Well top 4 teams do get champs points so it’s not all for nothing.
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Registered: | March 24, 2024 |
Last post: | February 20, 2025 at 9:40 AM |
Posts: | 156 |
Well top 4 teams do get champs points so it’s not all for nothing.
I mean N4rrate was legit crying after the match vs Loud cause he wasn’t performing well, I think Kaplan had to calm him down. The mental is definitely not in the right spot currently.
I think Sen will win the B03 and qualify to Bangkok but lose in the B05 rematch to G2 in the grand finals
Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Lukxo turn 18 in March?
Will he be available for Stage 1 to replace Tuyz or does he still need to get his visa stuff sorted
if N4rrate locks in Sen have a shot imo. I think if current form sen can take a map of G2 thats a good sign but the players need to be much sharper against G2 or its cooked.
natanK on raze and Demon1 on Brim/astra should be the move cause my goat is finished on raze.
NRG fix (non roster related)
Step 1: Trade each other (requires playing with each other)
Step 2: Stop force buying after losing a pistol (can be avoided if 5 vs 3 advantages in the pistol rounds are not choked aka step 1.
Step 3: Verno not holding the most insane angles possible and dying instantly. (T2 behavior buddy has the aim but holy he needs to be disciplined)
Step 4: FNS going -5 instead of -30 (aka be bad but don’t be a walking orb)
TLDR; Stop Ego buying guns when your dogshit at pistols and fucking trade each each for heavens sake and have some concept of team synergy, Teach Verno this ain’t T2 any more and teach FNS to play better than a Ascendent Lobby player in VCT.
He has no awareness of timings and his lurkings are so bad man
Sea is not bad, They all have the choking genes inherited from PRX unfortunately.
PRX, Talon, RRQ are all good enough to beat most of the Korean teams but they usually overheat and choke.
We choked Lotus and we got lucky They choked Pearl. N4rrate on Breach is just not it imo put him on skye, gekko, or fade anything but Breach.
KC are playing Harbor on Lotus their trolling my guy.
Gx just comp diffed them hard, there is no "depth" here
This is a shitshow brother
It’s probably gonna be much better for viewership this year
SR GC qualifying = more women and marginalized genders watching the league
Shopify rebellion = Ludwig viewers will watch most likely if he viewer parties
Cubert academy= hopefully Tarik watches the games
This is what happens when you realease a new agent 2 weeks before the start of a tournament with 2 new maps in the pool. The quality will just not be as good because teams have to change all their plans now.
Americas had a few visa issues as wlel which also likely make some teams play worse.
There are several reason why the Pacific and Americas leagues are struggling in particular:
Japanese teams are playing poorly and it is one of the largest contributors to Pacific viewership so less incentive to watch when your region is bad.
Tenz is gone (Many people from Asia including many Japanese fans used to tune into Americas to watch sentinels and most of them are loyal to Tenz- not sentinels(there was a 92% Drop in Japanese viewership for Vct Americas this kickoff compared to the previous one)
The Japanese T2 league is by FAR the most popular T2 region they peaked at nearly 220k viewers in VCL Japan 2024: Split 2 so it probably explains a major chunk of the viewership from pacific.
Now I should also note that this years format is different so people might be waiting for the more important matches (elimination / Semi finals / Grand Finals etc )
MW and Heat look insane on their new roles.
If Havoc delivers on duelist it’s cooked for Lev considering how bad they have been in scrims.
Demon1 needs to be good or it’s Joeover.
I mean the viewership will likely significantly increase as the tournament goes on. I think at least 400k + will be achieved on Loud vs Sentinels in the upper bracket.
You gotta be baiting or something
SEN, LEV, G2 havent even played yet
100t Looked Insane
That NRG roster is good, they just had an off day
Furia main roster hasnt played yet
I like how you named 3 bottom teams like ya bro like the bottom teams of every region are dogshit
Koi vs TL was the worst match I had ever seen, Navi were trolling, Apeks is just flor esports and Gentle mates can barely beat a team with subs.
Dont even get me started on the bottom teams of china....
Im not as concerned.
I think NRG will be fine in lower bracket but most likely they will only be good during regular season since its double elimination in kickoff
Sen, Lev, and G2 havent played yet so we dont know how good they will be, but those teams in theory are in the top half of Americas
100t looked really good.
Idk I have this funny feeling C9 are just gonna ruin G2’s run as well and than somehow lose to Lev/Furia and get beat by either NRG or G2 in the lowers.
IF C9 are actually good they need to CONTINUE consistently being good. It’s so annoying when they just fall off when it matters the most after upsetting teams.
First vct match for Cortezia and Xenom so probably just nervous to perform.
Aspas had a rare bad game on Lotus
Bind was winnable but a few rounds were trolled. (I think Bind is the REAL Mibr we will see in Stage 1 Americas not the horrendous Lotus.
Attack side looked great on Bind, we didn’t get to see much of it on Lotus but it’s probably decent there as well.
Defense needs significant work might be one of the worst in the league rn. (Pending everyone else playing)
They need more time. They should be decent by Stage 1 hopefully.
I think kickoff is cooked for sure tho
Mfs have one bad map and Everyone is losing their mind.
Cortezia is good.
Nzr is a good igl
Artzin was the best player on Mibr Last year and he can still shoot.
It COULD (key word “could”) be an Aspas + Less level situation again if Cortezia lives up to his Hype.
Xenom is good too but didn’t show it in off season.
IMO if ATLEAST one of Xenom or Cortezia will likely be very very good and as long as Aspas has a 2nd goated player in the team, they should do well.
This whole “EG will beat Loud” thing relied in Yay and Icy being good.
This iteration of loud players are still historically better than the current EG players.
Cauanzin > Derek
Pancada > supamen (besides last year but remember pancada only played like 5 games)
Dgzin > Icy ( icy is more of a “role player”)
Btw I picked loud to win this game just based on above reason of HISTORICAL quality of players.
Nature you can argue is better than v1nny but even I don’t know about that anymore.
Yay > tuyz only clear role diff rn
The problem is Icy is a clear downgrade to Jawgemo (unless potter fixes him) and even Yaya doing decent in this series isn’t enough to match jawgemos impact imo.
Steins Gate
Code Geas
Black Lagoon
Cyberpunk Edge runners
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade works
Hells paradise /chainsaw Man
In no particular order.
You are named Dark Lord 69?!?!?!😭😭😭😭😭
Half of these results don’t mean anything.
NRG lost to Rapid fricking Lofi and they 3-0ed Gen G in the end
Lev had to play 2 Bo1s back to back with Demon1 having food poisoning
“BuT ThEy LoSt to DFM aNd ZeTa bro” ya and after that they won against Fnatic playing fricken clove and Fnatic ended up beating both DFM and Zeta. (Which btw they lost double pistols against Both the teams which as you can imagine usually is not good especially for Bo1s)
100t were literally playing their first match with 3 players on different roles ( Asuna on Neon , Cryo on Cypher and Zander trying to fit into into the team
The Neon meta will likely be cooked with the nerfs so 100t can just go back to Asuna on raze maps and Cryo on Jett maps which would make them decent again.
Sentinels honestly just kinda choked and Let’s not pretend like Sentinel's wouldn’t beat mith convincingly in a rematch after doing one vod review on their play style (Just look at what happened to Rapid Lofi after NRG figured their stuff out)
Both Lev and 100t are still good roster son paper and we have seen like 3 maps from both of them which gives us no info at all.
Sen just need to work on minor stuff their still gonna diff most teams on firepower alone.
I mean if this was the case every team that ascended would dominate T1.
Most of the teams have Star players that would dominate in T1 but the teams itself play goofy shit that works once and gets countered instantly in one vod review.
Mibr (I think G2 is the only team clearly above them rn and it depends on sentinels and NRG form)
Furia looks good in terms of firepower but there are still many macro mistakes that would likely get punished against better teams.
2g looks good as well considering the situation with zap. ( I think they will be competitive enough in the league but without spike for the first half of the year I dont expect anything)
Loud looks poor (Pancada, Dgzin and Cauanzin are fine) but tuyz looks bad on senti and V1nny is just mid.
For Loud, I would wait till Kickoff to see how well they do (and for lukxo to turn 18) and after that replce Tuyz with Lukxo and its a decent team again.
Furia/100t/Lev/ C9
2g (without spike)
They need to give Lukxo some fast aging drugs or something cause they NEED him to replace Tuyz
If Mada is shooting well on the day I think NRG takes it or it’s a 3-2 for Gen G.
Again Sentinels already has beat Gen G and still played them very close in the second match (could just be a 50/50 match thing) NRG has already beaten sentinels convincingly but that was Mada on crazy form.
Verno diffs Yoman on initiater by a mile
S0m and Ethan can match Karon and Foxy9
Munchkin is diffing FNS by a mile no way around that
They would win the rematch against Mith with a vod review so but it was unlucky they had to face Gen G on the same day after a horrendous choke.
They lost double pistols in a B01 so can’t really judge them.
Its been one map it could be a furia situation where the first map is really bad
I think as long as at least one of Cortezia or Xenom live up to their hype would make this a good team. It could be an Aspas + less situation again (with either Cortezia or Xenom being the less in this situation)
I don’t know if BOTH of them will be good but in All likelihood at least one of them should transition well into T1.
If moose needed to be removed it should have happened Months ago, they have played several offseason events with him and any synergy the roster has had so far is cooked now. They will probably bring someone with more firepower but they will have to rework on so many strats and rebuilding team chemistry in the span of a month with no offseason events left and just scrims. They changed their IGL a month before the season starts and now getting in another player that will have no time to mesh with the team.
The removal of Moose is not the issue, it’s the timing that is so bad both for the player and the org. They had like 3-4 events to figure out if they wanted moose or not and they do it now.
It’s not that big of a deal. A couple of vod reviews will counter most of these T2 teams on the rematch but it still isn’t a good look.
Am I crazy to say most of the first matches look mid asf (We haven’t seen most of the teams play yet but based on past history of those teams it gives of that vibe)
I still don’t think Sen is bad tho I just think Mith looked good enough but if there was a rematch with Sen having vod reviews it wouldn’t be as close. I think Gen G game was kinda whatever cause I don’t even think Sen expected to lose and end up playing another match on the same day. All good tho the team will be fine.
N4rrate is good like it’s some weird agenda y’all got going on about him.
To say that N4rrate is a questionable signing speaks of no knowledge of the player quality.
It was one of those days where everything just goes wrong, they will be fine just the tilting needs be worked on.