They are one of the worst types of Valorant players.
- They give no coms
- Simp (But they are going to act misogyni to hide that)
- Homophobic.
- Childsh
- Toxic and team trash talker
- Will trow racial stuff at you.
- Troller.
- Act edgy
- Huge ego even when they prob get bullied at school.
If u are a discord teenager, hear me out, go live a social life, these type of thinking is due to you not living and form a buuble of losers like you.
This thing is why u have no friends at school and university.
Ik this is kinda sudenly, but I was just remenbering the amount of losers like this I had seen on Valorant.
In Brazil at least there is a lot like this, which are really sad, since they are not usefull menbers of society.