333triplethreat [#27]
read bro, i said they were literally a tier 2.5 team before he joined and after demon1 came along they literally improved. and u cant be serious if u think if yay was on the team they would win champs. yay relied more on his team than demon1 did, which just shows how good demon1 is.
after demon1 came along they literally improved
Yes, he made the team much better but he isn't the sole reason that EG is world class, like you keep implying. Watch EG's old vods, they looked horrible before. Their defaults were shit, their defensive setups, pacing and trading, and overall teamplay were all so bad. Then they started gradually improving as time went on. Demon1 didn't change what I listed above much. During masters Tokyo after 2 matches I already called it that they were a top 2 team itw, before the semifinals even started. Here's proof go to #9 and read this thread:
and u cant be serious if u think if yay was on the team they would win champs
don't know why u keep saying that shit, not once did I ever make that statement.