Flag: Romania
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: July 11, 2024 at 8:41 PM
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Abyss is not even that bad of a map, it's a fairly good map design actually... Split is in the game, Abyss has a low bar to hit to be considered bad.

posted 7 months ago

Pretty sure the equivalent can only be: Spain Val Team vs England Val Team

posted 7 months ago

how come you added yay in both the rankings and the honorable mentions? lol

posted 7 months ago

You can view the teams that qualified for ESWC Paris 2011 here: https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/Electronic_Sports_World_Cup/2011/Counter-Strike

posted 8 months ago

"3rd worst team in Americas" LMAO , this dude is dumber than rocks

posted 8 months ago

I mean.... dos9 and sultan are kinda carrying that team. dos9 is a top quality player

posted 8 months ago

a good movie editor will include that nice flank from bang before showing the quick 4 headshots to be fair...... but yeah, that was so slick from bang

posted 8 months ago

level/map design wise, it's the highest quality in Valorant... it's been so at launch and it has set the standard since then. those who understand map design know what I'm talking about

P.S.: funny that you say that Ascent can be like d2... based on some early Valorant days interview with Volcano, it appears that they spent triple the amount of time on fine-tuning Ascent for competitive play compared to the other beta maps (Riot started working on Ascent before any other map FYI, yet released it only after Beta), with the intention of making Ascent the flagship map, which can be summarized with what you said "make it be the d2 of Val" lol ... also objectively speaking, d2 and ascent have many design similarities.

posted 8 months ago

top3 for a few years maybe (2004-2006) , but didn't do enough for the entire era. markeloff, Sunde, cogu, walle, dsn just to name a few that were better for a longer period of time.

posted 8 months ago

OMG these fucking Riot ppl choosing to use greek alphabet references instead of latin ones in their lore, what a bunch of cringe mfs

lmao , do you hear yourself?

posted 8 months ago

It's not that crazy, if you have a proper optimized and overclocked hardware config.

I'm still running my evga 980ti 6gb from 2015 , overclocked, and since Valorant is not GPU bound it runs fine (not great, but fine).

posted 8 months ago

Choose another player or ask this question in another 7-9 years... NiKo has been playing at the top level in counter-strike since the end of 1.6, throughout cs:go, and now in cs2... we're talking 15 years around and at the top.

posted 8 months ago

why do you hate wallbangs? they're fun

posted 8 months ago

not sure if you're trolling, but both casters are Pacific casters, both based in South Korea, and they're both rooting for GenG

posted 8 months ago

No no, you proved your point. The region is thriving, all these countries popping super stars in Valorant left and right.


posted 9 months ago

Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, etc .. all little islands with just a few ppl around, you're right.

Didn't realize I'm talking to a certified idiot, my bad

posted 9 months ago

You have to be delusional to call the region not dead when you have players from over 30 countries all crammed in 2 teams, because there's virtually no other top teams to join. And even then, those LATAM teams still end up with North American players on the roster.

Your entire argument is based on nothing... each region is 1 region, and will concentrate even more into 1 region the longer this franchise system continues. All top players eventually will end up coming from the VCT hubs or their proximities.

posted 9 months ago

LATAM and BR are the same region bro... they're both Latin America. The only difference is that Valorant picked up more in Brazil compared to other Latin American countries (where valorant was pretty much dead compared to its main competitor cs), so Riot had to combine teams from both North America and South America to fill the gap (and invent the LATAM leagues, which were 2... LATAM North and LATAM South)

posted 9 months ago

What are the 3 regions in Americas? It's just North America and South America.

What is the single region, besides China? EMEA has 3 regions (Europe, Middle East, Africa). Pacific has 2 regions, you could argue maybe 3.

posted 9 months ago

ngl you sound like the biggest snowflake in this entire thread OP lmao.

Imagine being so triggered that a highschooler chose to.. finish highschool. That's some BIG SNOWFLAKE ENERGY right here

posted 9 months ago

they didn't write an article about khalil extending contract either in the past, so why would they about mwzera?

at least use some common sense comparisons

posted 9 months ago

Yes, it was right before franchising, when they announced that they'll apply to Pacific partnership, not Americas

posted 9 months ago

xeta and autumn chose to leave and go back to Korea, from what I remember, it wasn't a c9 call

posted 9 months ago

where's the choke tho? they won this weekend, nothing changed since a few weeks ago, City needs to make a wrong step and Arsenal to keep winning.

it'll only be a choke again if they don't beat Everton in the last matchday .... you're confused

posted 9 months ago

LOUD, SEN and GENG were actually the favorites on paper before the tournament, both by bookies and most "commentators / analysts"

posted 9 months ago

two different type of players (even though they play a similar pool of agents, they have different style of playing them), and each provides different things to a team. that being said, I'd choose f0rsaken for my team over chronicle any day of the week

posted 9 months ago

these labels are so funny and non-sensical in Valorant.... every single tournament is an international tournament (there are some exceptions in Tier2 where specific national leagues exists, but as it pertains to Tier1, every single stage is literally international and/or continental lmao)

posted 9 months ago

who's this G2 player and where can I view the stats?

posted 9 months ago

this dude just routinely made excuses for a foreign gov executing ppl in Canada lmao...... you can't make this shit up

posted 9 months ago

It hasn't though.... you're confusing Modri's marketing/propaganda machine pushing content with "global obsession"

India's only recent accomplishment is the Chandrayaan-3, otherwise Modri's India looks kind of bad, Ghandi would be quite disappointed in the nationalistic society it became.

Financially India is taking advantage of being a cheaper alternative to tech workers compared to Eastern Europe, which is why more investment is being diverted there (on top of the massive job outsourcing that is occurring in US), and that it does have one of the biggest population with basic level programmers/IT tech candidates.

posted 9 months ago

You can definitely prove it, as long as enough evidence trail is left behind... money flow tracking isn't a new method of investigation for potential financial irregularities (be that illegal, or contractually defined).

Is it a complex investigation which cannot provide a definitive conclusion 100% of the time? Sure, yes... but that doesn't mean you can't have a clause around it. It's not uncommon for both corporations and governments to include such clauses (eg: money can only be used for x, y, z) when they have a deal that involves some form of funding from entity A to entity B.

posted 9 months ago

Does anyone have any evidence for this? Or are ppl just assuming that the money was used for the CS transfers?

Not sure what the partner agreement is, but it should absolutely have a termination clause for this.

posted 9 months ago

100T looked better in their last 5-6 games than both FPX and EDG looked in the entire CN stage1, calling EDG and FPX better is reaching. I agree with the other 4 teams being potentially better in a bo3 (even though some can say that the LEV debate was recently settled, I'm not convinced yet)

posted 9 months ago

100T last few matches have been nothing close to boring. You're blind or super biased

posted 9 months ago

Karon had a pretty bad map... at least until round 20 with the judge

posted 9 months ago

it's fucking hilarious how stupid you are brother... and we're all here to laugh at it. gj

posted 9 months ago

let's see who's the dumbass here...

official name of the tournament: "VCT Game Changers 2022 Series III North America"

what a surprise, you're the fucking dumbass..

also, fyi, this is the only VCT that keenc ever played in... so you're either stupid, or you're simply pretending (but I'm willing to bet is the former)

posted 9 months ago

you can see the vct gc 2022 games in the profile match history.... what are you talking about???

posted 9 months ago

you can see them on vlr... what are u even talking about?

posted 9 months ago

nothing would happen, everyone would just move on with their lives

posted 9 months ago

she tweeted about her medical situation, from the same twitter account, last year in December... not sure if you're trolling, but it took me 5 seconds on her twitter page to see that it's not a new account at all and this isn't quite "news", just ppl didn't pay attention to their relationship, myself included.

posted 10 months ago

it'd be cool to see PRX or GenG win it, the timing seems right, but somehow I'm afraid the choke will happen again in the bo5 GF

posted 10 months ago

wait so... you want Riot to fine a player for laughing that they lost a 1v1 vs another player? what are you smoking, and can you share?

posted 10 months ago

Protocols in pro cs tactics and tactical approaches have been existing since at least 2004 (maybe earlier? not sure), the terminology was used, you can go all the way back to player/coach interviews with Thorin ~20 years ago, or you can simply trust me, since I was playing during that time.

Set strats (executes), mid-round protocols, retake protocols, rotations, 2vX situations... all these are religiously practiced in CS for the last 20 years at least, the higher level you end up playing, the more you concentrate on these things. Where do you think Valorant got them from? lol

I'm afraid you're trying to make something true even though its not, simply because you didn't notice the term being used in the last few years on whatever broadcasts you've been watching. It doesn't seem like you actually know what you're saying...

posted 10 months ago

what are you even talking about bruh??? strat executes and scenario-based protocols are in Valorant because they were fundamentals taken from CS lol

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

From early 2020 to late 2021 Phantom was actually more popular at pro level and in ranked (even though the numbers were always something like 54% vs 46% or around there). Starting with 2022 it balanced even more, with each of them, Phantom or Vandal, taking small leads in different periods of time but always averaging yearly around 50-50 share.

This is why I'm saying that your question doesn't really make sense, unless you're looking from a very specific point of view and timeline (eg: "I started playing during exactly this time, so I felt Phantom was less popular"). And if you're asking for the entirety of the game (which is my point of view), then the answer is: It was always popular, nobody needed to do anything about it.

posted 10 months ago

The Phantom was popular from Beta, nobody needed to "popularize it", it appears you have an inaccurate image in your head where the Vandal was more popular in the beginning or something...

But, if you want to be pedantic, you could say brax "popularized Phantom", since he was one of the first big names to play Valorant Beta and had by far the biggest viewership during the early key drop period.

posted 10 months ago

imagine complaining about the format in the same sentence in which you prove you have no clue what the format is

posted 10 months ago
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