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Registered: February 2, 2022
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 7:24 AM
Posts: 319
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i mean, i had a lot of sympathy for what happened with FPX two years ago, but it's not anyone else's fault miniboo got burnt out. everyone else has been playing just as much. and taking care of yourself and staying healthy is just as much a part of competition as getting on stage and playing. coping about this stuff just makes the event feel shitty.

posted 9 months ago

boostio and zikz too, those three were the brain trust that made the other players able to perform. people underestimate how much boostio letting his teammates play with literally zero pressure has mattered to EG and now 100T.

posted 9 months ago

imagine potter with a fraction of the money orgs like NRG spend on their roster. look what she did with the tiny amount EG is spending, she would shit on other teams if she could put together a proper roster again.

posted 9 months ago

come back brother please we just want to talk!

posted 9 months ago

that ace changes nothing lmao fake ass ace

posted 9 months ago

if they had beaten big booty latinas like they would have if they were actually serious about that match, i think they make first seed over FUT. it's unfortunate, but they had a serious shot at first seed, and they would have avoided this whole mess. navi always troll seeding matches, and it has fucked them many times.

posted 9 months ago

i miss the Guard's crazy run in 2022, that was when i fell in love with valorant. i hope this core redeems themselves at Shanghai - they should have beaten Optic on Fracture

posted 9 months ago

i mean, most assistant coaches dont get a lot of credit - that goes for coaches as well. it's tough to say how much was him, how much was potter, and how much was boostio - plus, how much c0m and ethan helped midround. clearly they're really good - but EG is starting to look pretty insane without them, with a team of far less skilled aimers. it's safe to say EG was full of very smart people last year.

posted 9 months ago

ur welcome number1_cNed_fan

posted 9 months ago

i honestly like fut, even tho im generally an NA enjoyer - the way they built their team was really good, and i like mrfalin - so I will send you a quick prayer for a FUT finals. enjoy!

posted 9 months ago

i said it in a different thread - my guy has a million people glazing him all day long. he doesn't get pushback anymore now that he owns the big hoody org. certified fragile manlet behavior.

posted 9 months ago

nadeshot is an actual fucking loser. he's both a maga idiot, and also the most fragile snowflake in the fucking valosphere. how someone who came from a COD background can't take a single fucking joke is beyond me, those lobbies were actually fucking radioactively toxic back in the day. my guy is too used to people sucking his dick bc he owns a big org. his team is made of a bunch of dudes that I support, but he makes me want to root against 100T even tho i like all the guys on the team.

posted 9 months ago

ice cold take lmao

posted 10 months ago

in FNC's current form, 100T owns them. FNC are not playing like the team we've seen them be, they're making simple mistakes that are easily punished. the EDG pick is dumb, but 100T and kru are fine those teams are really good right now.

posted 10 months ago

nah mako shits all over boaster and tenz on both astra and omen. you been watching DRX? lmao my guy only watches Americas and EMEA, Mako is literally the best statistical player in Pacific right now. And i think zekken is definitely the overall better player than jinggg, but jinggg's raze is the best itw.

posted 10 months ago

aint no way you didn't put mako on a single one of these controllers. and not jinggg on raze? brother you need a memory aid.

posted 10 months ago

the two have them have styled on NA for years, just shows that M80 must treat its players really well - they absolutely must have plenty of franchising offers.

posted 10 months ago

ice cold take tbh

posted 10 months ago

i mean, that's cool if u wanna do it that way. you'd be referring to the baby as an object rather than a person. im not making a statement politically here, even tho i do believe that nonbinary people exist. i just hate when people say that "they" is plural and not singular - it's fucking retarded. i have an english degree, it can absolutely be both singular and plural. do you say meese when you're talking about more than one moose? no, don't be stupid. you say moose, it's both singular and plural.

posted 11 months ago

They is both singular and plural, actually. If you don't know the gender of a baby, you don't say "it". You say them. It's a simple Google search, please learn English.

posted 11 months ago

he also played a lot of initiator when they won iceland and got to second in champs. idk what this narrative is lol, he was on kayo on haven during the reykjavik run and fade on ascent during istanbul. also, he has always played a lot of breach for his teams people really just pick up narratives and dont do the research.

posted 11 months ago

he just has fun on broadcast, and him plus mimi plus GB have really good chemistry

posted 11 months ago

i just love ender, he's such a fun dude

posted 11 months ago

she has literal nobodies, three of whom could not make it in t2, and she took a map off of world champs. yall are cringe, idk what she did to you but her org is the shit one not her.

posted 11 months ago

they were lmao, not a single member of the union was on mibr. pick a team to cheer for that doesnt have pedos and criminals on it.

posted about a year ago

i like people on both teams, i want c0m and aspas to succeed on lev, but also i want johnqt and zekken to succeed on sen. i just want to see a good game, both teams are very skilled.

posted about a year ago

kru is better than C9

posted about a year ago

nismo and zander exist

posted about a year ago

loud guys are incredibly nice, especially saadhak - their fans treat any other team like absolute shit, and complain whenever loud isnt placed at the top of every single list

posted about a year ago

rhyme was actually pretty good. the biggest thing he had was consistency - Giants wasn't anything special last year, but they stayed at the same spot all year long. redgar has these crazy peaks and troughs - one moment he's beating Fnatic at EMEA Grand Finals, the next he's going out in last at Champs.

posted about a year ago

I mean, I think that's more on Furia fans than 100T. If you're upset your team doesn't get to play, you have a right to your passion. They're incorrect, but telling a fan not to have feelings when their team doesn't get to play is just kind of dumb. You can be wrong, and still have a right to your feelings.

posted about a year ago

yeah i don't talk about koala, but he's insane too. zander and nismo are just on another level, it's actually ridiculous that theyve been in tier 2 for 2 years. nismo was scouted by fnatic before they picked up chronicle.

posted about a year ago

Yah I mean I love Oxygen and MxS but M80 has my bois Nismo and Zander, my NA goats. BcJ and Koala are really good, just the fact that Nismo and Zander are so insane makes me over look them. Plus Nitro has a lot of calling experience in the top level of Valo and CSGO. I get that people don't want to bet on a team we haven't seen before, but Zander and Nismo are two absolutely insane players who deserve to be playing internationally. M80 winning Ascension this year for sure.

posted about a year ago

Good night little bitch 😂

posted about a year ago

ok loser. :D

posted about a year ago

nobody is untouchable, but calling them biased when that's provably wrong is so shitty. they literally placed loud over sen in ranking, but you dont give them any credit for that of course. you just have no integrity, and want to call them out just to be shitty to them bc you're the actually biased one.

posted about a year ago

then stop being rude to plat chat. they do their best, they're the only ones providing any valorant content this entire off season and everyone shits on them any time they do a ranking and provide some entertainment. it's ridiculous, they're not perfect.

posted about a year ago

yeah sen fans are shit too. it's just annoying that when aspas actually gets valued, people are pissed. and when he gets underestimated, theyre also pissed. it's so silly.

posted about a year ago

dude, you asked why they belittle saadhak. you have no fuckin logic in your head - im saying it's not bc they think saadhak is BAD, they just think aspas is that GOOD that him LEAVING actually MATTERS. use your brain lmao. i picked loud to win, you're not saying anything new ill literally send you my pickems. but brazil doesnt get it both ways. yall were offended when people underestimated aspas, but when they actually thought he was good you get offended again. pick a way you want to get offended, it's so silly.

posted about a year ago

it's very funny that everyone in brazil shit on people when aspas wasnt high on tier lists, then he was fucking number one last year, for most of the year, and you didn't notice, and then they actually fucking VALUE him and think it's pretty bad when he leaves a team, and you STILL shit on them. yall cannot be pleased, everything is biased. i even saw some loud fans saying EG only won bc of loud last year, it's always bias for NA and never for you.

posted about a year ago

Yeah they're not dumbfuck, esports follows the geopolitical landscape not the other way around. Dumb motherfucker.

posted about a year ago

yeah but you're just literally not right. you can call it that, but making fun of someone when they correct you on a basic fact is just retarded. there's a reason the region is called EMEA, not EU. it's not just made up of EU players lmao. again, you can call it that, but you're just wrong.

posted about a year ago

They're literally not lmao, they never got approved to join the European Union. Y'all can downvote all you want, it's a simple Google lmao.

posted about a year ago


Bro how fucking stupid do you have to be to have no clue if your country is part of the largest international org in the world. Get a brain lmao. You never got approved, dumbass.

posted about a year ago

Continent doesn't matter lmao, the country of Turkey is literally not a part of the European Union dumbass. Tf they teaching in EU schools, you don't even know who's a part of your supranational international organization.

Man, VLR is so fuckin dumb. They're literally not part of the EU. Just say EMEA you dumbasses, bc Turkey, the country, was barred from membership in the EU. Such an easy search.


posted about a year ago

Yeah it's funny it seems like they don't want to be there, they've been playing a ton of off season stuff, maybe more than any team besides perhaps Sen, and I kinda get just wanting to be done for now.

posted about a year ago

bro curry couldn't win against Faze, imagine dropping a single map with him on the team. blud is having a difficult off season, seek some help.

posted about a year ago

lmao i get the mistake. the person you were replying to was wrong as well.

posted about a year ago

he went +28, he dropped 52 overall. fuck the haters

posted about a year ago

goat of sexting minors

posted about a year ago
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