Flag: Portugal
Registered: June 24, 2024
Last post: July 1, 2024 at 3:05 PM
Posts: 74
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You're implying they're all above average? Maybe just n4rrate, but the other two have no auras.

posted 51 minutes ago

What do you mean by 4th global?

posted 1 hour ago

Pin this for when Portugal beats France!

posted 1 hour ago

Can't shoot and score for shit!

Great game against Belgium though.

Portugal will win against France :)

Also everyone go add your inputs/thoughts

posted 1 hour ago

I'd put those C9 replacements into 100T or NRG

posted 1 hour ago

He should do the SUSSY wiggle on them :)

posted 1 hour ago

This would be an awesome roster.

posted 3 hours ago

They all play like pussies lets be real. Bang is supposed to be one of the best NA, but his mental is weak or someshit.

posted 3 hours ago

Chet out.
Kaninv in.

posted 3 hours ago


posted 3 hours ago

They have no firepower. End of story and debate. Free Demon1. He'd work so much better with FNS and S0m and Ethan together.

posted 3 hours ago


posted 3 hours ago

"V-A-R, its in the game"
Curious to see how DeBruyne performs today

posted 4 hours ago

I feel like if Mazino plays well, LEV should win many teams. Aspas Kingg are usually consistent and Tex/C0M are just average X)

posted 4 hours ago

MIBR was impressive and they have potential. LEV vs 100T... Aspas clearly duelist diffed both Cryo and Asuna. They fear Aspas 100%

posted 4 hours ago

Secret just beat T1, BLEED, GE... nothing special.

posted 4 hours ago

Cya later geodude. Enjoy!

posted 4 hours ago

Its a joke xD but it really sucks hes not going to be in Champions this year.. NRG lame as fuck. Next year he'll own everyone.

posted 4 hours ago

lol its a joke XD

posted 5 hours ago

moatz give your input/thoughts here, just curious on your take

posted 5 hours ago

FNS and Boaster need to prove themselves again

posted 5 hours ago

Seems quite accurate

posted 5 hours ago

You'll see during Stage 2

posted 5 hours ago

He would be Superstar if LOUD was doing better right now, but give it some time. Best IGL in the world still + great character.

posted 5 hours ago

Same for NRG. But both are fraud. Free Demon1

posted 5 hours ago

Bro won it for SEN on Icebox at Madrid. Respect needs to be given. Plus he's also a great guy IRL off-stream.

posted 5 hours ago

Bro is same old Cryo from XSET. On and off. No more excuses now.

posted 5 hours ago

T3xture cant play other duelists besides just Jett and Raze. Also his teammates are very good too.

posted 5 hours ago

I dont trust North Koreans

posted 5 hours ago

Let's have some fun, start yapping.


SuperStars: Demon1 (retired) - Aspas - Jawgemo - Alfajer - Leo - Zekken - Potter - Babysasuke - TheAceGamer30 - James_ff - Bren/Sideshow/Goldenboy/Mimi/Yinsu/Vansilli/Doug - Tarik -

Stars: Zellsis - Tenz - Ethan - Saadhak - Less - Cauanzin - Derke - Wo0t - Miniboo - T3xture - Meteor - Johnqt - Sacy - Kingg - Keznit - Shyy - Chronicle - nAts - benjyfishy - Oxy - d4v4ai - Jingg - Forsaken - Something - Mako - Leaf - Suygetsu - Shao - RieNs -

Above Average: Derrek - Supamen - Life - Munchkin - Karon - Pancada - Marved - Yay - Sayf - Qraxs - Trent - Mindfreak - Runi - Heat - Mazino - Rossy - Stax - Boo - Apoth - Rb - Zest - N4rrate -

Average: Victor - Crashies - FNS - Boaster - Boostio - cNed - Valyn - KangKang - Cryo - Bang - Asuna - Tex - Lakia - Yetujey - JonahP - Moose - Vanity - Redgar - Trexx - Xeppa - Nature - Eeiu - Buzz -

Below Average: Chet - C0M - NaVi - KOI - MIBR - FUR - Liquid - GeorgeGeddes - GE -

Ultra Mega King Super Star In His Dreams: Shanks


The list goes on--- Keep adjusting & changing
(Clearly some are jokes btw. If you laughed, have a great day xD)

posted 6 hours ago

Truth is Boaster is still going to fall short again later, unless carried hard repeatedly. Just watch lol

posted 2 days ago

Yeah but what are the chances besides SEN only. Jawgemo can't carry EG by himself and Keznit + Shyy failed last time to too. But we shall see!

posted 2 days ago

Since Aspas is no longer in LOUD and Demon1 not on a team, Americas has no chance except Zekken Jawgemo and Keznit.
EMEA superior right now with TH and FNC while KC and FUT aren't bad as well.

Don't even mention 100pigs and G2chokes.

posted 2 days ago

Americas shaking now in fear
Derke is back and Alfajer Hiro dominating

posted 3 days ago

He's still better than almost everyone in G2 100T C9 NRG EG

posted 3 days ago

Lmfao I died at this part while scrolling down

posted 3 days ago

Hiro is great. Leo replace Botster and easy PRX style no IGL gaming for FNC and win Champions

posted 3 days ago

Demon1 Iso vs. Alfajer Iso would've been so great to watch. Fuck NRG

posted 3 days ago

I want to see TH vs SEN at Champions

posted 3 days ago

Dumbest map on earth. Iso can 1v5 with 2 smokes and 2 flash

posted 3 days ago

Stew Mako k1Ng Rb Zest

posted 3 days ago

Which pro players need to be saved and free?


Who else?

posted 3 days ago

Stew the future GOAT of China

posted 3 days ago

SEN should win on paper but think KRU will come out 2-1 Keznit Shyy should come back stronger as under dogs or they'll be put back in their places, should be fun

posted 3 days ago

This should be a good series but Jawgemo will dominate
EG 2-0 FUR

posted 3 days ago

No one cares about Challengers.
Should spread out VCT and Masters and make Champions little towards end of the year, so the pros have enough breaks in between everything.

Challengers can do their own thing, but we don't want the pro players and teams in VCT to burn out which clearly happened multiple times.

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

If Liquid is Manchester United, what is NaVi?

posted 4 days ago

Lets replace Shao with Suygetsu then.

posted 4 days ago
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