Who will defeat G2 in 2025?

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G2 will win Masters Bangkok (100%)

I am talking about future tournaments

I mean Peak EDG can destroy them but KK is nowhere near his peak in this tournament, Edg defeated G2 more like it was map issue + bad day of G2

VITALITY have potential but Sayf Igl is like C tier, he need to bring that to atleast A tier to defeat them

T1 have double duelist which is super easy to counter

Sen is finished

NRG? Idk

KC? They are like DRX 2.0 good starts but cannot adapt

DRX? nah overcooked project

PRX? Washed

Liquid? lol

100t? Have potential but boostio have to frag out

Heretics? most likely as they are still rookies who got over confident and unlucky but now they will have their hunger back

MIBR? Have to see how Synergy goes

I think Heretics and Edg are the only 2 teams who have potential/aimers to defeat G2 with good coaching staff


why are you giving me Smartest_Fan vibes


riot itself.nerf yoru breach and tejo


EG or Furia
since they do that
They are DOGSHIT the entire year and then one week they just feel like ruining someone's week for laughs

Aayan [#2]

why are you giving me Smartest_Fan vibes


That Stupid/Smart fan who predicted Liquid on top



G2 will lose steam.

NA always wins the first event, then hibernates for the rest of the year.




there will be a new agent, other agents will be nerfed and buffed and G2 will lose


No team can maintain this consistency in Val
There will be a meta like skye one where aim and fights are everything
This meta is util timing one(Breach tejo) which G2 masters at Bangkok
Riot will nerf a meta to male the game more interesting


you forgot stage 1 100t exists
we are the goats, winning stage 1 again
we will be better than g2


eras are not possible in this game

the best we’ve had is fnatic and it barely lasted a year. valorant is too volatile of a game due to new agents and constant meta shifts that it’s difficult for any team to be able to consistently be at the top

g2, as good as they are, are very VERY reliant on the current meta. once it inevitably shifts their adaptability will be tested and it’s very likely that they won’t show the same level of dominance we see now


by the time champs comes, EDG will be in peak form lol ... they will shit the bed at toronto trust ... NA wins 1st tournament of the year (classic) ... pacific wins 2nd and EDG wins champs ... lazy scriptwriters


Mate , the year just started, chill the fuck out, someone will beat them don't worry, now I don't mean to be rude, but imagine they don't win bangkok💀💀💀


We always see a random team emerge and become Gods, it's only a matter of time. For now g2 looks like the best tho.

Almighty [#6]

G2 will lose steam.

NA always wins the first event, then hibernates for the rest of the year.

I doubt G2 will win the tourney tho, their map pool is still hella shaky and i wasnt super convinced with the split considering how EDG was playing. Tho i think T1 will beat EDG today, if G2 end up losing itll likely only happen to EDG

shrike- [#11]

eras are not possible in this game

the best we’ve had is fnatic and it barely lasted a year. valorant is too volatile of a game due to new agents and constant meta shifts that it’s difficult for any team to be able to consistently be at the top

g2, as good as they are, are very VERY reliant on the current meta. once it inevitably shifts their adaptability will be tested and it’s very likely that they won’t show the same level of dominance we see now

it DIDNT last a year, not even barely. Arguably FNC were also only that dominant due to the start of franchising messing up a ton of rosters and overall lowering the competition whereas FNC had the greatest roster they had ever put together and so far likely the greatest roster in valorant history in terms of players

I feel like youre just yapping to yap here cause G2 are most definitely one of the least meta dependent rosters. Theyve been around for years and theyve had certain styles that they keep throughout the metas like Viper wall pressure and double smokes.
If anything G2 are particularly really bad with this tejo meta but Jonah being one of the top Breach players compensates for their lack of Tejo prep or Trents lack of adeptness on tejo

CarnageBTC [#12]

by the time champs comes, EDG will be in peak form lol ... they will shit the bed at toronto trust ... NA wins 1st tournament of the year (classic) ... pacific wins 2nd and EDG wins champs ... lazy scriptwriters

to believe EDG is gonna win champs again when theyre clearly struggling to stay consistent match to match just like they were before champs is the most delusional thing ive ever heard.
I love the fact that if EDG missed out winning champs by a few rounds no one would be glazing them like this nor expecting them to win anything this year

KClaw [#13]

Mate , the year just started, chill the fuck out, someone will beat them don't worry, now I don't mean to be rude, but imagine they don't win bangkok💀💀💀

Y'all don't have the vision

Bangkok is free for G2 unless KK decides to break kill record again which is highly unlikely


"peak edg" got owned by Icy


G2 are very adaptive team they can make consistency good enough

JustHunter [#17]

to believe EDG is gonna win champs again when theyre clearly struggling to stay consistent match to match just like they were before champs is the most delusional thing ive ever heard.
I love the fact that if EDG missed out winning champs by a few rounds no one would be glazing them like this nor expecting them to win anything this year

i need to have some faith on my team ... u can call it "delusional" and u maybe right ... but one thing i have learnt watching this team is that they are never gonna give up


KOI can Vamos KOI


prime heretics is their only kryptonite

CarnageBTC [#21]

i need to have some faith on my team ... u can call it "delusional" and u maybe right ... but one thing i have learnt watching this team is that they are never gonna give up

stating flatout that theyre winning champs and that the scriptwriters are lazy is copium not faith


Not gonna age well.

JustHunter [#24]

stating flatout that theyre winning champs and that the scriptwriters are lazy is copium not faith

yeah so be it ... whats ur problem in me coping lol ?


Once again, people acting like G2 are some unbeatable pinnacle of valorant because they have nerdge playbooks.

EDG already can beat them. They've made top 3 with everyone on the team except Chichoo underperforming. This team throws one Bo3 and everyone starts acting like they're in Madrid form.

Besides them and T1, any high-level team that dedicates time to counter-stratting is gonna have a shot. It could be DRX, it could be VIT, it could be 100T, hell even a peak game from KRÜ or Loud or something.

Let's wait till any roster wins three trophies before acting like they're unstoppable.

JustHunter [#16]

it DIDNT last a year, not even barely. Arguably FNC were also only that dominant due to the start of franchising messing up a ton of rosters and overall lowering the competition whereas FNC had the greatest roster they had ever put together and so far likely the greatest roster in valorant history in terms of players

I feel like youre just yapping to yap here cause G2 are most definitely one of the least meta dependent rosters. Theyve been around for years and theyve had certain styles that they keep throughout the metas like Viper wall pressure and double smokes.
If anything G2 are particularly really bad with this tejo meta but Jonah being one of the top Breach players compensates for their lack of Tejo prep or Trents lack of adeptness on tejo

are we watching the same game? g2 has perfected the tejo breach comp and looks to be the only team to use it to its fullest. it’s clear they’re comfortable on it because they use it on every map.

i’m also not saying that g2 without tejo breach are complete ass, they’d still be one of if not the best team in americas and the world even without it. however, this meta is what makes them not just good, but dominant — once the meta shifts, that dominance will be tested and it’s likely they won’t have the same level of performance we’re seeing now

the team is world class, the current meta is what makes them the best in the world. same happened with optic and chamber, edg and neon, etcetera. different teams shine in different metas

bees [#27]

Once again, people acting like G2 are some unbeatable pinnacle of valorant because they have nerdge playbooks.

EDG already can beat them. They've made top 3 with everyone on the team except Chichoo underperforming. This team throws one Bo3 and everyone starts acting like they're in Madrid form.

Besides them and T1, any high-level team that dedicates time to counter-stratting is gonna have a shot. It could be DRX, it could be VIT, it could be 100T, hell even a peak game from KRÜ or Loud or something.

Let's wait till any roster wins three trophies before acting like they're unstoppable.

G2 have a strong core
They could go to deep run even in Champs 2024 but they didn't becoz leaf and Trent was not fragging and icy was not bailing them out

This tourney they have jawgemo who is far better than him

Moreover metawise they all are very flexible

  • Good coaching staff
The_Preacher [#29]

G2 have a strong core
They could go to deep run even in Champs 2024 but they didn't becoz leaf and Trent was not fragging and icy was not bailing them out

This tourney they have jawgemo who is far better than him

Moreover metawise they all are very flexible

  • Good coaching staff

Okay but you can say this about many teams that are dominant at any given moment and end up falling off, let alone one that hasn't won multiple trophies (or even a single one) yet.


EDG when they 3-1 them in grands.

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