+++Ok, let’s look at agents, I Usually I do a tierlist, but for this time I want to break out this rôle per roles because I think it’s more relevant. But before we start, i’ve seen somethind really really weird, usually when I look at the agent, some agent are strong on the map and other agent are weak on the map, whatever the rest of composition is, but on Lotus it seems it’s not the case, some agent seems horible with a precise composition but amazing with another composition
Let’s just start with the most complex rôle to analysis in general, the agent that is not the main diver, not the main reveal, not the sentinel not the main controller : the last agent that people usually call flex, and that usually define the archetype of the composition, and I hate that term, usually on this cathegorie the debate is Breach and Kayo versus Viper, and on this map it’s pretty clear, it’s 42 % Pickrate for breach and 45 % NonMirror Winrate wish is almost significantly bad, versus Viper and her 40 % Pickrate but a 54 % NonMirror Winrate, she seems to be the good choice here, but they are other intresting option, it’s the cathegorie with the most diversity afterall. With the alternative flasher you, Phonix, Reyna and Kayo have almost no plays, next. About 2nd smoker, Astra is the other choice against Viper, 5 % Pickrate, but 55 % Winrate before her up, so expect her to see mush more on the replacing either Viper or even the main smoker. But now we still have 3 agent in this categorie, Iso that have a really low pickrate, Sage that also have a low pickrate but again, a good winrate and finally Deadlock, with 5 % Pickrate and a Winrate under 50 %. Conclusion, the choice of this 5th agent will define the archetype of your composition, and as we see in archetypes data, the best choice seems to be a 2nd controller, so either Viper or an Astra. But you see with other categories, things will be a little bit more complex.
Now lets look at reveal, and you know how I want that every team got at least one reveal, And weirdly enough, this seems the most complex rôle and the most intresting one to study, usually, interraction between agent doesnt matter, wish mean usually you just pick the agent that is the best in their rôle on a specific map, but thats not the case here, you see… On Lotus, reveal create a paradoxe because the agent that are used in the best archetype have a bad winrate, and the agent that have the best winrate is picked only in the worst main archtype, so the best choice of reveal highly depend on the rest of the composition. (Add the winrate of the 2 archetypes)
Fade is the one that have the most pick with 59 % Pickrate, but a Nonmirrorwinrate slightly under 50 % she is the most versatile of the agents, but she seems to have no situation where she is the best choice. The good surprise here, is Sova wish have 16 % pickrate and 60 % NonMirrorWirate that IS significant, they are only 2 % of chance that his amazing winrate is because of luck, but what is weird… Is that Sova is never played with the doble controller archetype that he is supposed to be the best, he is played with the doble initiator archetype, wish mean he allow this archetype to be good, and even Breach to have his chance thanks to him. Then we have Geko with 16 % Pickrate and Skye with 11 % Pickrate and both got a bad winrate so they are supposed to be not a good pick BUT… When they are played in a doble controller composition, Gekko have 55 % non MirrorWinrate and Skye ave 60 ! So conclusion : as reveal you can pick Fade by default but that may not be the best choice. If you want to go doble initiator you have to pick Sova. And if you want to go doble controller, then Skye may stay the best choice.
But now let’s look at the divers, that also see some paradoxes, and the most picked agent is Raze with 74 % Pickrate but an horrible nonmirrorwinrate of 43 %, but when we look closer we can see her bad Winrate is only with doble initiator composition, and she got 43 % NonMirrorWinrate with doble initiator composition but And she got 54 % Non Mirror Winrate with doble smoker composition and is the best duelist with that composition. Neon is in positive with 19 % Pickrate and 54 % Non Mirror Winrate, buuuuut, Neon was hardly nerf so…. RIP… Jett is in negative with 8 % Pickrate, so you probably think she is bad buuut in fact when you look in detail, you can see when she is solo Duelist in doble initiator composition she has 61 % Non Mirror Winrate, and she is 24 % Non mirror Winrate when she is played as a doble Duelist, so Jett isn’t bad, Her Winrate was just been destroyed by doble duelist pick. And you know what is the funniest : when she is pair with Sova and Breach, her winrate reach 65 % Non Mirror Winrate, Better than when Raze is pair with Sova. The same Phenomenon kinda occur for Yoru, but he has less data so better stick to Jett. Conclusion even if she Raze have a significant bad winrate… Well, is be the best option here if you plays her with 2 controllers, but if you want to play Sova with Breach… Then it’s seems it’s better to go to Jett…
Let’s continue with the easiest rôle to analysis on Lotus : Usually the sentinel debate is Cypher versus Killjoy and the debate is really clear, Killjoy is far better, she has more pick, have a good Winrate while Cypher have a bad winrate before his nerf. The 2 of them cover 89 % Pickrate, but some other agent can be intresting option, Chamber doesnt have a lot of play but did receive a lot of success, and Vyze wasn’t release yet, and I do beleive she is strong. Deadlock wasn’t played as a solo Sentinel so I won’t talk about her now, and composition without a Sentinel didn’t do great, except maybe Doble Initiator and Dobol Sentinel archetype. Conclusion pick Killjoy is the default choice, but if you want a flasher, Vyze may be the best option right now, Chamber is also an option if your sentinel love the agent.
Lets look at main smokers, Omen was 97 % Pickrate, and got a good winrate, but he was nerf, so does he stays best pick ? Well Brim and Harbor didn’t saw anypick, Clove have 5 % pickrate and an excellent winrate, she might be an hidden broken pick, but not sure. And Astra… Well, on this map, weirdly enough she barely had anypick in solosmoker, but with the up she might saw more pick in that domain. Conclusion as main smoker pick Omen, Astra or maybe even Clove depending on your preference.