I was talking about the fact EX NA Tier 2/3 CSGO players are beaten by EX EU 2/3/4 + Less CSGO players.
Flag: | Romania |
Registered: | July 25, 2023 |
Last post: | February 27, 2025 at 9:10 AM |
Posts: | 123 |
I was talking about the fact EX NA Tier 2/3 CSGO players are beaten by EX EU 2/3/4 + Less CSGO players.
He also went for Rito buks, trying to blend in with the zoomers, 2 out of 5 words out of his mouth is "Bro". Tarik downfall is amazing. At least Stewie2K is retrying to go back to origins.
NA CS:GO players left CS for Rito bucks 4-5 years ago, killed NA CS scene and now they are beaten by ex Tier 3 EU CSGO players. Absolute cinema.
I would consider most of ex-CS Valo pros as ex Tier 3 cs players, especially the NA ones, most played in random stacks that were sometimes worse than ESEA/Faceit stacks. The irony is that probably Tenz was the crossest to Tier 1, but C9 was a dumpster of an org and they didn't give him too much time imo. Besides Tenz i would also probably mention Ethan, mixwell and probably FNS(yeah, him, he IGLed and had Major appearances at ESL One Cologne 2015, MLG Columbus 2016). I didn't mention Scream and his brother because they are in a Limbo, they are not playing pro Valo but also they juggle every position they are offered, be it CS or Valo.
Oxy might give m0nesy vibes, but no one can't raise to Donk levels in Valo, not even Primmie.
It is there so that "girly boys" can farm tier 7 and get big bucks.
Looking at the way EDG is playing, they might take it all, even tough I root for TH, I already accept defeat.
Thank god. This forum is a SEN bootlicking brain rot place already.
The concept of role queue is cancer. I still remember Dota 2 role queue where every one was "carry" and not even a guy was queueing as a support and the queue times were atrocious, and when I was playing support, my carries were ASS. The same happens when I play valo, my "carries", aka duelists usually bottom frag in every game mode, so no thank you. If I want to play smokes/sentinel all my life for usually bottom fraggers, no thank you.
Even when Team A beats team B 13-11, they still spam this site with "Team A has over 9000 level of aura", amazing....
I've seen many users here, judging from the way they were writing (probably Gen-Z/Alpha), using the term AURA so much when talking about a team/player, how do you define it in the Valorant Context? I find the word to be overused. Thank you
road to 1k downvotes mate. Keep up the good work :)
Current TI is miserable cus valve decided it wanted to make money alone with the current "Grindfest Battlepass"
Check this prizepool, valve only gave 1.6 mil, the rest is "crowd funded" from battlepass (25% of the income from battlepass purchases, in-battlepass purchases).
https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/0f51e1cc EMEA FINALS, lets goo
Tenz probably still has it in him. I saw a clip where he played CS2 and his movement was still good, his awp-ing was decent.
I still cry for the disaster that destroyed their roster. They were soo good.
Talon relies too much in Primmie. Gives Team Spirit vibes, but Spirit has 2 more "star" players. In pro CS you can't have 1 man armies anymore, teams also got better.
GenG, maybe, yeah.
In the past, PRX transitioned its roster from CSGO to Valorant. In the scene they were tier 2-3 as far as I remember, mostly T3. Nowadays, with the way the teams are playing, which franchising team would make a good tier 1 team, I am talking HLTV Top 15-20 max.
Let me start first, I think that G2 would be a great fit. They play Valo in a manner that Navi plays in CS, protocol heavy, no definitive superstar, non ballsy and calculated. The only thing is that in CS2 atm there is a dedicated AWPer, and I don't think icy would fit the position, maybe Leaf?
I still don't know why are people even watching yappers such as Tarik. I might even include FNS here, dude is living in the past.
Besides rapid trigger, in Valo it is useless. I have it and it is more useful in other games with the settings, even in CS, I can long press ESC to open console, and with the beta update I have SOCD(snap tap) to counter strafe without null binds.
Viper V3 pro, white coating (more grippier)
people usually want to see show, that is why they are spamming posts with X team +Someone -Someone from the team, even if the one what is mentioned with MINUS might be a better fit overall than the suggested "superstar".
noo, boaster needs to stay at least as an analyst/secondary coach.
G2 is probably the most structured Americas team. It has the tightest system out of all teams. A loose canon like Oxy will be either "nerfed" stats wise or in gameplay. If Oxy will be in G2 in the future, it is a 40/60 chance that the roster will do better than it is doing now. Icy is a system player. Leaf when he was playing Jett/Neon also had a semi loose canonish playstyle, but since moving to sentinel, he became a cooled down player.
G2's val team in structure gives a Navi CS2 vibe, in which even tho there are 2-3 fraggers in the team, many games the kills are divided kinda equally between 4-5 players, and the team plays like a team not a pub stack. In Navi's CS roster, Aleksi (the IGL) and Blade (the coach) are kinda micromanaging a little, now I don't know if Valyn and JoshRT are also micromanaging, but the structure of the team can be seen compared to other teams.
PLS FNC, don't get Bilied like NRG last year.
https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/0f51e1cc Sen is getting grouped so hard.
It doesn't work. For example, I did an experiment to queue on Tokyo, cus idk why is it available for europeans in the list, and after a 5 min queue it has thrown me and my friend on Frankfurt.
NGL, It would be a PRX with strats, but is that a bad thing?
I don't think he has the mental for being HC atm, he needs to start a bit lower, as analyst/AC, but in the future I see him as a HC for FNC or other team.
Yay can't play anything else besides Jett at tier 1 level 1 even if his life depends on it + he is not a hard entry. When Chamber was meta he knew how to take first kills with insta TP the best because he had good dry peeks + was being set up by crashies and marved with info/smokes etc
With Leo being prepared to IGL, a FNATIC with Leo as IGL/init, Derke duelist, Alfa secondary duelist/flex, Hiro sentinel and Chronicle Viper/Smokes and Mini Coach and Boaster assistant coach/analyst. Damn, that team will have huge firepower and strats.
If I were to put him in my list, then forsaken moves to initiator and Scream duelist, but I still have doubts.
Scream IGL is like putting a Silver 1 CSGO player as IGL, so hard NO
f0rsaken duelist
k1ngg viper
munchkin flex/init
Valyn smokes
JohnQT sentinel
That is a nice lineup, with Valyn IGL and JohnQT secondary caller
Seeing many players in VCT Americas and EMEA with Wooting 60HE. Sponsor or org bought? I presume the latter
You are not forced to give Tarik money by watching his stream. You can watch the official one, YT/Twitch, only the game and the commentators.
If they give him a global trip/2 trips with bigger radius and a bigger TP radius he might be good sentinel wise, and If they remove the nerfs to headhunter/op he might be borderline busted.
Duelist ASPAS
Sentinel/Second duelist Alfajer (so you might call it FNATIC 2.0 with Aspas instead of Derke and F0rsaken instead of Leo, with Forsaken and Chronicle doing a role swap)
Where is your y0y now? Enjoying the paycheck that he got from Bleed in his probably two story house meanwhile a parasocial guy on vlr "has his back"
y0y. That fraud needed 4 guys to set him up and sacrifice for him to frag on broken agents (release JETT and pre-nerf Chamber)
alecks is the only one who tries to keep the insanity that is W gaming in control, so he needs to stay.