And why? Only counting pro players ofc
The entire roster of Lulquid is the most overrated squad ever, other than ScreaM. This team has collectively achieved nothing in valulrant, and only gets embarrassed on the biggest tourney
Masters 2 2021, fucking lose to V1, embarrassment to EMEA
Champions: Got exposed by acend, the way better team, it wasnt even close.
Masters 1: Gets a chance to get into stage even though not deserved and loses embarrassingly to Japan and Loud
The only good thing they did was knock out two NA teams in champs but they are the worst region anyways
yes soooo 4 games ? lmao
that fits my EXTREMELY SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME line, does it not?
to put it into perspective that's the same amount of games SEIDER played for FPX this masters
ALSO i want yo say i don't think scream lost his touch or anything this response is only for people that think he did and make igling the Reason
now let's see the downvotes with no replies, truth hurts sometimes
yo we're gonna have a problem here buddy
jk he dropped the ball for 2022 but what i saw against fpx the ladt match they played made me hope for a comeback
the man went +19 on kd and 15-9 fk, all that while they lost
now u can't tell me cNed isn't back baby
the match if anyone cares against FPX the current masters winners but i have to say fpx at the time was no where near fpx this masters soo truth must be said