As a Malaysian i feel i should add context to this topic as it was very heated in Malaysia but the reason it was a big incident was because everyone knew the band (1975) members were gay, even the government, however the Government still let them perform as they respect their band and also the amounts of fan they have in Malaysia. The only condition is for them to keep in private like how any celebrities would keep their relationship private, do it anywhere u like but just not on stage for everyone to see, that WAS the only condition the government set, which is a very fair one in my opinion, because its a matter of respect, i respect your relationship and your music, i only ask of you to respect my culture. In the end not even an hour in, the two gay members proceed to curse and throw shade at the government, and then kiss in front of everyone ( not even a peck but a full kiss ), which not just piss off the government as they were completely blindsided by the disrespect, but also the fans and citizens of Malaysia cause nationalism and also utter lack of common sense.
Note - ( i support LGBTQ and even have quite a numbers of friends in Malaysia that is part of that communities, its actually pretty prevalent and most people know about it but they wont do anything as long as it doesnt affect them )