Why is everyone arguing about wages or comparing esports to physically demanding jobs? Chronicle is just asking for the schedule to be loosened a bit, how is this so controversial?
1) Obviously esports players get paid a lot of money and you could definitely argue that it's unfair or whatever. That's besides the point though.
2) Comparisons to physically demanding jobs are bit difficult, because physically demanding jobs and mentally demanding jobs affect people in very different ways. That being said, esports is generally horrible for long term physical health, notable eyes, neck, back and wrist are affected. While physically demanding jobs undoubtedly are more straining, well, physically, they can be a lot easier to recover from, because you actually still find mental energy to do things in your free time.
3) In terms of mental health, there's an elevated risk of burnout, depression, anxiety and more, and these schedules are contributing to that. Compared to office jobs which include somewhat comparable amounts of sitting in front of a computer, esports requires a lot more mental focus over longer periods of the day. During pracs, you have to constantly maintain a low reaction time, process information quickly, and react to information quickly. In most office jobs cognitive processes are much slower, making it a lot less tense and mentally straining
4) This whole, "they're getting paid so much, their jobs SHOULD make them suicidal" thing is so weird. Loosening the schedule a bit and distributing the same amount of games over a slightly longer period of time to give players breaks means they do the same amount of work, but their mental health suffers less. Why is that not something we agree on?
5) People in this thread are talking a lot about the length of the breaks. The thing is, breaks that are too long are actually super counterproductive. Short, regular breaks are a lot more effective at alleviating the effects of stress on the psyche. There's a reason why at the gym, you do short breaks between sets rather than doing everything at once and then taking a long break. On a bigger scale this still holds true, and literally just a one or two week longer break after Masters could already be effective.
Pretty much all the science (granted, esports is young and science is slow, so there isn't a plethora of research, but the little that exists) agrees with Chronicle. See for example https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00138/full for a review.