i don't have literally any knowledge on how the tpa works or any of the legality of it but wouldn't they be able to rework the tpa into including relegation? especially since they aren't looking to increase the number of teams per region, i feel like relegation would give teams incentive to field more competitive rosters. so yea i think it's cool. 2 teams at a time? i don't know about that. i also think the points system wasn't very good this year but it is only the first year so there is a lot more time to improve it, especially for 2nd place tournament winners (as successful as TH was they got highkey robbed). i think making it only about the fans or only about the players schedule-wise is a huge mistake. doing it so that there are breaks while maintaining a suitable amount of "minimum matches" is probably the best way to do it. i personally think that the minimum number of matches this year was fine. whether players felt that way or felt burnt out regarding the state of the schedule is unbeknownst to me (i am curious though). i will say the situation with tier 2 that is happening is kind of sad yknow. i think the thing we can all agree on is that the format is definitely far from perfect lol
as for the whole arena matches thing i agree with @Nef0r0.