As usual, you can't read so I talk. Today Lotus meta :
tldw ;
- 2 most used comp is 2 controller + I Sentinel and 2 initiator + I Sentinel
- Best composition is 2 controller + I Sentinel
- Sova got amazing result and kinda save the 2 initiator + I Sentinel composition
- Best doble ctrl comp : Raze/Vipr/Skye/Kjoy/Omen
- Best doble init comp : Jett/Brch/Sova/Kjoy/Omen
- Fade can replace Skye, Vyze can replace Kjoy
- The paradox is that Sova strong (60% NMWR significant), 2C-1S comp are strong but they are not play together
- Another paradox is that agent have horrible winrate with precise comp and amazing winrate with otther (wish sisnt happen in other maps)
What do you think about Tejo on this map ?