This is a safe space for vlr users to confess to things and get them off their chest. This should be therapeutic and help everyone. I’ll go first. I play league of legends sometimes 😔
ilovefrozenblueberries [#6]sometimes i play valorante naked cause its so hot outside
how does it make you feel to do that?
AstroGalaxy [#8]Every girl I look at gives me envy and makes me wanna smash my head in mirror
I edged to league of legend characters
A VLR user told me that they had a bf and it was loud flair
AstroGalaxy [#8]Every girl I look at gives me envy and makes me wanna smash my head in mirror
I edged to league of legend characters
A VLR user told me that they had a bf and it was loud flair
aight not that safe
AstroGalaxy [#8]Every girl I look at gives me envy and makes me wanna smash my head in mirror
I edged to league of legend characters
A VLR user told me that they had a bf and it was loud flair
got carried away did you
geospliced [#30]I want to find love but I should accept that it isn't happening before I graduate.
why is graduation is used so often as love milestone... checkpoint... or whatever? i don't see much problem in not experiencing much love before you graduate. a lot of classmates are so childish and you aren't meeting many new people. but if you're about to graduate, and have someone you like, then ask them out. you won't see them again anyway if they reject you XD
saebr [#31]why is graduation is used so often as love milestone... checkpoint... or whatever? i don't see much problem in not experiencing much love before you graduate. a lot of classmates are so childish and you aren't meeting many new people. but if you're about to graduate, and have someone you like, then ask them out. you won't see them again anyway if they reject you XD
It is for me because I am probably going to go somewhere very far away. Another thing is that there's nobody I like in my school lol. If there was and I asked them out and they said yes then we'd probably have to break up when I go far away anyways.
geospliced [#35]It is for me because I am probably going to go somewhere very far away. Another thing is that there's nobody I like in my school lol. If there was and I asked them out and they said yes then we'd probably have to break up when I go far away anyways.
oh i see. sorry to hear. though, it will work out wherever you're going, i believe in you! (though, long distance relationships are getting more and more common these days!)
AstroGalaxy [#8]Every girl I look at gives me envy and makes me wanna smash my head in mirror
I edged to league of legend characters
A VLR user told me that they had a bf and it was loud flair
there is not a single safe space in the world that could torture that kind of information outta me
ItsHunter [#38]there is not a single safe space in the world that could torture that kind of information outta me
Nardwuar already knows this information.
saebr [#36]oh i see. sorry to hear. though, it will work out wherever you're going, i believe in you! (though, long distance relationships are getting more and more common these days!)
Thanks for the support, it means a lot to me!
kbkdark [#50]I helped the guy that showed the twin towers in the Dublin-New York portal, because he said he wanted to show a picture of his dog, but he changed the photo in the last second 🤡
L-lmfaooo thats acc crazy
AstroGalaxy [#8]Every girl I look at gives me envy and makes me wanna smash my head in mirror
I edged to league of legend characters
A VLR user told me that they had a bf and it was loud flair
was one of the characters pajama guardian ezreal
StyrofoamOne [#54]i suffer from an intense case of ultra-procrastination
i need someone to shout the shit out of me to cure this
i second this
it's actually becoming unhealthy for me
GNub [#58]i second this
it's actually becoming unhealthy for me
im in the middle of lifechanging exams right now and im still on vlr like wtf am i doing with my life
ragegrexo [#57]bumji is bad in clash royale
This better not be kirito 😡😡😡😡😡 I’m a clasher don’t knock me
StyrofoamOne [#60]im in the middle of lifechanging exams right now and im still on vlr like wtf am i doing with my life
wow we the same 🗿
benjy [#64]This better not be kirito 😡😡😡😡😡 I’m a clasher don’t knock me
you suck buddy?
who is kirito
StyrofoamOne [#54]i suffer from an intense case of ultra-procrastination
i need someone to shout the shit out of me to cure this
terribletyranny [#22]i dont like bosniaks
aight bro lets keep the genocides in the past and consider therapy as an alternative
MANIAC8686 [#85]i shit in my pants when i was a kid and i have a small penis (until this day 😔)
I also had a small penis when I was a kid and I shit in my pants until this day too.
MANIAC8686 [#85]i shit in my pants when i was a kid and i have a small penis (until this day 😔)
Okay, I'm sorry, I just really need to know. How do you even know you have a small penis? Did you just like... get this idea one day to pull down your pants and hold a ruler up to your penis or something...? Or are you just guessing
Zephyros [#56]i might look ok but deep down i just want to retake my passport pic
This ones too real
AdhesiveLizard [#87]i was like 15 my moms " friend " brought her daughter over and they spent the night, for somereason she was in my room and things happened, like 4 years later my mom said she was my cousin...........
saebr [#36]oh i see. sorry to hear. though, it will work out wherever you're going, i believe in you! (though, long distance relationships are getting more and more common these days!)
Zerphyr1 [#59]I feel bad for others bc I’m very accomplished in all aspects
$150,000 of daddys money on high school fees?
nematoma [#96]ive not been on a single date since 2 years and it sucks
Brother, people on this site haven’t been on a date ever
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao [#18]TS will probably choke again and not qualify for champs 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
I don't play my favorite Agent, Viper, for the most stupid reason ever : For some weird reason I want to keep a positive winrate on her, I want it so bad that I stress a lot when I play her and I even become slightely toxic (I'm really really chill usually) and you know what's worse ? I'm not even talking about ranked, I'm talking about unranked (I'm still lvl 300 unranked)
I'm elosittting on UNRANKED !
ilovefrozenblueberries [#6]sometimes i play valorante naked cause its so hot outside
Who the fuck does wear clothes in summer while alone in his room ? I hope everyone do that WTF
AstroGalaxy [#8]Every girl I look at gives me envy and makes me wanna smash my head in mirror
I edged to league of legend characters
A VLR user told me that they had a bf and it was loud flair
Wait... Envy or arousal ? You want to be with her, you want to be her or both ?
kbkdark [#50]I helped the guy that showed the twin towers in the Dublin-New York portal, because he said he wanted to show a picture of his dog, but he changed the photo in the last second 🤡
Are you the Irish Jawad ?
BruteAXE [#55]i play chamber bcuz i wiff alot and not that i have great aim
Sounds the worst agent to play in that situation
I love Feet. What else can I say? Absolutely marvelous. Stupendous. Utterly amazing, l'd say. The scale, the size, the shape all perfect. The perplexing scent may seem, to put it in the peasants' language, nasty, at first, but as you truly realize the beauty of feet, it grows on you. It's an incredible metaphor for life - even the most perfect thing will have a flaw, but it too must be appreciated, and in a way, it improves said thing' even more. But the best part is, undoubtedly, the taste. Ohhhh, ahhhh... scrumptious! Splendid! Superb! If it were up to me, 'd lick them all day, every day From the very tip of the heel to the ends of every single toe, as my tongue slowly drifts across the deserted surface. The burn you feel on your tongue feels odd and makes you feel uneasy at first, but it's part of the experience, and soon enough you learn to love it, as you start feeling it permanently. It's all you can feel But sucking the toes is truly the highlight. The mere thought of sticking them in my mouth makes me ejaculate poolworths of semern in seconds. The taste... oh, it's too good to describe with even the most complex of words! It truly is an inexplicible feeling that absolutely cannot be replicated. Uncultured virgins would argue that tits or ass are far superior and that liking feet is "weird (Ugh, even thinking of such an incellous claim makes my spine rattle in disgust!), but only the true intellectuals of the highest level will understand. Feet truly are perfect in every way, shape and form. This is not a matter of opinion, but rather a stated fact It cannot be debunked, for feet are objectively superior to all.
Anguibok [#111]Wait... Envy or arousal ? You want to be with her, you want to be her or both ?
Waking_W [#105]Brother, people on this site haven’t been on a date ever
lmao i forgot i did this in last 2 months i went on 5 different dates and still talking with one girl now times change ig
Anguibok [#114]Are you the Irish Jawad ?
nah... I'm BR, but living in Ireland for a couple of months