tejo making sentinels useless (stupid take)

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this take doesn't make sense, it's still the same if you play sova, you can break sentinel util with sova too, so it doesn't change anything

also it's not like you know where the sentinel util is

the main use of sentinel util is to give information and control space, obviously once you break the util, players will be alerted and keep a check on the space
it's just easier to break util since tejo is point and click and sova is lineups but you still need to know the position of the sentinel setup

at the pro level, tejo breaking util using his rechargeable or sova shocking makes literally no difference since all pro players know lineups and can create on the fly shocks

shocks are also used as fail safe to clear any util that might be present and since that is the case you don't see any obvious trips or bots anymore or you see slightly different ones which do not break but compromise some information like the ascent kj mid bot, people still shock that and kj players just pull it back a little which comprises their information but it's still present

now one counter might be trips which are unique and not expected which you can't really shock, but you can't really tejo rechargeable it since you DONT know it's position

tldr: this take that tejo is making sentinels useless is kinda stupid, and as a high level initiator player myself it pains me that people think this way


Blud can break kj ult,ith one molly what u talkin about ?


that's the only part which is busted, this doesn't correlate with my post as kj ult is not related to info
this post is about info gathering and space controlling ability of sentinels
also tejo only fucks kj ult which is a weird one agent counter


But tejos abilities recharges which makes it stronger in a default. If you can consistently break enemy sentinel utility in a default he will be strong


? you only can break sentinel util once, ALSO YOU DONT KNOW where the util is present
again stupid take
this can be done with sova shock


are you bronze? when abilities recharge it means you want to use them earlier on in the default bc you get them back and can use them later (its not like the ability can only be used for breaking utility) and in high level play you can vod review the team you are going to play and learn their set ups i know it might be hard to understand but even if you dont break the utility you are still clearing out a common place for it and get the ability back in 45 sec


very stupid take
doesn't correlate with anything I have said, nowhere is this post comparing tejo as an agent, it's his interactions with sentinel and their space controlling utility
please try again
"vod review setups" this guy is stupid
yes the common place thing was stated in my post if only you would learn to read

shocks are also used as fail safe to clear any util that might be present and since that is the case you don't see any obvious trips or bots anymore or you see slightly different ones

if people could just "vod review" and find out sentinel setups, sentinels would be useless, it's the unpredictability that makes them what they are
but then again expected by a g2 fan


im convinced you are rage baiting but ill give it another try. well tejo doesnt make sentinels useless he when played well (which this agent is extremely easy to play) punishes sentinels for using common utility placements. when you break sentinel utility it creates gaps you say you can go check on them but a good team can exploit this. the difference between tejo and sova is tejo gets the ability multiple times in a round and the ease of use. lineups that arent possible on sova bc of a roof are possible with tejo. also what i said before does 100% correlate to what you were responding to the other with. and if you dont think teams vod review defensive set ups and pay attention to where teams put their utility πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ seriously you might need to rethink your ability to have any opinion on anything in this game. also unrelated but have fun getting on your drone and immediately having 2 seeking missiles heading for your ass.


vod review and find setups LMAOOO


Let's take ascent for example. Tejo will not be played on ascent because of the meta and ascent not even in the pool, but let's just say you rocket the default b main turret and default market alarm bot every round. Eventually, teams will have to not place their util there or it will get insta destroyed, while in 40 seconds you get your util back snd van run an exec. I'm not saying he's broken in destroying sentinel util but the recharge ability makes him better at it then sova in that regard.


yes, teams literally do that and place their sentinel util in not so obvious spots, please maybe vod review a tier 1 ascent game and you will see the kj alarmbot being pulled back a little
the turret is placed in front of b main to take b main contact, and teams already use kj mollies to break that shit and in literally the next round you see the position of the turret is changed


I've watched it but using both shock darts at the start of every round isn't something you commonly see. It's a different method that can find more value, but honestly, if we're talking about initiators that counter sentinels you don't need to look amy further than kayo. Although tejos drone also suppresses which adds to it. Kayo>tejo>sova for countering sentinel util


they also use kj mollies, only one sova dart is used at the start


You're right imo besides the kj ult interaction he's actually kinda useless unless you don't have many setups but then just play sova his suppress is actually kinda bad if I'm honest since while it has range it also needs line of sight so either shoot the drone or get out of vision


these new agents coming here thinking they're hot shit but my goat sova will always prevail


The thing about Tejo is that his drone can tell you exactly where the trips are unless it's broken (i.e. if the defender reveals their position) and you can use that information to break any sentinel util with extreme accuracy.

Whereas with Sova, his drone can't see senti util unless it's very close to it, and even then there's a decent chance your shock dart is slightly off (unless you're unbelievable at Sova, which some of the pros are, but regardless it's realistically not gonna be perfect all of the time).

The way I see it, Sova's drone excels at clearing corners, but Tejo's drone is much, MUCH better at clearing sentinel utility, and Tejo's mollies can be extremely accurate, much more so than Sova's shock darts.


it's based on line of sight which is just winging it , if it's the weak site (most probably sentinel sites are weak site), then the cypher or kj would play off ther util and in safe position
if you want to suppress and find out util, kayo is much better anyway
the second paragraph is just a wrong argument which takes into account human error, which is not valid imo
you're whole argument relies on accuracy and human error, so a good sova player should clear any day of the week


That's for the suppression. I'm not talking about that, I'm just talking about using the mollies to break the stuff


yeah but sova can do the same stuff, now accuracy is a different argument which imo is not valid here


"this take doesn't make sense, it's still the same if you play sova, you can break sentinel util with sova too"
The problem isnt that he broke her trip, the problem is that he can break her ult. Sova can do it only with ult, with arrow its doable but almost impossible

Killjoy is played only because of her ult, the map she is pick is the map where she has gamebreaker ult, remove KJ ult and sentinel pickrate will drop. Tejo can without costing almost anything (refillable util) break her ult so yeah she counter the last remaining played sentinel
The actual situation of sentinel is :

  • Deadlock is horrble
  • Cypher is ass because of the nerf (for legitimate reason)
  • Main strength of KJ is her ult (That Tejo destroy)
  • Chamber is Chamber
  • Sage is never played (underrated but not a sentinel)
  • Vyze is the hidden broken pick

On 2024 Split 2 (So before Tejo and Cyph nerf) Composition without sentinel have an amazing Winrate overall (Fucking 54% NMWR), before Tejo having 0 senitnel where already a good call, but now the only 2 played Sentinel in 2024 are nerf or heavily countered by Tejo, then we will see mush more 0-sentinel composition.

tldr ; Before Tejo and Cyph nerf : and 0-Sent comp where already good, after Tejo and Cyph nerf, 0-Sent will be even stronger (And thats good becasue Sentinels are not really sane agents in Val)


kj counter is a weird one agent counter doesn't make sense to factor in anomalies
sure kj is fucked i agree, but people will just play other agents and tejo will not be that good then
cypher isn't ass, people rarely play cypher for kill trips in pro play, it's the information that matters, if you don't agree with that then idk what to tell you


But beside Vyze, KJ was the only good sentinel, Cypher prenerf was 48% NMWR.
Why does play another senitnel if none of them are good and you can fully go 2 init, 2 ctrl ? (That have 55% NMWR) Or Even 2 duel 2 ctrl (that have 52% NMWR)


don't get me wrong, i like where you're going with the no sentinel comps. it's just tejo WILL NOT be the reason for this switch, hell i would prefer triple initiator.
the reason for no sentinel comps is either double smokes being relevant or double initiator popping off


"it's just tejo WILL NOT be the reason for this switch"
I partially agree with that. It's multifactorial, and Tejo is the last huge nail in the coffin. (and maybe the biggest one)
But I agree Tejo alone isnt enough to explain it


why do you keep quoting 😭😭😭 is this a french thing


Noooo I just want to be precise to what I'm answering T.T


Americans trying to comprehend grammar:


Holy fuck how much are u all writing, allat , only thing I will say yeah it does but so yeah it does bring some extra fun into the meta as now people will be forced to switch comps and shake the meta

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