for those unfamiliar 2Game is a Brazilian G2A that sells stolen keys at a cheaper price then retail. they decided to make a esports org recently and now have won ascension. Not really sure how much funding 2Game is willing to put into relocating to LA because i doubt they ever really thought they would get this far. so two potential problems have arisen from this win. Does 2Game even think its worth relocating to LA for VCT for 1 year with the potential risk of being auto relegated and wasting all of the investment they put forward? secondly and i think the much more nuanced problem, does riot even want to allow an org promoting stolen keys into their tier 1 league and if not how do they go about it? as we saw with TGRD last year who chose not to sign the VCT contract and pull out of esports all together riot originally didnt want to budge on their no selling vct spots rule, but after a huge amount of community backlash they eventually budged and let the players sign to a different org after they approved them. does riot just do the same thing again? if so it will have huge long-term effects and orgs will stop supporting t2 teams entirely and just wait until one wins and have massive bidding wars on free agent teams which is exactly what riot wanted to avoid. so if thats off the table what should riot do?