mibr kru liquid top 4 lmao
shorter off season and more events is what we need. first tournament always so shit except lockin because we saw FNATIC prove their high level for the rest of the year
was pretty clear that loud only lost lock in because they were playing with two rookies while fnatic had been scrimming for 4 months, the "best team" of 2023 was completely outclassed by loud without that advantage, lost a regional to liquid, evil geniuses won champions, their tokyo run where prx who was also better than them at champs had a sub
all of the above doesnt even matter because EG won champions and were the best team of 2023, what weight does champions have if not to crown the best team of the year?
fnatic was the best team of 2023, thats not an opinion, thats factual, everyone agreed with it, even the NA players/teams and casters/talent so i dunno why you are even arguing, and FYI Loud were the only team with a chance to beat Fnatic, even Derke said in a podcast that they knew if they beat Loud they werent losing to PRX or EG
"im going to ignore all your points and say fnatic is the best team because in my made up world if they werent worse than loud they definitely would be better than the teams that beat loud according to their own player"
derke doesnt know if they would beat eg or prx, fnatic didnt look GOOD at champs, they were shaky at best vs drx and the only impressive win was vs fut lol (THEY PLAYED ZETA AND BILLI TO QUALIFY)
just extremely biased, retarded, no supporting argument except previous nostalgia, remove the nostalgia fnatic beat a loud with no experience, prx with a streamer, and lost horribly at champions when it mattered only beating some of the worst teams at the event
My problem with that shitty Champions>Masters argument is that the people who try to use it to prove EG was better will then say Optic was the best team in 2022
I thought the counter argument was pretty evident but i guess your brain just cant hack it so ill try to dumb it down.....theres a reason no other team has ever won 2 internationals in a row, that level of consistency at a top level is way harder to obtain than simply peaking at the right time and winning champs
You understand it now or shall i draw up a dumbed down picture for you?
I dont understand the logic behind this line if thought. All these teams won fair and square against opponents everyone agrees are good, yet they were clearly better than them and improved a lot during the tournament. Does the first game determine the level of the team and everything that comes after is a fluke? Improving is just not a thing?