Flag: Croatia
Registered: August 10, 2021
Last post: November 12, 2024 at 10:24 AM
Posts: 194
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posted 3 months ago

No yaps, just thoughts.

posted 4 months ago

Sitting quietly in his panda dunks

posted 4 months ago

How are they terrible if they won Americas and came in 4th at masters? How is that not doing anything?

posted 8 months ago

Same. Still rocking my 2018 100T stickers in cs. Told myself I’d rock the vitality flair for one year in honour of twisten RIP

posted 9 months ago

My Balkan brother making me proud to be Cro-adian

posted 9 months ago

the irony of flair because this was literally aspas losing for that exact reason

posted 9 months ago

Anything can happen in playoffs. NA is looking very random atm

posted 10 months ago

100T 2-1 only because if they don’t win, a change needs to be made if they want any hope of making playoffs, let alone qualify for champs.

That kind of pressure should get them over the line. G2 look very good though. Wouldn’t be surprised if they take it

posted 10 months ago

Tbf, this roster has only played against two teams in Sen and Lev

posted 10 months ago

What are the chances Asuna finally gets dropped if they lose to Diet Sentinels?

I think the core of Asuna-Cyro-Bang needs to be broken up if this experiment doesn’t work for another year

100T haven’t won a VCT series since May 2023 💀

posted 10 months ago

Lmfao he did not say that. He specifically said you should not use a Logitech or Razer mouse without the same brand of pad because “they test with their own products”

Then he said if you change your skates it’s “GG”

He never once alluded to anything you just said.
You’re also putting words in everyone’s mouth who disagrees to you dickriding and glazing shroud. You have sen flair and can’t even comprehend what the fuck is going on with the players on the team and the gear they and everyone else uses in the league.

Typical braindead VLR shitposter

posted 10 months ago

Zellsis: Logitech Mouse/Zowie mousepad
JohnQT: Logitech Mouse/Artisan Mousepad
Sacy: Logitech Mouse/Zowie Mousepad
TenZ: Ninjutso Mouse/Custom Mousepad

Zekken: Razer mouse and mousepad

Wow must have been “GG” for that entire roster for Zekken to carry them to a masters W because he had the same brand of gear. 5head take from shroud

posted 10 months ago

Classic over reaction from a 4 star VLR poster

posted 11 months ago

ranked player analysis

posted about a year ago

Val community is always obsessed with players that have held a job for more than 2 years lol

posted about a year ago

I could see him having a pretty good comeback this season if this whole “loose playstyle” works out of them. I think asuna flexing on initiator/raze with a longer leash could let him play more freely like he used to. I want to see some shakey aim outplays again lol

posted about a year ago

When Sen flair users start saying “we” as if they’re on the team lmao

posted about a year ago

Sgares has stated multiple times that he thinks asuna is one of the smartest players to touch the game, and does a lot for team chemistry. Other coaching staff have echoed similar thoughts. Idk, If he wasn’t valuable in some way he would have been gone already is how I look at it

posted about a year ago

I feel like many people forget that EG had an entire reserve roster to scrim against. Paired with excellent coaching staff, it really put them ahead of everyone else. I don’t think any teams are even really allowed to do that going forward so idk if we will ever see such a Cinderella story every again in Val

posted about a year ago

typical sen fan living in a bubble

posted about a year ago

Yeah, better than Boostio at being annoying af

posted about a year ago

all good, mods deleted my post defending trans woman while they let transphobic comments run wild on this site. Actually insane

posted about a year ago

VLR user has opinions on “surface level criticism” lmao

Oh the irony.

posted about a year ago

Valorant 2 next year

posted about a year ago

Having a mind for the game and being able to coherently speak about it doesn’t always come from pros who have mechanical skill. Lots of coaches and analysts from sports never made it pro because they physically could not exert what they are trying to do. Tons of pros are actually pretty incoherent and can’t speak about the game they play, they just shoot straight lol. Sideshow is far from the worst imo (also this video will have insane engagement. It’s mostly bait for clicks on his personal channel)

posted about a year ago

Idk if anything a video like that just shows how important tenz is as a player not only to sentinels, but to valorant as a whole. I don’t think anyone wants to genuinely see him fail, people just want tenz to dominate and with that kind of stature, he can be a lightning rod at times. It’s no different than people heavily dissecting the play of any top performer in any game or sport. I think everyone wants TenZ to dominate next year. It’s a good video

posted about a year ago

Did you know that you can use this very website to check stats? Lol, Derek and stellar were worse than bang in every possible category last season.

posted about a year ago

I’m actually the opposite. I used to scroll twitter constantly looking for stuff but I found it’s way better for my mental health to stay off these sites as much as possible. It’s been nice watching his vids in the morning with coffee and getting the same news in ten minutes and then getting on with my day. Props to him

posted about a year ago

Everyone calls rosters mid until they do something notable, then all of a sudden ppl come out of the woodwork to proclaim how they believed in them all along lol

And when they do achieve something, like a trophy or a high seed, it’s downplayed all the time

TLDR: nothing is hype and everyone is bad

posted about a year ago

They didn’t drop him. He didn’t want to play with the players they were fielding in their rebuild so he left to NRG to play with more cs rooted players.

posted about a year ago

Idk why ppl take platchat so seriously when it’s just for entertainment. It’s no different than ppl posting their takes on VLR or twitter. It’s not that serious, relax.

posted about a year ago

Didn’t 100T win LCQ against Sen when they had shroud? I believe that was the actual clout battle

posted about a year ago

No lol

posted about a year ago

Agreed. I just came across his videos within the last week, and while I picked up on a few things, I had to sit through his passive aggressive/entitled attitude to get to those points

posted about a year ago

Honestly, mikes allowing stellar the long leash was the problem. When he followed the systematic approach sgares laid out for them, he proved to be capable. When stellar admitted he has a different approach to the game, they fell off. It’s the coaches job to recognize and correct that sort of thing. That never happened with mikes.

Imo that falls on the coach. Mikes has a great mind for the game but idk how he is as a leader, same can be said for stellar. He said so himself, that he could have led the team better in and out of game

FNS seems like a great swap on paper but I don’t think he would want half the players on the currant roster tbh lol

posted about a year ago

Huh? 100T played chamber with will every single game of LCQ as well as champs in 2022 when he was very much was meta. They also won home grounds with cyro playing chamber in every series

100T have scouted great talent in the last two iterations of the roster, but they just have not bought into the system mikes tried to implement. It’s no surprise their team play and confidence dropped off a cliff when sgares left. A young team like that needs comradely and confidence to flourish. Just look at what EG accomplished this year. They believed in themselves and trusted the system potter laid out for them.

100T never looked confident all season, and honestly they haven’t looked confident since the last series of champs when they faltered on the biggest stage they’ve ever been on

posted about a year ago

Lol exactly. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they just run it back. Sunken cost on that roster

posted about a year ago

Lol I can’t believe you’re making this comparison. Sin was a problematic teammate before he even entered valorant, and those allegations were with a woman he was actually dating and had relations with.

Jonas has never even met or spoke to this person and has a partner to attest to everything. It’s not hard to point out something completely fabricated top to bottom, versus a complicated, messy (and proven) relationship between two ppl.

posted about a year ago

Bro forgot you can use an op on any agent

posted about a year ago

swap out stellar imo and pray Derrek has a comeback season.

posted about a year ago

Ult point increase will do absolutely nothing to her pick rate. You have to remember how often she was picked BEFORE her global toxin gas nerf. What makes her strong is the ability to combo sky Intel as well as another controller to compliment space taking ability. Having to farm an extra orb or play around the fact that her Pit won’t be as easy to get won’t change her neutral game at all. She will still be a must pick in this map pool, especially with breeze coming back.

posted about a year ago

Idk why ppl make pro gaming out to be some lavish easy lifestyle. It seems absolutely miserable

posted about a year ago

After learning about his tough upbringing, it’s clear his persona is a reflection of where he’s been in life. He didn’t have much before all of this and as he says, his gameplay speaks for itself. Sure it can be cringe at times but I’m
happy he’s living in the moment and seizing the opportunity for himself. So far it’s been harmless

posted about a year ago

She’s just a ranked play agent. Matchmaking and pro play are completely different video games.

posted about a year ago

consistently 5-6th place. gotta respect it o7

posted about a year ago

“Most Valorant American players and fans are of Asian descent”

Where is the source for this information other than “trust me bro”

posted about a year ago
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