Why is game changer even there when

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If the top-performing teams in Game Changers are not even trying to get into t2 scene . I understand they tried and failed but the next obvious step would be to join into mixed rosters to get experience. The gc program's purpose was to provide a stepping stone to higher-level competition. Are they content with dominating at a lower level , winning again and again, getting the easy money at lower skills level ?


Free money farming tier 7 val


Really feels like it . Just farm clips and bag , gain no experience , and crumble against no namer tier 3 teams . Go back and shamelessly do it all over .


even this goober gets upvotes when being misogynistic


Well it's easier to get easy money winning again and again than potentially get lower pay + encounter sexism and get in a more toxic environment


Also less incentives for orgs to support a t2 team


Are they content with dominating at a lower level , winning again and again, getting the easy money at lower skills level ?
-yes they are

GC teams get exposed whenever they try to play Challenger. GC world champion losing to random t2-t3 teams doesn't look good.
Also they don't wanna join mixed roster cuz of sexism. Sexism might be a problem but bigger problem is them not being good enough.


Well mixed teams ain't happening soon and I am not saying this cause I hate girls or something but I think a popular gc player tried once and she was absolutely humiliated by the management for trying to get into a vct team and was made fun of( don't know which org tho but a t1 org), plus I don't think orgs rn would really be into the idea of taking the risk of putting female players along with men, its risky that's why


Not gonna happen unless some player rlly wants to

Gc teams can still make challengers while being in gc so they’re not gonna throw away gc for t2 when it is possible to have both

G2 gozen and sr have gotten somewhat close before, only a couple wins here or there and they would’ve done it. They’re gonna keep trying together because if they manage to qualify as a gc team they are rewarded more than if they qualify in a mixed team

I am very confident in a few players being able to perform in tier2. We’ve even already seen some players from gc go to tier 2 and be at least decent. Just not beneficial


Not quite sure about Gozen and SR being close to qualify for the main event.

The only team i think who have gotten closer was TL Brazil, but by now thier whole team seems in shambles they're struggling right now against another GC teams.

Which "some" players in gc who went to T2?
Only Bob was the only one who went to t2, nobody else though.
In regards Bob though, well... that's whole can of worms.


What's about bob ? I'll gladly hear what you have to say


lol didn't expect a response, it's not a big of a deal but like what i meant that Bob is a transwoman, it's crazy for me the people who moved up are mostly transwomen, now i know that GC supports all and all, but like it feels so deceiving for me atleast when you hear about the best player in GC happens to be a transwoman.

Like low-key when I hear somebody say "she's gonna get to tier 2 or t1" they mostly refer to people who happens to be transwomen, when i myself expected to be a ciswoman.

It's hard for me to put it in words, but like this is the best way i can explain.🤷‍♂️

P.S: This is a new account so it isn't alt for somebody else in case if you checked history and saw me only today posting.


And bob's putting up great numbers there . Respect. I think that's the original purpose of gc is .


Winning 2-3 more games than u did in an open qual is not rlly a crazy unimaginable thing. Maybe they werent like one game away, but open quals are dog fights and many teams can make it out

I said some cause I thought some gc apac players went to some tier 2 league but I had no idea. Also I wasn’t expecting bobs “can of worms” to be the fact that they’re trans, because that has nothing to do with this, actually nothing. The best tier 2 player in the world is not even transgender, and we are talking about the best women and teams in gc going to tier 2. The best team has 0 trans players, and the best player is a born woman. Bob was playing not bad at all and came from gc, which leads me to believe other players can come from gc too


By the best team you meant Gozen right?

Well we can't say who's the best team when GCC isn't out yet, only then we decide who's the best team.

No, what I meant in terms of GC standards not t2 standards since obviously nobody is close.

Bob was on T2.5 team before being in GC in the first place.

I meant the pattern is quite noticable that mostly transwomen shine in GC despite being only minority in GC demographic in comprising to ciswomen.


they need to move some of the GC money to T2. The Carrot is too easy to get rn


they are content with being low tier players that's why I don't understand their fans screaming they are tier1 talent. or when they scream" they should get a chance to prove themselves". they don't wanna prove themselves. they want to be respected and treated the same way as faker/ donk or aspas while staying in their tier4 bubble.


I made a post about this a while ago but the gc is an incredibly toxic system, ironically, due to the investment that both riot and orgs have put in it compared to t2. It completely disincentives players from making the jump because they will make way less money while also meeting resistance from more experienced teams isolating both the league and players almost ensuring there will be no gc t1 player


Does GC actually make money though. The Finals for NA GC: SR vs Flyquest only had like 5k viewers. Thats extremely terrible and sad for business.


not really, but the investment from riot and orgs is massive as they try to push it


Yes, and plenty more than t2. This is due to riot wanting more share of female audience, and its working fairly well if you couldn't tell from queuing up in a game (at least in NA)


It is there so that "girly boys" can farm tier 7 and get big bucks.

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