He is good
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | November 2, 2021 |
Last post: | November 24, 2024 at 6:52 PM |
Posts: | 565 |
YES, these incels dont care about womens just want to use the card to attack trans people... Its pathetic.
TL won against them for years here in BR but when they win is wrong... Makes no sense.
There is no good reason for Brazil having just 1 spot
BR got 2nd and 3rd place last editions, and this year going to the finals... Need +1 spot!
Foi na thread que eu criei mas o vlr excluiu pq esse site tb é igual a vc ^^
Vc chamou a srn de "dito cujo"
Quando vc é transfobica está atacando todas as pessoas trans ;) então sim, ataca a jelly também.
E vc em todos posts do site atacando as meninas... patéticokk
Transphobes cant take someone different being better than them in the game lol
cuz they should be allowed to play! Riot did include them in the rules.
Fãs da TL chorando assim é triste.
Aceitem a derrota, gritar na LAN é normal
No, Loud is winning this one
Funny how his fans makes such an effort to explain his acts, but the racist himself never cared to make an apolagize, i wonder why...
Doesnt have a negative connotation? So why did he said it in a discussion? You really think it was in a good way?
U even said it yourself: "if both INSULT each others physical appearance...". So him calling DG by CJ of valorant is an insult, why?
The only similarity is that both are black. You just dont wanna see the racism.
And why would they look alike? Cmon, ur not that dumb.
Explain then, what did he mean by "CJ of valorant"?
If you dont see racism in that u need some studying
oh sure, that sound exactly like a monkey... lmao
If you truly belive this you are either naive or an equal to him.
i lowkey agree but dont wanna belive it :(
Esquece essa porra ai irmãoooo
Americas will be the same today, 2x0 LEV 2x0 Loud
Teve disband split passado e não resolveu, o problema são algumas peças chaves e a metodologia de trabalho
As a brazilian, i sadly agree with you
Chega a ser patéticas essas especulações que a torcida começa a fazer na primeira má fase que o time passa
Queria conseguir me iludir assim também
TL 3-1
GGs, was a crazy match!
The advantage of upper bracket will make the difference tho
Wtf?! Didnt know this.
Same as you here.
Tinha que ter br falando merda..
Eles não tem nem coach presencial. Essa org ta uma PATIFATIA!
Loud x Leviatan will be insane, after 100t gets smashed today...
Yes, they are strong...
Loud is stronger tho.
Keep doing it, we like to disappoint you xD
Brazil top 3 last year and top 2-1 now with different lineups.
We need more slots!!!