Flag: United States
Registered: April 2, 2021
Last post: August 6, 2024 at 11:16 PM
Posts: 1371
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Devs you don't even have to do a new algorithm you already have one. FYI if you rank all champs teams by VLR elo:

  1. Gen.G (2115)
  2. G2 Esports (2084)
  3. LEVIATAN (2055)
  4. Team Heretics (2035)
  5. Fnatic (2015)
  6. DRX (1979)
  7. Paper Rex (1977)
  8. Sentinels (1919)
  9. EDward Gaming (1918)
  10. FUT Esports (1833)
  11. Team Vitality (1810)
  12. KRU Esports (1776)
  13. Trace Esports (1770)
  14. FPX (1714)
  15. Talon Esports (1709)
  16. Bilibili Gaming (1641)

is this the best ranking idk but better than having DSYRE as the 3rd best EU team

posted 6 months ago

how are we in 2024 and VLR still hasnt made a good ranking system. It is a very easy thing to do. Just narrow it down to the 40ish franchise teams and combine regions (remove t2) and do the same elo format they already have...

am i missing something

posted 6 months ago

all teams (1-1)?? based on map record? does G2 need to win 2-0?

posted about a year ago

Facts, valorant schedule is so much softer than CSGO but this is what happens when u have an esports scene full of soys! Sad!

posted about a year ago

stop the meat riding

posted about a year ago

the hoes are watching Rocket League grand finals rn actually

posted about a year ago

russia obviously

some combination of these 5 >>>>

posted about a year ago

L own because im not even NA fan

posted about a year ago

boaster has none, chronicle has none, derke has none

masters is not equal to "world championship" so stop confusing the two

only VCT Champions is world champion

masters is a separate title

same thing as LoL, winning MSI is diff to being world champion

LOUD are the reigning world champions

posted about a year ago

the solution to this should have been more than 10 teams which was ridiculous, only 30 teams total like lmao]

just do 14-16 teams and no ascension

posted about a year ago

Crazy that cNed is washed now

posted about a year ago

i used to be a big fan of valorant esports in the old days 2020-2021 mostly but i still watched a lot in 2022 but i have barely watched any of the new franchising games

there are a few reasons why this new format sucks

Elimination of regional rivalries
I feel like most of the regional rivalries besides NA/EU have died as a result. For example NA vs BR will die as a rivalry, maybe there is still a little bit of rivalry there today but they will play against each other regularly every season so it will no longer be special. Same with asian countries.
Basically it changed from nationalism to broader regions which sucks. LOUD vs DRX doesn't really represent Brazil vs Korea anymore, its just Americas vs Pacific which is kinda cringe

Removed most of the scene
NA was the most popular region in this esports and it is incredibly frustrating that all of that has been narrowed down to 5 teams. That is an incredible amount of history, orgs, and players that used to be a part of Valorant Esports that no longer are. TSM, FaZe, XSET, Luminosity, The Guard, etc. So many good players are being left out of a job and a spot in the scene and it just sucks. "bUt AsCenSiOn" is lame af, i swear if VCT kicked out TSM and FaZe but is going to let M80 in as a franchising team that will be so lame

Another problem with just 30 teams besides kicking out most of the scene is that its just repetitive. Masters have 10/30 teams and Champions has 14/30 teams. If almost half of teams are going to make it to Champions, we are not going to see many unique teams it will be the same teams over and over and over and over again.

Format just sucks in general
Can someone tell me why every team that qualifies to Masters also qualifies to Champions. That is the stupidest thing ever. I know there will be a few LCQ teams added, but Masters and Champions will be basically the SAME TOURNAMENT it will be so bad. Also since LCQ teams can't even make roster changes they will probably still suck in champs. The top teams will be the same as masters and i probably won't even watch. This is made worse by the fact that the circuit ends in AUGUST HELLO? just have 4 months of nothing happening great idea

Better format would have been:
Split 1
Split 2


Split 1
Split 2

not this bs

A better overall solution would be instead of having Americas, EMEA, and Pacific, make it less stale and repetitive by including more teams so have NA, EMEA, BR, KR, JP, APAC franchised leagues

posted about a year ago

no viewers anymore no fans sad to see

posted about a year ago

milf fr

posted about 2 years ago

= no fan boring team with no personality

posted about 2 years ago

soccer system is cringe because its just the same rich clubs winning every time, its very rare to have back to back super bowl winners but bayern has won like the last 10 bundesliga, champions league is always the same teams

posted about 2 years ago

underdog teams are better thats why single elimination is better

posted about 2 years ago

most based content

posted about 2 years ago

optic loud drx ZZZZZZZZ

can we get some new teams in here, this champions playoffs has felt the exact same as the last two

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

just look at the viewership no one cares

posted about 2 years ago

So much more boring format I can’t believe you guys wanted this snooze fest where the games dont matter

posted about 2 years ago

game is carried by watch parties

posted about 2 years ago

Ur right these people have an “Asian fetish” in liking valorant teams idk how else to put it

posted about 2 years ago

my fantasy team is winning this year easily

posted about 2 years ago

its boring cuz its always the same few teams at the top, Ohio State, Alabama, Clemson, Georgia, Utah, Michigan, etc

posted about 2 years ago

Bro flying 15 hours for a valorant tournament please get a job

posted about 2 years ago

JP fans are so boring they just sit there quietly and bang the tubes, any western region would have better crowd

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

against rice farmers

posted about 2 years ago

LEC superweek is on

posted about 2 years ago

the 13 year old SEN fans coming out rn

posted about 2 years ago

Then put Canada flag

posted about 2 years ago

EU still colonizing poverty regions W

posted about 2 years ago

Harry confirmed

posted about 2 years ago

No way

posted about 2 years ago

cuz hes way better

posted about 2 years ago

SEN iceland run was better

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant more fun to play but CS more fun to watch

posted about 2 years ago

Both bombsites are too hard to plant at and hold

posted about 2 years ago

o7 mods are weak

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

NA is more important and it messes up our time zone

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

The problem is the viewership is decreasing not growing

posted about 2 years ago

China is more into CSGO than Valorant stop overhyping them

posted about 2 years ago

hes hiding

posted about 2 years ago
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