Flag: Mozambique
Registered: May 21, 2024
Last post: November 20, 2024 at 11:17 PM
Posts: 278
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least biased bronzillian

posted 3 months ago

trace will be known as the pickems reaper

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

i want him 😍

posted 7 months ago

you can take a sen fan out of the flair, but you cant take the flair out of the fan.

posted 7 months ago

kru deserved to make playoffs there tbh, they were playing good

posted 7 months ago

yeah, but i'd assume that with ascension coming up soon they would be locked up practicing, so unless its happening soon i dont think its happening

posted 7 months ago

apparently yes, then another one for the last 2 (or 3 can't remember) matches

posted 7 months ago

if he goes back to apac then it's possible, otherwise the fact that he's in NA means this theory is dead

posted 7 months ago



posted 7 months ago

welcome to mibr yay

posted 7 months ago

I want sen to go out 0-2

but LOUD was shit in Copenhagen before they won champs, so your question doesn't prove anything

posted 7 months ago

idk seems like a very small amount of people who play valorant, but dont know about the esport.
It would just make them more money, for example for the same ad they can get maybe 50 new players, but only 5 people who are already playing to watch vct. except out of those 50 a lot will buy skins, but out of the 5 maybe only 1 buys a bundle

posted 7 months ago

Yes hard agree. Stability is important I get that, but if 8/12 teams are boring to watch because they'll realise it's more profitable to just make content and sell bundles, instead of competing internationally, people who care about the quality of gameplay will stop watching the esport

posted 7 months ago

when was 12 'more than half' of 33?? USA education KEKW

posted 7 months ago

you say this but I don't see you complaining about the ascension changes? that's practically the exact same thing, except it's applied to teams that put in the hard work to fight through, whilst paycheck stealers stay rampant

posted 7 months ago

riot need to not be heavy handed with it. If a team does good content, good bundle sales and good t2/gc investment those should be factors that should be considered. BBL shouldn't be making 'upsets' when they have the best tier 2 talent pool. KOI have achieved nothing, and they were better, but not even close. You are right about RRQ and TLN.

posted 7 months ago

relegation in this imagination would be year by year, so EG and GIA would automatically be out

C9 they are just oxy and friends, their year amounted to nothing, not a single international qualification. Did you know they didn't even make franchising initially? The only reason they're there are because G2 got kicked out.

GM8 are an ascension team so they will be relegated if they play like shit anyway

TLN is the only valid point

posted 7 months ago

this time fosho

posted 7 months ago

mfs will literally get to play video games for a living (for way more money than an average person) and still fumble.simply cuz they either cant keep it in their pants, or cant keep their hands to themselves

(flashback was proven innocent though, no shade on him)

posted 7 months ago

I was having fun at the waterslide when suddenly i noticed a big shadow covering the entire pool i looked up and there i saw him, Ardiis. He was coming straight for me, he jumped into the pool and the velocity of the wave that followed knocked me unconcious.

When i woke up i was chained in a cold and dirty room and there he was, streaming the popular shooter game VALORANT on Twitch while talking to his chat, somehow he managed to say the word "bro" 254 times in just 3 sentences how is that even possible?? I quickly realised that the chains were actually made of chocolate, confused (and mainly hungry) i started licking and sucking them as fast as i could and managed to crawl out of the room -that i presumed was probably his mothers basement- while remaining unseen.

I searched around the house for an exit and i quickly found the front door. As soon as i exited the building i saw a horde of angry Brazilians holding blowtorches and pitchforks chanting at ardiis and calling him a racist and a loser. I didn't really care so i tried to get out of the scene as soon as possible but just as i was about to step out of the house, ardiis put his enormous hand on my shoulder and whispered with a soft and melodic tone in my ear "You're not going anywhere pumpkin pie" and "Daddy's gonna take care of this swifly". He stepped out of the house and suddenly yelled "WATCH THIS" as he flamboyantly dashed into the air and suddenly made 5 knives materialise around him. He used the knives to effortlessly tap every single brazilian in the area.

I was so afraid, blood was spilled everywhere. When it all was over ardiis looked in my direction and i knew that it was over, if they didnt stand a chance, then i wouldnt either, so i just gave up. Ardiis started walkingin my direction each step making the ground shake. When he got to me he just sat down on me saying that i got cold and he needed to warm me up. After a while he took me inside the smelly basement again and took his clothes off. He started smelling me and licking my ear, and then he suddenly got very embarrased and told me i can just leave.

Turns out that this was a huge misunderstanding, this whole time he thought that i was a chocolate egg and he wanted to eat me. The disappointment on his face when he realized the mistake he had done was palpable, a tangible testament to the depth of his sorrow.

posted 7 months ago

When EU/BR/PAC/CN is mocked: 🗿😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

when NA is mocked:

posted 7 months ago

imagine league players, now imagine league players who watch anime. + those stupid edater reels are the only impression most people have

posted 7 months ago

ok asselasti0

posted 7 months ago

Indonesia is crazy

posted 7 months ago

American education teaches that they are the best in the world at anything and everything, which is why they think they're 'free' and the rest of the world isn't. Then comes along a foreigner who's happy and they get all angry and defensive, as if it's the mission to make sure only they can be happy and no one else can. It's like when LOUD were winning - Americas was winning, but when they were shitting the bed Brazil is losing and NA is winning

posted 7 months ago

People want Sacy gone not because of his results, but because braindead SEN fans can't stand to see a non NA player have success on a NA org

posted 7 months ago

bro gave us a warning

posted 7 months ago

i was having fun at the waterslide when suddenly i noticed a big shadow covering the entire pool i looked up and there i saw him, Ardiis. He was coming straight for me, he jumped into the pool and the velocity of the wave that followed knocked me unconcious.

When i woke up i was chained in a cold and dirty room and there he was, streaming the popular shooter game VALORANT on Twitch while talking to his chat, somehow he managed to say the word "bro" 254 times in just 3 sentences how is that even possible?? I quickly realised that the chains were actually made of chocolate, confused (and mainly hungry) i started licking and sucking them as fast as i could and managed to crawl out of the room -that i presumed was probably his mothers basement- while remaining unseen.

I searched around the house for an exit and i quickly found the front door. As soon as i exited the building i saw a horde of angry Brazilians holding blowtorches and pitchforks chanting at ardiis and calling him a racist and a loser. I didn't really care so i tried to get out of the scene as soon as possible but just as i was about to step out of the house, ardiis put his enormous hand on my shoulder and whispered with a soft and melodic tone in my ear "You're not going anywhere pumpkin pie" and "Daddy's gonna take care of this swifly". He stepped out of the house and suddenly yelled "WATCH THIS" as he flamboyantly dashed into the air and suddenly made 5 knives materialise around him. He used the knives to effortlessly tap every single brazilian in the area.

I was so afraid, blood was spilled everywhere. When it all was over ardiis looked in my direction and i knew that it was over, if they didnt stand a chance, then i wouldnt either, so i just gave up. Ardiis started walkingin my direction each step making the ground shake. When he got to me he just sat down on me saying that i got cold and he needed to warm me up. After a while he took me inside the smelly basement again and took his clothes off. He started smelling me and licking my ear, and then he suddenly got very embarrased and told me i can just leave.

Turns out that this was a huge misunderstanding, this whole time he thought that i was a chocolate egg and he wanted to eat me. The disappointment on his face when he realized the mistake he had done was palpable, a tangible testament to the depth of his sorrow.

posted 7 months ago

'ok class write down your plans for summer vacation' ahh post

posted 7 months ago

I wonder if shakespeare knew that modern day poetry would consist of anything remotely similar to what vlr is

posted 7 months ago

all my homies hate whoever let the dogs out

posted 7 months ago

crazy how a whole generation has grown up without asking the question

posted 7 months ago

ohne is funny so fair enough
no idea about the other one

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

'final solution' ahh wording

posted 7 months ago

the rot consumes delulgavin

posted 7 months ago

Still curious about this, if you care to comment

posted 7 months ago

idk if you get buddies for ranks on console, but if you do then yes

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

i regret googling that

posted 7 months ago

thank you number1_cNed_fan, you too

posted 7 months ago

his name was cleared no? correct me if i am wrong but the investigation turned out he had minimal wrongdoing

posted 7 months ago

stuck in 2021?

posted 7 months ago

bro is going through his own haduya hd chart phase

posted 7 months ago

also that he has to fucking scream with the most corporate sounding excitement whenever he cuts to the next scene

posted 7 months ago

fr spitting facts

from what ive seen is that you just took the wrong side on the whole psion thing and you're just too stubborn to admit you were wrong (this is actually the best case scenario in my opinion for you, because if you genuinely side with psion you are just a horrible person)

posted 7 months ago
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