gun to your head name 2 chinese coaches
why would you need to know about a useless region to know vct?
only ball knowers were invited why are you here
is that supposed to be a flex
Bro cries abt smurfs 😂😂 Be happy you can learn to play against better players
It was a genuine question. I really don't know how "I choose to play against weaker players on purpose" is supposed to be impressive.
AfteR, Destroyer and Muggle. Next
good job!
destroyer muggle next
muggle bail nathand sword9 fayde ego destroyeR
qin shi huang
muggle nathan destroyer bail
bail chinese?
after and haodong
just press the trigger
after muggle
AG: fire3 BLG: bail DRG: nathanD EDG: Muggle FPX: York JDG: EGO NOVA: I forgor TE: destroyeR TEC: AfteR TYL: sword9 WOL: Fayde XLG: hvoya
edit: shit its 24k
holy shit I only know muggle
wasn't Haodong a coach what he doing?
playing for tec n the coach stint was when edg decided to bench him so he wanted to be useful to the team
After and haodong.
nathand destroyeR
after, nathand, sword9, muggle and the rest are nobodies
muggle nathand
NathanDn JTK Muggle, (technically for some time Haodong), All gamers.
ts pmo
Muggle and York
destroyeR Jexen ego
24k (NOVA), york (FPX)
NathanD Muggle After
NathanD, Muggle
JeXen Bail Muggle After NathanD destroyeR
fayde nathand never question me again #real
Muggle Fayde NathanD AfteR
Muggle and bail everyone else are bottom feeders and irrelevant
destroyer and muggle