Not sure how you think any of those are valid reasons but I guess I'll answer
1) If someone knowingly damages their reputation what good does it to give them a clean slate to possibly do it all over again while knowing there are no consequences to it all?
2) I'm curious what actual "advice" would be gained by asking a forum audience that's generally seen as not having good takes on things because the people and minds that are involved in the competitive sphere generally have their own cliques/groups of others that are also like them
3) if you want a name change we can make it happen but too many people have abused the concept of "I'm going to make a funny named user account to try and make it seem like it's not actually me"
4) Not a valid reason--if you're at that point mentally it's time to log off and go outside
5) There's not a march madness-style prize for pickems it's not that serious
If it wasn't clear before: don't use alts. If there's someone you want to get mad at for that, it's people like nihso (or insert another person's name here that's been perma'd) that thinks the rules don't apply to them.