Flag: Romania
Registered: July 25, 2023
Last post: February 27, 2025 at 9:10 AM
Posts: 123
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I was talking about the fact EX NA Tier 2/3 CSGO players are beaten by EX EU 2/3/4 + Less CSGO players.

posted 6 days ago

He also went for Rito buks, trying to blend in with the zoomers, 2 out of 5 words out of his mouth is "Bro". Tarik downfall is amazing. At least Stewie2K is retrying to go back to origins.

posted 6 days ago

NA CS:GO players left CS for Rito bucks 4-5 years ago, killed NA CS scene and now they are beaten by ex Tier 3 EU CSGO players. Absolute cinema.

posted 6 days ago

I would consider most of ex-CS Valo pros as ex Tier 3 cs players, especially the NA ones, most played in random stacks that were sometimes worse than ESEA/Faceit stacks. The irony is that probably Tenz was the crossest to Tier 1, but C9 was a dumpster of an org and they didn't give him too much time imo. Besides Tenz i would also probably mention Ethan, mixwell and probably FNS(yeah, him, he IGLed and had Major appearances at ESL One Cologne 2015, MLG Columbus 2016). I didn't mention Scream and his brother because they are in a Limbo, they are not playing pro Valo but also they juggle every position they are offered, be it CS or Valo.

posted 3 weeks ago

Oxy might give m0nesy vibes, but no one can't raise to Donk levels in Valo, not even Primmie.

posted 3 weeks ago

It is there so that "girly boys" can farm tier 7 and get big bucks.

posted 4 months ago


posted 6 months ago

2-0 TH Tmrw, I called it.

posted 6 months ago

Looking at the way EDG is playing, they might take it all, even tough I root for TH, I already accept defeat.

posted 6 months ago

Thank god. This forum is a SEN bootlicking brain rot place already.

posted 6 months ago

The concept of role queue is cancer. I still remember Dota 2 role queue where every one was "carry" and not even a guy was queueing as a support and the queue times were atrocious, and when I was playing support, my carries were ASS. The same happens when I play valo, my "carries", aka duelists usually bottom frag in every game mode, so no thank you. If I want to play smokes/sentinel all my life for usually bottom fraggers, no thank you.

posted 6 months ago

Even when Team A beats team B 13-11, they still spam this site with "Team A has over 9000 level of aura", amazing....

posted 6 months ago

I've seen many users here, judging from the way they were writing (probably Gen-Z/Alpha), using the term AURA so much when talking about a team/player, how do you define it in the Valorant Context? I find the word to be overused. Thank you

posted 6 months ago

yup, they did something similar last year

posted 6 months ago

road to 1k downvotes mate. Keep up the good work :)

posted 6 months ago

Current TI is miserable cus valve decided it wanted to make money alone with the current "Grindfest Battlepass"

posted 6 months ago

Check this prizepool, valve only gave 1.6 mil, the rest is "crowd funded" from battlepass (25% of the income from battlepass purchases, in-battlepass purchases).

posted 6 months ago

Tenz probably still has it in him. I saw a clip where he played CS2 and his movement was still good, his awp-ing was decent.

posted 6 months ago

I still cry for the disaster that destroyed their roster. They were soo good.

posted 6 months ago

Talon relies too much in Primmie. Gives Team Spirit vibes, but Spirit has 2 more "star" players. In pro CS you can't have 1 man armies anymore, teams also got better.

GenG, maybe, yeah.

posted 6 months ago

In the past, PRX transitioned its roster from CSGO to Valorant. In the scene they were tier 2-3 as far as I remember, mostly T3. Nowadays, with the way the teams are playing, which franchising team would make a good tier 1 team, I am talking HLTV Top 15-20 max.
Let me start first, I think that G2 would be a great fit. They play Valo in a manner that Navi plays in CS, protocol heavy, no definitive superstar, non ballsy and calculated. The only thing is that in CS2 atm there is a dedicated AWPer, and I don't think icy would fit the position, maybe Leaf?

posted 6 months ago

I still don't know why are people even watching yappers such as Tarik. I might even include FNS here, dude is living in the past.

posted 6 months ago

Besides rapid trigger, in Valo it is useless. I have it and it is more useful in other games with the settings, even in CS, I can long press ESC to open console, and with the beta update I have SOCD(snap tap) to counter strafe without null binds.

posted 6 months ago

Viper V3 pro, white coating (more grippier)

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

people usually want to see show, that is why they are spamming posts with X team +Someone -Someone from the team, even if the one what is mentioned with MINUS might be a better fit overall than the suggested "superstar".

posted 7 months ago

noo, boaster needs to stay at least as an analyst/secondary coach.

posted 7 months ago

G2 is probably the most structured Americas team. It has the tightest system out of all teams. A loose canon like Oxy will be either "nerfed" stats wise or in gameplay. If Oxy will be in G2 in the future, it is a 40/60 chance that the roster will do better than it is doing now. Icy is a system player. Leaf when he was playing Jett/Neon also had a semi loose canonish playstyle, but since moving to sentinel, he became a cooled down player.

G2's val team in structure gives a Navi CS2 vibe, in which even tho there are 2-3 fraggers in the team, many games the kills are divided kinda equally between 4-5 players, and the team plays like a team not a pub stack. In Navi's CS roster, Aleksi (the IGL) and Blade (the coach) are kinda micromanaging a little, now I don't know if Valyn and JoshRT are also micromanaging, but the structure of the team can be seen compared to other teams.

posted 7 months ago

PLS FNC, don't get Bilied like NRG last year.

posted 7 months ago

1) FNC
2) GEN
3) LEV
4) TH

posted 7 months ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/0f51e1cc Sen is getting grouped so hard.

posted 7 months ago

It doesn't work. For example, I did an experiment to queue on Tokyo, cus idk why is it available for europeans in the list, and after a 5 min queue it has thrown me and my friend on Frankfurt.

posted 7 months ago

NGL, It would be a PRX with strats, but is that a bad thing?

posted 7 months ago

I don't think he has the mental for being HC atm, he needs to start a bit lower, as analyst/AC, but in the future I see him as a HC for FNC or other team.

posted 7 months ago

Yay can't play anything else besides Jett at tier 1 level 1 even if his life depends on it + he is not a hard entry. When Chamber was meta he knew how to take first kills with insta TP the best because he had good dry peeks + was being set up by crashies and marved with info/smokes etc

posted 7 months ago

With Leo being prepared to IGL, a FNATIC with Leo as IGL/init, Derke duelist, Alfa secondary duelist/flex, Hiro sentinel and Chronicle Viper/Smokes and Mini Coach and Boaster assistant coach/analyst. Damn, that team will have huge firepower and strats.

posted 7 months ago

If I were to put him in my list, then forsaken moves to initiator and Scream duelist, but I still have doubts.

posted 7 months ago

Scream IGL is like putting a Silver 1 CSGO player as IGL, so hard NO

posted 7 months ago

f0rsaken duelist
k1ngg viper
munchkin flex/init
Valyn smokes
JohnQT sentinel
That is a nice lineup, with Valyn IGL and JohnQT secondary caller

posted 7 months ago

Seeing many players in VCT Americas and EMEA with Wooting 60HE. Sponsor or org bought? I presume the latter

posted 7 months ago

You are not forced to give Tarik money by watching his stream. You can watch the official one, YT/Twitch, only the game and the commentators.

posted 7 months ago

If they give him a global trip/2 trips with bigger radius and a bigger TP radius he might be good sentinel wise, and If they remove the nerfs to headhunter/op he might be borderline busted.

posted 7 months ago

Duelist ASPAS
Sentinel/Second duelist Alfajer (so you might call it FNATIC 2.0 with Aspas instead of Derke and F0rsaken instead of Leo, with Forsaken and Chronicle doing a role swap)

posted 7 months ago

Where is your y0y now? Enjoying the paycheck that he got from Bleed in his probably two story house meanwhile a parasocial guy on vlr "has his back"

posted 7 months ago

y0y. That fraud needed 4 guys to set him up and sacrifice for him to frag on broken agents (release JETT and pre-nerf Chamber)

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

alecks is the only one who tries to keep the insanity that is W gaming in control, so he needs to stay.

posted 7 months ago
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