G2 will win Masters Bangkok (100%)
I am talking about future tournaments
I mean Peak EDG can destroy them but KK is nowhere near his peak in this tournament, Edg defeated G2 more like it was map issue + bad day of G2
VITALITY have potential but Sayf Igl is like C tier, he need to bring that to atleast A tier to defeat them
T1 have double duelist which is super easy to counter
Sen is finished
NRG? Idk
KC? They are like DRX 2.0 good starts but cannot adapt
DRX? nah overcooked project
PRX? Washed
Liquid? lol
100t? Have potential but boostio have to frag out
Heretics? most likely as they are still rookies who got over confident and unlucky but now they will have their hunger back
MIBR? Have to see how Synergy goes
I think Heretics and Edg are the only 2 teams who have potential/aimers to defeat G2 with good coaching staff