Flag: Nigeria
Registered: January 16, 2025
Last post: March 8, 2025 at 3:08 AM
Posts: 44

Hope yall next 24 hours is wonderful.

posted 3 days ago

First one is L, Idk how it makes sense to you ngl, like at that point we playing mickey mouse competitve

posted 3 days ago

Nah, It has always been common and only the minority has considered it a slur tho that minority is growing so maybe soon it would be majorly considered a slur

posted 3 days ago

The person that called him out started blaming him for people harassing them and then called them a ugly bitch, Fire response ngl

posted 3 days ago

But watching the latest keeoh speedrun, they is something wrong, bro went Constant Match MVPs, dropping a 3.9 kd and riot just gave 21rr, like this new patch has made it harder for smurfs or Very good players to rank up, check out the livestream and see, actually crazy.

posted 3 days ago

I don't think Kd is that important for your suggestion to be valid, infact i remember a game where I was top fragging with a crazy kd and it was a 4v5 but I missed two crucial kills that lost us two rounds, which led to our lost, and my kd can't show those missing impactful kills, only the rounds won can show it.

posted 3 days ago

You are right, but people are comparing it to the n word and saying it still not acceptible as zellsis isn't mentally disabled so he can't say it

posted 3 days ago

You underestimate how people genuinely use tracker stats app to see enemy team stats and remake if the other team is remotely challenging, this would make it so easy to only play matches where your chances of winning are 80%, even with the current system people leave or remake depending on the first round

posted 3 days ago

no hate but the person who started it is they/them

posted 3 days ago

I think we can only start cancelling people when the vast majority of people agree that the word retard is a slur.

posted 3 days ago

Gang maybe am change my flair, I am a Sen Fan but the fanbase is destorying my image, thinking of changing to rankers, what yall thoughts?

posted 3 days ago

Luck is having the skill or ability to make the most of an opportunity.

posted 4 days ago

Fair, but people are actually trying to enforce that cultural differences on others, maybe where zellsis is from isn't the parts of america where it is considered bad, so am confused by your justification, it like going to a florescent post and saying "erm But some places in the world like the middle east aren't accepting to trans" Like How does that concern anyone?

posted 4 days ago





posted 4 days ago

I have watched a lot of 1v5 with radiants and immortals, It is way much harder than you think even just 1v5 bronze players are hard so idk about Gold/Plats, but tbf iron teammates can be used as body bags and shi, and using reyna can make it very possible but Gold/plat is a lil too much

posted 4 days ago

some areas of the USA refers to the whole internet W

posted 4 days ago

So many good manhwas and LN's, FUCK solo leveling people be thinking it is the peak of manhwas straight dogshi, just op mc with "aura", Try out Shi like ORV, LOTM, Boxer, so many more

posted 5 days ago

True but at that point it is impossible, you will have to play with a perfect prediction of when it is the right time to do something or go somewhere which is impossible, especially later rounds

posted 5 days ago

Dev commented on how her dash isn't that good compared to raze as it is extremely predictable being one direction and can easily be counter played during playtesting so imagine pros who objectively have some off the best mechanics, remember no smokes to hide like jett. the rest make sense, but her slow orb and ult are more of combo util than entry util as you can still get one tapped since shooting speed isn't harmed unlike concusses.

posted 1 week ago

rules made by my fellow black people in america

posted 1 week ago

real shi

posted 1 week ago

Living in Canada and Sentinels is my fav team but I really want T1 to win for some reason, idk why

posted 1 week ago

Twist so riot doesn't get called out

posted 1 week ago

600 days+ hmm, and I see no trophies

posted 1 week ago

I like the way he stated it was an assumption concerning Bangkok and clarified even without the assumption the result isn't too different but people still hating.

posted 1 week ago

I understand your view but also others, I believe their points are the lack of change and recent media concerning Riot that explain about the larger resource allocation into skins than the gameplay, people don't consider new agents or maps as game updates, so to a lot of people nothing has changed in years.

I personally believe Riot should try and actually change the game in some shape or form, but I agree with you, I believe Riot are planning to do this, but it takes time, same way fortnite didn't release with creator or custom maps or more, just people are tired of the "same game".

posted 1 week ago

ignore bro, us canadians are actually very nice trust

posted 2 weeks ago

fair shi

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Is it innate in us to see a couple of people do something, then assume any person related to them in some way also oes the same thing?d

posted 2 weeks ago

NA ~= America
Not much about freedom here in canada

posted 2 weeks ago

This shi is peak

posted 2 weeks ago

Nah, even though am a programmer not a bit scared, mostly leaning towards entrepreneurship so ai could help me

posted 2 weeks ago

I am an immigrant of Canada :(, It is a wonderful place still amazed by it everyday

posted 3 weeks ago

where are these stats coming from tho, many sites say 5m+ so I'm confused

posted 3 weeks ago

Yoru, scared of nerf cause of pro scene

posted 3 weeks ago

It was much closer than most people expected and am glad about it.

posted 1 month ago

Blud we both shooting bodies it ain't that serious

posted 1 month ago

Sorry, I misunderstood "they" under the post of Sen winning made it seem you are reffering to sen

posted 1 month ago

g2 picked split....

posted 1 month ago

Gang Upvote me pretty pls

posted 1 month ago

Sentinels won kickoff, 4th Championship and a Masters????

posted 1 month ago