kanyefan4238173 [#19]
Winning 2-3 more games than u did in an open qual is not rlly a crazy unimaginable thing. Maybe they werent like one game away, but open quals are dog fights and many teams can make it out
I said some cause I thought some gc apac players went to some tier 2 league but I had no idea. Also I wasn’t expecting bobs “can of worms” to be the fact that they’re trans, because that has nothing to do with this, actually nothing. The best tier 2 player in the world is not even transgender, and we are talking about the best women and teams in gc going to tier 2. The best team has 0 trans players, and the best player is a born woman. Bob was playing not bad at all and came from gc, which leads me to believe other players can come from gc too
By the best team you meant Gozen right?
Well we can't say who's the best team when GCC isn't out yet, only then we decide who's the best team.
No, what I meant in terms of GC standards not t2 standards since obviously nobody is close.
Bob was on T2.5 team before being in GC in the first place.
I meant the pattern is quite noticable that mostly transwomen shine in GC despite being only minority in GC demographic in comprising to ciswomen.