Country: Romania
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 4:53 AM
Posts: 772
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Karon had a pretty bad map... at least until round 20 with the judge

posted 5 days ago

it's fucking hilarious how stupid you are brother... and we're all here to laugh at it. gj

posted 1 week ago

let's see who's the dumbass here...

official name of the tournament: "VCT Game Changers 2022 Series III North America"

what a surprise, you're the fucking dumbass..

also, fyi, this is the only VCT that keenc ever played in... so you're either stupid, or you're simply pretending (but I'm willing to bet is the former)

posted 1 week ago

you can see the vct gc 2022 games in the profile match history.... what are you talking about???

posted 1 week ago

you can see them on vlr... what are u even talking about?

posted 1 week ago

nothing would happen, everyone would just move on with their lives

posted 1 week ago

she tweeted about her medical situation, from the same twitter account, last year in December... not sure if you're trolling, but it took me 5 seconds on her twitter page to see that it's not a new account at all and this isn't quite "news", just ppl didn't pay attention to their relationship, myself included.

posted 1 week ago

it'd be cool to see PRX or GenG win it, the timing seems right, but somehow I'm afraid the choke will happen again in the bo5 GF

posted 1 week ago

wait so... you want Riot to fine a player for laughing that they lost a 1v1 vs another player? what are you smoking, and can you share?

posted 1 week ago

Protocols in pro cs tactics and tactical approaches have been existing since at least 2004 (maybe earlier? not sure), the terminology was used, you can go all the way back to player/coach interviews with Thorin ~20 years ago, or you can simply trust me, since I was playing during that time.

Set strats (executes), mid-round protocols, retake protocols, rotations, 2vX situations... all these are religiously practiced in CS for the last 20 years at least, the higher level you end up playing, the more you concentrate on these things. Where do you think Valorant got them from? lol

I'm afraid you're trying to make something true even though its not, simply because you didn't notice the term being used in the last few years on whatever broadcasts you've been watching. It doesn't seem like you actually know what you're saying...

posted 2 weeks ago

what are you even talking about bruh??? strat executes and scenario-based protocols are in Valorant because they were fundamentals taken from CS lol

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

From early 2020 to late 2021 Phantom was actually more popular at pro level and in ranked (even though the numbers were always something like 54% vs 46% or around there). Starting with 2022 it balanced even more, with each of them, Phantom or Vandal, taking small leads in different periods of time but always averaging yearly around 50-50 share.

This is why I'm saying that your question doesn't really make sense, unless you're looking from a very specific point of view and timeline (eg: "I started playing during exactly this time, so I felt Phantom was less popular"). And if you're asking for the entirety of the game (which is my point of view), then the answer is: It was always popular, nobody needed to do anything about it.

posted 2 weeks ago

The Phantom was popular from Beta, nobody needed to "popularize it", it appears you have an inaccurate image in your head where the Vandal was more popular in the beginning or something...

But, if you want to be pedantic, you could say brax "popularized Phantom", since he was one of the first big names to play Valorant Beta and had by far the biggest viewership during the early key drop period.

posted 2 weeks ago

imagine complaining about the format in the same sentence in which you prove you have no clue what the format is

posted 2 weeks ago

vs juventus he had an iconic bicycle kick
the iconic header was vs atletico madrid I believe

posted 3 weeks ago

dunks dont exist

they do, they're called bicycle kicks, and they happen to be vastly more entertaining than nowadays boring dunks.

game winning goals, scored in the min 120+1 of a 120 min match, absolutely shit on buzzer beaters lol

basketball happens to be the best of the big sports in North America, but don't try to oversell it and make it seem something bigger than it is, because it is not. It has its place, and the whole world knows where that place is, below the king.

posted 3 weeks ago

College Football is the best in person sporting experience a person can have.

If you hate sports in general, yeah.... I've never fallen asleep watching a sport event until I watched and NFL and MLB match, somehow they're more boring than even Golf. I sometimes run more in my sleep than half of the NFL player rosters

posted 3 weeks ago

if DFM wins this, he better go buy the TNT

posted 3 weeks ago

KRU vs MIRB match -- see title question

posted 3 weeks ago

what is probably true and ironic is that even most ppl/users here on vlr have played one version or another of CS in their lifetime

posted 3 weeks ago

demon1 played cs as well fyi

posted 3 weeks ago

still deciding if this is a troll post or if you're that stupid...

posted 1 month ago

I want 2g of whatever you had

posted 1 month ago

EU work permit visa isn't something that could've been applied to before he reached 18... so not really an unexpected problem for TH, they had to know they won't have w0ot considering he just turned 18 and work permit approval isn't instant.

posted 1 month ago

the tweet that you linked doesn't say kicked... lol

posted 1 month ago

there’s more diversity in the male valorant population lol

This isn't quite correct... Asian males are also predominant in NA pro players. Valorant as a game was designed to attract Asian markets first, since that's where the market share gap was from the other big tac FPS game, so people shouldn't be so surprised that Asian genes are by far the majority in the Valorant playerbase.

posted 1 month ago

I think the only teams that on paper you could call "superteams" are: Fnatic, SEN, NRG, LEV, PRX (now that Jingg is back)

but historically superteams aren't very successful in Valorant, so it doesn't really matter that much

posted 1 month ago

however the word "are" is always associated with plurality. Since the word "are' is used, you in this case becomes plural.

This is incorrect. I suggest that you go back to school and brush up your English knowledge.

posted 1 month ago

happens in korea too all the time

That's it? That's your entire argument for why you're sure he bribed his way out of the Military in the country of SINGAPORE? LOL

I'm sure South Korea also has problems with how they treat Uyghurs, right? It has to be, cause I heard it happens in China all the time /s

posted 1 month ago

ok, that tells me that the lack of understand of romanian caused your confusion. My statement is in regards to the Romanian sentence and how it is translated into English, to prove the previous Romanian commentator that it can absolutely be used in non-plural form.

Also, you're confused about the translated English sentence. There's nothing indicating plural or singular in there. You cannot define "You" as one or the other without additional context. If you would've spent the time to translate the original sentence, you would've known that it was singular indeed. So your comment of being plural seem... nonsensical. You can't translate a sentence in Language A that presented a subject in singular form, and then expect Language B to not respect it, so to address your direct statement: no.. it cannot be plural, unless you're ignoring the source sentence, which would be ... you know, ignorant by definition.

I think your wording is not shady, but rather simple and not properly developed to be able to fully understand the connation of my message (nor its Romanian reference, vital to its meaning).

I'm sure that once you improve your English skills and if you revisit this convo, you'll figure out what I'm saying here.


posted 1 month ago

you must be trolling... dysphoria is a type of disorder LOL

posted 1 month ago

the word "you" has both singular and plural forms.

you reached the same conclusion that I was helping the original person I replied to figure out. Congrats.

The original person said: "don't you have to use "are" for plural?" -- which means that "are" can only be used in plural.

I'm not sure if your lack of english comprehension skills, or your lack of romanian knowledge, is what caused the confusion on your end, but I'm glad it is now solved.


posted 1 month ago

you're just proving more and more that you're an idiot lmao..

where is the plural in "Te duci la cumparaturi?"

That was my point, to the romanian person posting.

You however, seem to lack a serious amount of brain cells. I suggest visiting a medical professional for immediate assistance.

posted 1 month ago

it's pretty clear where the facts are, I don't see a need to clarify English grammar, there's elementary school for that, feel free to revisit it if you're interested

posted 1 month ago

here you go idiot kiddo: https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/04/india/india-gang-rape-tourist-arrests-intl-hnk/index.html

what a scum of a human, having the guts to talk back, incredible

posted 1 month ago

You're either a troll or a complete idiot... either way, what a waste of oxygen

posted 1 month ago

This shouldn't even be a conversation, it's a video game character in a tactical FPS game. People will call it whatever it's easier and comfortable in the midst of the round/play.

Either way, it's also astounding how many people fail basic English grammar or basic science knowledge, yet somehow found the means to obtain a device and post retarded takes on the internet.

posted 1 month ago

You should let people know that "they" in your sentence means "foreign tourists women that get gangraped and beaten to death"

Cuz that's the only thing that would make your sentence make any sense

posted 1 month ago

no? which school did you learn this in? lol

You translate "Te duci la cumparaturi?" as "Are you going grocery shopping?" There's no plurality involved in the entire phrase. Stop putting a bad image on Romanian education

posted 1 month ago

johnqt doesn't belong in a debutant list lol.... what logic did you use to include him, if you consider trent a top3 debutant in 2022, and trent lost to john in 2022 NA Challengers (tier 1 at the time) ?

this makes no sense lol

posted 1 month ago

then why include johnqt?

posted 1 month ago

nah, according to my pickems geng wins this match, sen wins LF vs loud and sen wins GF ..... and my pickems are never wrong of course

posted 1 month ago

T1 teams already tried to poach NiSMO from Ghost Gaming/M80 in the past and he didn't go, so I don't know if we need to even ask this question

posted 1 month ago

I agree with your first statement, but not with your second. GenG has 3 S tier players (duelist, controller, sentinel/2nd duelist) and A tier IGL, I'd only call the 3 exceptional

posted 1 month ago

the legend says that Riot's insurance company no longer covers desks...

posted 1 month ago

this is by far the best move that LOUD could've done.... but I assume there's personal/ego issues in the middle, which make this otherwise no-brainer move not happen

posted 1 month ago

Raillkeurs said "Europe - Middle East - Africa" if you actually learn how to read buddy.

posted 1 month ago

What's "Europe-Middle" ? lol

EMEA stands for "Europe, Middle East and Africa" rather than "Europe Middle and East Africa" (which would make absolutely 0 sense) FYI

posted 1 month ago
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