Flag: Brazil
Registered: July 24, 2024
Last post: March 31, 2025 at 5:07 PM
Posts: 426
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literally everything is his fault yeah

posted 52 minutes ago

what the FUCK are these odds bro this should be 1.05 x 10 😭😭😭😭😭

posted 6 hours ago

nah bro he gets to ascendent at the very least with relative ease then spends some more time getting to imortal and stays hard-stuck in immortal 2 peaking immortal 3 rarely, thats only if he really tries and spends a lot of time in ranked thou, like a month

posted 6 days ago

its unfortunate he decided to play competitively on 2025 again tbh i liked him much more as a streamer his watchparties are undeniably the best in NA

posted 6 days ago

impression farm at its finest. Honestly good job, most people wont even notice what you did until its too late. Its genius honestly

posted 1 week ago

as i said, interchangeable.

posted 1 week ago

FNS is individually the worst player on the league. Other players are good but none are even top 3 on their roles in the region right now, maybe mada you can argue is a top 3 duelist but thats about it

posted 1 week ago

basically a ranking of the teams based on how good their individuals are

01 - G2
02 - SEN
03 - MIBR
04 - LOUD
05 - KRU
06 - 100T
07 - LEV
08 - NRG
09 - C9
10 - EG
11 - FURIA
12 - 2G

Top 7 to 4 and top 3 to 1 are interchangeable

posted 1 week ago

I think they are so obsessed with the meta that they are forgetting to make their players feel comfortable on their roles, that just goes to everyone. Demon1 is literally their 4th best Viper player yet he is having to play it because they think Tejo and Yoru are a must-have in all maps even thou Icebox is quite literally the only exception for this

posted 1 week ago

"starting to look like" bro you are late to the party

posted 1 week ago

their roles are all over the place which is the teams management's fault to be honest. You cant just sign Demon1 and have no fucking ideia what to do with him. Granted at some point you gotta start doubting Demon1 himself but im not doing that just yet since in the few opportunities he had to play Jett he did pretty good

posted 1 week ago

honestly will be close. G2 looked shaky against FURIA and MIBR barely breaked a sweat to beat LEV.

55-45 for G2 i think

posted 1 week ago

People underestimate how good he is. That kid is absolutely never leaving Tier 1 again for the rest of his career even if the BR teams troll and dont pick him. He grabbed the NA ranked top 1 pretty much instantly when he got to LA and people there are literally dodging games and running from the queues when he's online LMAO

posted 1 week ago

already looking infinitely better than kickoff, Zap is shouting at people again and Spikez will comeback for stage 2. We'll have a generational improvement this season i can feel it

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Less has to be here somewhere, bro takes every possible fight in the server as a sentinel/controller

posted 1 week ago

unironically offseason and regular season c9 is by far the most consistently good team in valorant history, i bet they have less than like 10 losses all-time if you remove playoffs games

posted 1 week ago

i would bet all the money in the fucking world C9 is winning the NRG game. The other results im not as sure

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Waylay is good, people just dont know how to use her. Everyone thought Yoru was shit but now he is the most played duelist, not because of a buff but because players learned to play with him, Waylay will be the same

posted 2 weeks ago

In terms of pure crazyness FNC Crashies, MIBR Aspas and KC Saadhak have to be up there. If we are talking purely hype thou i guess you have to include NRG Demon1 + Ethan and obviously VIT Derke + Less

posted 2 weeks ago

they definitely matter? Why the hell wouldnt they? By this logic Aspas is currently in the same level of Icy, Dambi, Whzy or any other random duelist that didnt win internationals in the past 3 years. Im sure you dont even agree with yourself because you gotta be really fucking stupid to believe this, like unbelievably so. Also Jawgemo had nowhere near the same level of success Aspas had in the last year so even by your own distorted logic what you are saying makes no sense

posted 2 weeks ago

I mean its either 2023 or 2024, but i think 2024 aspas had more impact on his team's success

that being said, he already had the best bo3 performance of all time this year, so 2025 might be even better for aspas, somehow.

posted 2 weeks ago

YES and this is only going to be a bigger problem for the game as time goes on if riot continues to drop agents that have fucking world-ending utility like Tejo or Breach.

posted 3 weeks ago

Aspas literally runs MIBR bro. If he wakes up and tells the ORG "drop everyone else and sign 4 Trust in Plug players or i'll leave" they will do it trust me

posted 3 weeks ago

I've been telling people that ORG is jinxed for a long time now and they called me a madman

posted 3 weeks ago

So at first i was a big hater of this move, not only because it seemingly made no sense from the outside but also because it fucks with the team comms + the whole NRG drama etc etc.

However, after some time to get to terms with this, i dont think its as bad as i initially thought, or even bad at all. Dont get me wrong, i still think its more likely for this move to not work, but there is still hope.

For starters, Verno is a better player than NZR in pretty much every aspect of the game. He is also much younger, so he can still improve even further. Of course i always knew this, i was a hater of the move because i thought the negatives would greatly surpass the positives. But, maybe not all is doomed.

Yes, we will have to comm in English, but its not that big of a deal in the long run as soon as everyone gets used to it. Also once Verno dies ingame whe can all speak in comfortable portuguese again. As for the Verno not talking thing like listen maybe thats just a NRG problem since that ORG has been cursed for a long time now. Maybe the change of environment does well for Verno, maybe he learns his lessons and starts properlly comming... idk i might be just coping but now i genuinely think this move CAN work even if it doesnt look like it initially

posted 3 weeks ago

im currently on chapter 1127 and yeah no i take back everything i said before this arc is amazing and Mordret is the fucking GOAT

posted 3 weeks ago

you think the story gets worse as time goes on? thats kinda underwhelming, thou im inclined to agree the arc im at right now is maybe the worst one yet but its still good

posted 3 weeks ago

nah bro it never bothered me that much as well, i always liked her. Of course i understand Sunny's hatred towards her for that but that doesnt mean i should feel the same. I thought Sunny would never get over what she did but i really liked how the author slowly made him forgive her without him even realizing

posted 3 weeks ago

YES BRO OH MY GOD Sunny is a really good character but sometimes he does blatantly out of characther things because the author wants him to be somewhere or do something he shouldnt and instead of coming up with good excuses he just makes Sunny look hypocritical. Its frustrating but i can overlook it because its really the only annoying thing i noticed so far, everything else is really good

posted 3 weeks ago

damn bro 150 chapters a day is absolutely insane 😭💀, i cant blame you thou its really that good. Forgotten Shore especifically is so fucking peak its crazy. The end had me flabbergasted staring at my screen for 10 minutes straight

posted 3 weeks ago

i enjoy the slow-burn type romance a lot, but only when i can sprint through the chapters and read as many of them as i want. Im gonna be really sad if i get to the weeklies and shit is stagnated still

posted 3 weeks ago

I understand what you are saying but i dont really agree. Sunny knew he would live anyway so him taking a spot on the ship made no sense. As for the others i mean i agree its a bit unrealistic for people to sacrifice themselves for random strangers but isnt that essentially what they were doing since the beginning anyway? Risking their lives to save the people of Antarctica? I personally like these slightly unrealistic but believable moments of sacrifice in stories a lot, but i can relate to your feelings

posted 3 weeks ago

nah TBATE is good. The first 80 or so chapters are kinda mid but everything after that is actually really good, the story matures a lot

posted 3 weeks ago

i mean i havent read any chinese novels so cant answer, its definitely a progression fantasy with a lot of asian culture inspirations thou...

About the webcomic idk i heard something but i thought it wasnt official

posted 3 weeks ago

its a webnovel. It is similar in a lot of ways but believe me its WAY better, not even close. I like solo leveling but i cant argue with anything you just said. Shadow Slave the MC is really strong but not unreasonably so + he has lots of personality, in fact he has so much personality he pisses me off sometimes but i still really like him nonetheless, he's a great character. SS premise is cliche and saturated but believe me the actual story and plot is anything but, i never fucking know what is gonna happen

posted 3 weeks ago

nah bro at least where i am right now it has been pretty much the MC POV the entire time with some rare and very brief exceptions. I havent read LOTM maybe i should one day

posted 3 weeks ago

bro is in the authors mind 😭😭😭😭 its not even finishid yet

posted 3 weeks ago

any readers? Im currently on chapter 1187 and god this series is sooooo good but i rarely see people talking about it. LOTM for example is way more talked about even thou SS places higher in many popularity and even rating rankings. Hell LOTM is even getting an anime adaptation, where is this love for SS? Seriously a Shadow Slave anime would go so hard especially in the visuals if done well, shit might be one of the best series ive ever read worldbuilding-wise

posted 3 weeks ago

individually sure, Leo is better. Legacy-wise? A big fat no, not even close. Thats all im saying.

posted 1 month ago

yeah zellsis, you will can him shit too? So you think John, Tenz and Zekken are literally the only good players on that SEN roaster? LMAO bro you dont even hide your biases, no team can win anything relevant having two people playing bad all the time, that just goes to show that you dont understand what you are talking about at all. And yes, if c0m had won champs 2024, he would inevitably be in the initiator GOAT conversasions. Guess what, thats what GREATEST means. Winning titles is a great achievement as far as im concerned, being the ONLY one in history with a masters and champions? thats even greater.

posted 1 month ago

Why are you so mad lil bro? Its not Veri from VLR saying he is one of the greatest in the game's history oh no believe me, everyone fucking agrees with this, pro players, casters, streamers, majority of other vlr users, YOU are the outlier here bud, not me

posted 1 month ago

"unarguably sen's worst player" not true. You can say he was the worst player but "unarguably" is a just untrue as he was by far the most clutch player on that team and had unparalleled importance for Sentinels outside of the server. Also "saying he's more decorated doesn't contribute anything since it's a team game" is the most bullshit argument i have ever heard LOL guess what, he won two international trophies in two entirely different teams, speaking two different languages, if you think that shouldnt be counted for anything you are just not even worth arguing with

posted 1 month ago

his gekko is thou? hell you could even say he is THE best gekko of all time. Who has had more impact on that agent than him?

posted 1 month ago

i dont think the gap between leo and sacy is all that big to be honest, im not even sure if there is a gap at all

Leo is a better player for sure but Sacy is more condecorated and just in general has a bigger legacy

posted 1 month ago

Up there but not quite the definite first place, it would be between him and like Chronicle, Derke, Sacy and Aspas

posted 1 month ago

we all know its between VIT and EDG for this trophy, so good for G2 but play time is over

posted 1 month ago

bro got downvoted for saying the truth

posted 1 month ago

Well, what can i say

posted 1 month ago
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