unpopular esport opinions ?(not skill based)

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1 pro players don't need to be role models.
as long as they aren't misogynistic serial killers then idc what they do or say in their free time >.> . I remember when dapr posted one pic of him smoking and ppl were legit mad in the comments, saying ur a bad influence for your followers!!! I'm not gonna smoke just because dapr does😭.

2 I like some parts of kpopfication
the fanart and edits is fine and harmless. waiting for the day I can buy verno photocards.

3 I hate every org, I will never understand ppl that are fans of orgs, what are you a fan of?? orgs keeping players in contract jail,orgs not paying their players?? very weird.

4 I miss when esport was about passion only, ppl playing in a friend's basement and competing for 500 dollars, now players think they deserve 500k a second just for blinking. ofc players in tier 2 deserve stability but they don't need 6 figures for that.

5 I think its weird when fans call players by their government name, you don't know him, he is not your friend. It feels a bit parasocial. They have a "stage name" for a reson. I always go by their game tags unless they don't care.

6 I think a vct level female player is gonna come from premier and not game changers

7 i love when players dont impression farm and just play the game
verno and eeiu come to minds, they never tweet and they dont stream often. the only time verno tweets is when he is posting the score for a match he had. If you know more players like that pls list them. I need more ppl to support.

tell me your unpopular esport opinions :3


agree with most except 7 boobstio added so much to my vct experience last year ngl


for the first 1, every public figure is an influence on their audience so while you might not care (and I don't care either) a kid whos a fan will see the behavior of their favourite pro player and try to copy it. So yeah they don't NEED to be role models, but by the simple fact of them being public figures they will be looked upon by fans. Especially since video games are majority played by younger people.


I disagree with 3. I support teams because of the players on the team (or it's just a home team ex. DSYRE). If a team doesn't do what a good team should, of course I'm not going to support them. But if they're doing everything well, then I don't see an issue.

  1. Agree (But if you're at the top/popular I think you should get PR trained)
  2. Personally I'm completely against it, it's harmless at first sight but you look in to it and most of these people are borderline parasocial
  3. Orgs are business, but I think your opinion is fair enough
  4. I agree I think some tier 1 salaries are too high, and it's negatively impacting the rest of the esport
  5. Sort of links to my second point, mainly depends on if it's casually or ironically (but even irony too frequently is pushing it)
  6. I disagree, whilst I think a female player can come from Premier to challengers I think with the current salaries in GC they would go there instead
  7. ehh idk I'm 50/50. On one hand I agree people who don't yap on social media are generally down to earth but on the other hand they're pros and impression farming and interacting is probably a good thing for their image

my premier point is that I'm thinking in 5 years a female player is gonna come join challengers from premier cus bob is already irrelevant now and she was the best player in gc, flor doesn't want to, I really don't believe she wants to play in tier1, I think she wants to make money playing video games and gc is where she can do that, vania, mimi and everyone else is the same story, they fail to qualify for challengers.so this generation of fem players are not going to do anything, but the next one might instead.

I also don't think gc is going to still be a thing 5 years in so that's why I think the first vct level female player is gonna be from premier.

edit: I also think a vct level female player is going to be a random girl we've never heard of like how karon came from ranked. that type of dedication and love for the game doesn't come from wanting a safety net (gc) it comes from just wanting to be the best (premier)

  1. so i can't call him trent anymore? 🤬
  1. Agreed, they're not faker they don't need ronaldo level pr training.
  2. True, they also generates money
  3. No comment.
  4. Esports players never go on till their 30s, that sure as hell is anything but stable no matter how much you try to stabilize it, so players would want a 6 figure salaries because they are betting on years of their lives.
  5. Agreed
  6. Agreed
  7. Impression farm and tweet clips earns you recognition and ultimately an opportunity to get recruited, unless you're primmie level player who never posted any clips if you're not doing anything that's you're own fault for having shit marketing.

didn't understand your number 3 point, wouldn't you also hate every sport club for asking bigger transfer fees and trading players for a lot?


I don't watch traditional sport :3


understandable, but that's how sports work, there is no reason to blame them. If I am Real Madrid and my player wants to leave and he costs 100 million, I would pitch him for 125mil. Why would I miss out on the opportunity to make additional cash cuz of emotions? Emotions doesn't win you events or break you even, being a cold egoistic asshole does


my hot takes:

  1. Most pros are way too soft in terms of their mental
    Most teams could have been saved just by them either working more or settling their differences aside, most of the time rosters implode cuz they aren't a team, they are 2-3 groups fighting for their interests behind the stage
  2. Health Programmes should be a standard for every org
    Not only does it increase performance but it can also stretch the careers of players even longer.
  3. Toxicity isn't as bad as people say
    I range Toxicity and straight up Discrimination as two things, Toxicity being the lesser of two evils. Most of the time ''toxics'' are just people who hate to lose and discriminators are straight up assholes
  4. first arrivals to valorant were complete ass
    They were way too lazy to improve on CS (and also they were just blatantly gathering friends in their teams) and it showed when their results didn't keep up with the next generation of players.

point 4 I agree, the ones from cs were lazy bums and now they're washed up, I love dapr but it's over for him

the health programme, do you mean like therapy and having performance and mental coach. i thought they already had that. or most at least.


that + physique


I would be really interested to see if premier players or even whole teams start getting picked up. I'd imagine it's a much better predictor of success in pro play than just farming ranked, even if the overall skill level is obviously lower. Even then, some of the gameplay I've seen in contender league is just wild.


I don't agree with 5, because I call Ethan by his first name, because we are cool like that.


I disagree with #3. Not all orgs keep their players in contract jail, not all orgs not pay their players. You can be a fan of something and still critizice it when they screw up or are being an ahole. Just like you can be friends with people that have done messed up stuff, you can disagree or tolerate them and still be on a good friendship with them. Plus, like someone mentioned above, eSports are a business (and a very costly one with low income at that) so sometimes orgs really gotta do things that will benefit them or otherwise eSports is just a money sink that can lead to bankrupcy. I'd agree with ur point if orgs weren't investing hundreds of thousands into the game to play, or if they were drowning in money. But truth is that many orgs lose money or just barely break even. Other lucky ones manage to make some profit, which even then, it isn't much.

Also, if you aren't a fan of the org what are you a fan of? The group of 3/4/5 players itself? Teams rarely stay together so you will change of team to support often, unless you already change teams often if you are a glory hunter. Ig you could just be a fan of a certain player (like many on this site) but that's so meh, I feel like you never get to belong in a team's community which is one cool part of fanbases.


i think being fans of an org is fine. especially when it's something like being a fan of the way they build their rosters, pick their staff, their coaches and how really care about the personnel they field, it's refreshing a lot of the time. i personally found myself enjoying kcorp this year because not only was their roster interesting but i thought the moves of keeping shin and ze1sh really cool. especially ze1sh, its so fun seeing him lose his mind on coach cam lol

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