In honor of nachtel boosting me in ranked and how sleepy I am in work I make tiny essay on why so good.
Synergy: This team is not paper rex, they don't have these preset utility combos or crazy scrappy hits; all of the EG players have great communication. They are really good at understanding each other and playing off each other, you don't see many mistakes in certain situation where a player isn't ready to trade or to hold for someone.
Trust: The team trusts each other to do their job which allows players to play much riskier. Take the boostio 4k vs the viper’s pit: Boostio had no utility and knew that he had to equalize to make the round winnable, he knows the moment the pit goes down his players will be able to watch the bomb, he runs in with a stun from c0m to get 4 on the round because he knew it would be locked down the moment the viper goes down.
Proactivity: Ethan said they added nothing new to their playbook before tokyo, but we’re seeing a lot of new plays from them. This is because whenever boostio has a read players know how to use utility to capitalize on it. Round 3 on ascent was a great showing of how they were able to capitalize on boostio’s read so well.
Prep: Potter might be the best prep coach itw. The anti is always solid from them and allows Boostio to make the reads previously mentioned.
Calling Structure: this team has 3 ex-igls (if you count the Ethan split with 100t) this allows this team to have amazing midrounding while allowing Boostio to participate actively in the round (he is extremely aggressive after all) and its one of the reasons Saadhak and mCe praise EG on their midrounding since even before their current run.
Confidence and Demon1: I think EG had a strong core in fundamentals but lacked firepower (we all thought that prob) but Demon1 isnt just the firepower they needed, Demon1 is the scapegoat, his overheating helps morale on a team that is so structured. He is the “foxy9” experiment done right and he still keeps structure and flexibility by playing agents other than jett. He can also take risks that win them rounds when the game slows down.