I could see your point until Leo. Literally won 2/3 international events in 2023 and was within Top 4 for Champs of that year. Not the best example to support your case since he was nearly 3 for 3 on internationals. Other than that, I agree since initiators benefit from setting up the team the most. However, in the worst case scenario when your team or strategy book is not working, you need the firepower to take over when someone else is simply not hitting their shots. It's why Leo is arguably an anomaly since he has some of the best util and can frag hard if need be.
Also, I know this is more of a nitpick, but it feels weird saying JonahP will win more than trent when they're on the same team. Maybe if they go separate ways who knows since it definitely requires a good system to help enable all of the actions in a round to work - fragging, setting up the frags, etc.
To be fairly honest, the best teams that win are the ones who have a system that works for all the players. Initiators are just part of that in a big way, but the system needs all parts working. You can't have amazing initiator util if your duelist is not playing off of it properly or dies before you can even let him use it properly.