX ban bind, fracture remains
haven, abyss, fracture

posted 1 week ago

forget signing rossy LEV should just promote one of these guys

posted 2 weeks ago

too many people in this thread don't know playboy carti lore

posted 2 weeks ago

vyse util can't be destroyed by sova or raze > we need a new agent who can deal with vyse > oh hey yoru can tp past vyse or set her wall off with his clone > we shoud use yoru more often

posted 2 weeks ago

DRG got a funny lil dragon :)
also LEV has a really good logo

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

this is what happens when you sign magnus carlsen

posted 2 weeks ago

nah ito is a really good coach look at how lev turned around after the kicked goked and promoted itopata to head coach

posted 2 weeks ago
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