kickoff clown event

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My problem with that shitty Champions>Masters argument is that the people who try to use it to prove EG was better will then say Optic was the best team in 2022
I thought the counter argument was pretty evident but i guess your brain just cant hack it so ill try to dumb it down.....theres a reason no other team has ever won 2 internationals in a row, that level of consistency at a top level is way harder to obtain than simply peaking at the right time and winning champs
You understand it now or shall i draw up a dumbed down picture for you?


optic wasnt the best team in 2022 either lol

your argument is poor, i explained why above, they didnt even beat the best versions of those teams at lock in or tokyo, they were WORSE than both EG and LOUD at champs, were worse than prx too lol

so let me ask you a question, what is harder to obtain, a champions trophy where EVERY team is at their best or two trophies where fnatic peaked at the right time against teams with substitutes, visa issues, and rookies?? Or does that argument only work for you

stop replying retard just say youre sorry, say thanks for teaching me and move on loser


nah its legit scary how much of a moron you are....like unseen levels of stupid.
Winning 2 events in a row isnt "peaking at the right time" its being consistent for 4+ months you imbecile and last i checked Demon1 played the entirety of Tokyo so there was only 1 visa issue that entire year and oh just because "Gamergirl" declares it that all teams are at their best at champs doesnt actually make it true, or maybe we should go tell that NRG team that despite being at their best they still got mopped twice by billy
Theres funny stupid and annoying stupid and im afraid you are the latter


still no argument, did fnatic not scrim 4 months before loud, did eg not practice without demon1 until a day before tokyo lol, did prx not play with a sub? what issue did any team have at champs

stop replying bro these arent arguments, youre fishing for upvotes when nobody cares, just make an argument or leave

idc if you agree or not, but if youre gonna reply atleast present an argument lol, youre just repeating that everyone thinks fnatic was the best so they are, whether you like it or not champions was the only event where no team can make a complaint

nobody is even calling lock in or tokyo mickey mouse, but champions will hold more weight, sorry


"still no argument" shortbus could be staring at a skyscraper sized argument that his little steam powered brain would still muster up the strength to say "no argument?"
Go back to your shit takes on G8, this whole "moron who thinks hes an intellectual" schtick isnt really as entertaining


skyscraper sized argument is that in your made up world winning two tournaments against competition that beat you when they werent held back by things out of their control

stop replying retard this is embarassing lol

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