Jinggg is an asset for VCT, dropping him will result in the Faria files to be leaked...
could be that jingg mom might have invested a shit ton of money in the team
because his mom is a great asset :)
bcuz jingg = clout = capsule sales = money for org = no reason to kick him if he makes money for them
cutie potato
cutie patootie
cutieee potatoootie
being a cutie potato does not win you trophies
but cutie :3 :3 :3
he avoided military service, avoiding getting kicked from a video game org is a piece of cake for his family
they don't need to necessarily kick jinggg out tho, they can just keep him as a content creator like how he was during prx's madrid run
Bc he is the only Singaporean player and the org is based in singapore
SG has better players than Jingg lol it’s not like he is the only Singaporean
i mean that plus jingg is prob the most popular singaporean player, the tenz effect for him