it isnt just a random thing that orgs are pulling out, its a mix of lack of security from riot but also the fact that the economy right now is doing really bad, and generally NA suffers from the economy side and EMEA suffers from the job security side
as the economy doesnt improve, youll see more and more orgs pulling out, something you cant fix within the valorant ecosystem and thus unavoidable
Also as a counter point to unpaid players not performing, look at turtle troop. They werent signed, played great and then got signed. Thats the way tier 2 valorant works for NA, thats why NA will be fine. It happened in the first year of franchising for NA as well, many teams got picked up after the season started. Other regions will have unsigned teams do great but they have such bad prospects because they have to win their league, or if not get second then play in playins, win those playins which are pretty much a full tournament by, play a full tournament after winning playins when teams now have even more footage of you. Winning pretty much 2 tournaments back to back is brutal compared to the NA way. Thats why NA is fine, stop paying your players tier 1 salaries if you dont want to go bankrupt after being in valorant for 2 years. Thats all NA needs really. Tier 2 players need to be less greedy and be happy they are playing a game as their job, stop asking for absurd salaries when you arent a tier 1 pro