Flag: Belgium
Registered: September 1, 2020
Last post: March 13, 2025 at 11:02 AM
Posts: 1580
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Almost no esports company is profitable.

Adding that they have to pay leo's salary, crashies' salary, pay out trexx contract fees and then have to pay him a salary too, that is just poor business and wouldn't offset any additional winnings they get

posted 6 days ago

Ow1’s esport scene was never that good. The readability problems kept people from watching.

Conversely, that’s the reason CS does so well. Even people who don’t play the game can watch and understand, got a cousin that’s never touched CS that still watches it.

Valorant luckily is similar to CS but still a higher “barrier of entry”, and getting higher by the years due to introduction of new agents

posted 1 week ago

He’s not vocal enough

posted 3 weeks ago



posted 3 weeks ago

wasabi isn't spicy. No capsaicin in wasabi at all

posted 4 weeks ago

As someone that's not thai - if it's thai, it's not edible

posted 4 weeks ago

Valentines is an ass day for it. If you didn’t ask her out a couple weeks before valentines you already dun goofed

posted 1 month ago

Could accept if you said Netherlands DLC.

But France? Belgium performs better in any category than france, and more people speak Dutch and English fluently than French.

posted 1 month ago

Which colors represent which regions?

posted 1 month ago

It's a CS copypasta

posted 1 month ago

Yes, it's a HLTV copy pasta about olofmeister being a "boring player" and GuardiaN with the flicks

posted 1 month ago

classic babysasuke take

straight into the bin, didn't even have to read it to know it would be an ass take

posted 2 months ago

Jesus christ imagine getting 20k posts since 2019.

OG HLTV shitpostere here, 2013 signup date - was known in the good old years when HLTV wasn't yet such a cesspool like it is now

posted 2 months ago

Respect to cNed

For his return, I hope he focuses on becoming less one-dimensional

posted 2 months ago

Of course I understand that. So realistically, what would the team that is building the replay system be focusing on additionally? I can only imagine the UE5 port would take that kind of skill.

Any other element of the game would be solved by different teams. Nothing fundamental/infrastructure wise has been changed in the game in years

The only solution I can see is that the replay system will come in parallel with the UE5 port, as it may make no sense to custom build it in UE4 when they're going to port the game anyway

posted 2 months ago

What have they realistically BUILT over the last few years?

No real new gamemodes that take a lot of coding, agents don't take that much coding. No huge overhauls that take much coding.

The only thing they could've been working on at this scale is the UE5 port. It really is inexcusable taking so long, especially knowing they were already working on it while the game was being developed, so even before release

posted 2 months ago

Franchising is so bad man. You franchise in an existing scene, not from the get go. They should’ve learned from overwatch

posted 2 months ago

Lol what? Something like this always needs management + coach permission. You’re talking about contracts here. Can’t just step down willy nilly and expect to earn the same money etc

Gotta be tripping if you think he could decide this completely by himself

posted 2 months ago

I mean immortal is the obvious answer but I feel like this really isn't part of the discussion here as you're really just fighting for 500 spots with all the other sweats who are grinding hard.

So if we don't consider immortal, then I would say it's ascendant.

Most ascendant players have already hit immortal 1/2/3 in the past, don't really care too much for ranking up and therefore the mental seems to be worse than in other ranks. Since it's full of ex-immortal players, the average aim in the rank tends to be quite good, so from just destroying aim-wise you will not necessarily consistently win a great % of your games unless you're ofc super cracked mechanically. Teamplay is very inconsistent due to the fact that the drive to rank up may be somewhat lower than in some of the lower ranks below it

posted 2 months ago

Don't argue with this guy, he doesn't understand the title of his own thread.

GOAT = greatest of ALL TIME.

Not just whoever happens to be good currently. Dude has massive recency bias

posted 2 months ago

Recency bias.

Best raze if you look across the history of valorant is Derke and there should be no question about it. Consistently among the top of every tournament he played as raze since near the start of valorant.

posted 2 months ago

brother your own thread is called "GOAT of every agent"

GOAT = greatest of all time
therefore calling nAts cypher play "outdated" defeats the purpose of your own thread.

Nobody in the history of valorant has been as impactful for his team and on the game on cypher as nAts. Making the point that his style may currently be or not be outdated does not belong in this conversation.

posted 2 months ago

Depends on what rank that is. If that is anything between bronze and plat, then no, nobody knows how to play the game at all there

posted 2 months ago

Lmao your downvotes. Fkin prophet

posted 3 months ago

Not a friend.

posted 3 months ago

RTX 3070 Ti

posted 3 months ago

Magnum, vanity, f0rsaken

posted 3 months ago

Which has the biggest amount of people pretty much tied with india and therefore the 1st or 2nd largest addressable market on the world

So yes you can’t say “biggest in asia” without factoring in raw numbers

posted 3 months ago

Huge is an understatement, its the game with the most downloaded copies of any game in history

Not sure how it fares outside of CN, but the numbers are beyond insanity

EDIT: why am i being downvoted? I don’t even play the game but the numbers can easily be googled. Game has had over 1bn registered users and made nearly $7bn

posted 3 months ago

Val isn’t even #1 in asia. Crossfire is miles and miles ahead still, old cs clone

posted 3 months ago

Neither CS nor Val are still as big as Crossfire in Asia, which is an old counter strike clone

posted 3 months ago

Who says suy got kicked? Dude probably just entertained offers and accepted another one. Can be that simple

posted 3 months ago

60k for a team

5 players
Any additional expenses

You’d be lucky to see a couple grand as a player, and only 1 shot at it in a year

Its terribly low and not even worth it

posted 3 months ago

Name checks out.

posted 3 months ago

People vastly underestimate the value of IGLs in Valorant. You don't have that narrative in CS, while Valorant needs much more microcalling than CS and the role is arguably more important. I wonder why that narrative exists in the way it does.

posted 3 months ago

kinda sad we don't get to see him in any team rebuild so far.

Just get the guy under a structured IGL and unleash the fucker. I so wished Ex6tenz would have picked him and coached him in Gentle Mates, given their history together

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

A. (note, none of these were handpicked, literally the first credible source to come up when entering the term)
Spatial intelligence, specifically linked to (biological) brain structure

People vs. things interests - consistent across cultures, suggesting biological causation

Variability by gender on normal distributions (which affects most of the traits as well as intelligence), relinking

Reaction time (this is related to sprinters/athletes, but has been replicated in other fields, can link the studies easily if you like)

Visuo-motoric tracking (hand-eye coordination)

Do I need to go on?

B. I never made any claims around trans people as I don't consider it part of my field of expertise (Master's degree in Psychology). Back when I was doing my degree (2012-2017) there was very little focus on this topic apart from the clinical psychology field on gender dysphoria, so I will refrain from talking about it or making any claims. I only reacted to the first statement of "there is 0 biological difference in skill between men and women" which is factually false.

posted 3 months ago

There IS a biological difference, but it's compounded by the social factors for sure.

If there are even VERY SMALL difference on average scores on whatever attribute, you will tend to see those differences magnified at the tail ends if the ability is statistically a normal distribution

Taking a gender-neutral example: If Gender A has an average score of 110 on something, and Gender B has an average score of 107 on something, then it is very likely that the top percentiles of this particular trait will be overwhelmingly represented by Gender A.

Biologically, in most real normally distributed traits, men tend to have a "flatter bell curve", meaning there is more variance in whatever trait it is, and women tend to be statistically more clustered towards the mean. This means that men are typically over-represented in both extreme tails (far below average as well as far above average). See "variability hypothesis" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variability_hypothesis

And on top of that, you need to find people who are also highly motivated and disciplined (conscientiousness, one of the biggest differences between men and women in terms of personality traits) AND are interested in things, not people (primarily men, one of the biggest differences between men and women in terms of personality traits), AND are in the top percentiles of the traits associated with being good at eSports (e.g. visual-spatial awareness, reaction time, problem solving, hand-eye coordination, micro-motoric skills and more). To find people who are high on most or all of them continues to lower the prevalence of women the more circles you add to the "venn-diagram" of necessary traits.

Let me caveat very clearly: I am not saying that women cannot be good at esports, and I'm not saying that it is impossible for women to be better than men
It is the classic "chess problem". The odds of finding women that are high in all traits necessary to be a top esports player are simply significantly lower than for men.

posted 3 months ago

Watch what your teammates are doing and predict what util you can use to help them, don't always wait until they ask you.

If you're used to playing sentinels/controllers, don't forget initiators should be 2nd or 3rd into the site. You should be the person able to trade. Don't hang back unless you've got something like a sova ult.

Maybe paradoxical, but if you start working on util, make sure that you're not only playing util, there's too many initiators that just util dump but don't take fights.

posted 4 months ago

2 main issues:

  1. T2 and T3 dying with Franchise sytem
  2. No 3rd party tournament organizers allowed to do their thing
posted 4 months ago

You'd better hope the answer is "never" and stays that way.

Dumb post

posted 4 months ago

wouldn't know, my wife who I married 2 weeks ago has 0 red flags. I know you're baiting but giving my 2 cents for the vlr virgins who clicked on this post in earnest:

-girls with less than 10 previous bfs (you want your girl to be pro in bed)

Bullshit. Also, a girl with only 1 or 2 longterm relationships that lasted quite a while will have built up all the "pro skills". Having gone into a real relationship with 10 dudes, unless it's over a lifetime, is more of a red flag given that the girl either couldn't stay in a relationship, or has no good judgment in men.

-doesnt communicate with you

Huge red flag. Communication is number 1 skill in relationships

-communicates with you way too much

Grouping these together. While subjective, it shows signs of insecurity and instability in your relationship. Of course these things wax and wane over time and it's logical to be overly communicative at the start of your relationship, that then reduces in frequency and intensity somewhat later down the line.

-doesnt appreciate you buying her expensive gifts

It's a red flag if you are buying expensive gifts in the beginning of a relationship, showing that you may be trying to buy her affection. I only started getting my wife expensive gifts a couple years into the relationship, especially cause I'm quite well off and you want to make sure your partner is not in it for the materialistic stuff, or is a gold digger. It's more important that there is some reciprocity e.g. after I bought her a very expensive engagement rign, she returned the favor by buying me a very expensive guitar as an engagement gift to me (Paul Reed Smith McCarty 594 10 top).

Happy to shed more light on relationships and dating for the VLR virgins here

posted 4 months ago


has been repeating the exact same bait/joke for multiple years. Wasn't funny or believable when he started, and it still isn't

posted 4 months ago

aspas and it's not even close. Dude rarely takes a lot of space and avoids taking any fight that is remotely risky, which many other duelists do and which is part of the role

posted 4 months ago

my guy, you're trying way too hard in all your posts to become a copypasta. It cannot be forced like this

posted 4 months ago

It’s not a bad “business model” really if you don’t have the money to go for a top contending team

posted 4 months ago

Regen shield? I assume this is just phoenix being able to heal while not having to stand in his util, to make him a more viable duelist and not have to chill in the backline while healing

If the regen shield is something you can buy then it will just promote taking a pick and playing super passive afterwards

posted 4 months ago

very unexpected. Gotta go full pan-European talent now

posted 4 months ago

You can’t force a copypasta, kid

posted 4 months ago
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