does kr have the talent?

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Does kr have a deep enough and diverse enough talent pool for 3 kr teams?
i dont think so. (atleast not right now)

maybe its too early to say but the likes of geng/t1 have not looked great so far.
Or is the issue something else?

  • bad management?
  • wrong players wrong roles?
  • bad coaching/strats
  • just too early to say?

bad management
could have way better korean players but instead got carpe shit ass


also t1 why the fuck is saya and xeta playing 1 champ across all the maps so far.
its not even like the champs are broken
like why are we playing neon on ascent?!? stop trying to reinvent the wheel just use it ffs.


2 & 3


nope they suck



geng still not bad imo, took a map off drx

andrewdamf [#2]

bad management
could have way better korean players but instead got carpe shit ass

That's what I don't understand they have valorant players that's been playing this game since start and decide to sign carpe from OW like 2 months ago ? Carpe looks so lost atm. This team atm looks worse than tier 2.


Yes, it’s just that T1 and Gen.G didn’t sign the best KR players. They didn’t sign t3xture and Bazzi, who went to GE instead, and Suggest, who is stuck on DFM. Dplus also has some good talents like Lakia and Sylvan (Rumored), but they don’t like to give players away to their competition

archetype [#6]


geng still not bad imo, took a map off drx

ts and meteor needed to destroy in that map to win. ts also won them multiple clutchs, stop using this one map as an excuse lol. just accept that they have a long way to go.

andrewdamf [#9]

ts and meteor needed to destroy in that map to win. ts also won them multiple clutchs, stop using this one map as an excuse lol. just accept that they have a long way to go.

yeah it wasn't clean but it showed it can be done. it's not a non-sign. even being somewhat competitive with drx with only a few months is just good growing indicators. plus secret shit the bed and it still happened.

I'm not saying geng is top 3 pacific league, just that they have potential.

Ullyr [#7]

That's what I don't understand they have valorant players that's been playing this game since start and decide to sign carpe from OW like 2 months ago ? Carpe looks so lost atm. This team atm looks worse than tier 2.

yeah i really dont know what the fuck they are doing
they really pulled a reverse sentinels signing him for hype or something

archetype [#10]

yeah it wasn't clean but it showed it can be done. it's not a non-sign. even being somewhat competitive with drx with only a few months is just good growing indicators. plus secret shit the bed and it still happened.

I'm not saying geng is top 3 pacific league, just that they have potential.

"but it showed it can be done" do you think ts and meteor will always have this performance to carry them? and also rely on rb, stax and mako playing bad? like literally, mako playing badly is literally one of the most rare sights of pro valorant (he literally played insane the next map :skull:) stax too.
i agree they have great potential but saying they arent bad because of 1 map is stupid. if they played like that against any other franchising team in the world except the worst ones like bbl or fut they would lose.

andrewdamf [#12]

"but it showed it can be done" do you think ts and meteor will always have this performance to carry them? and also rely on rb, stax and mako playing bad? like literally, mako playing badly is literally one of the most rare sights of pro valorant (he literally played insane the next map :skull:) stax too.
i agree they have great potential but saying they arent bad because of 1 map is stupid. if they played like that against any other franchising team in the world except the worst ones like bbl or fut they would lose.

TS and Meteor probably could pull off these performances ngl.

Obviously it's not like DRX was playing at peak form, and I'm not basing my entire judgment on Gen.G because of 1 map lmfao, I'm just saying they aren't bad and they also took a map off DRX - it's not justification for my judgment.



its what happens when you throw 4 duelists on a single team


T1 doesn't even look like they have strats
just saya running it down brainlessly hoping to get a pick
also carpe does not look comfortable on valorant yet.
Gen.G took a map off DRX so we'll see if they get better with time similar to T1 but T1 look really rough right now
why do they have Saya on neon on literally every map, put him on jett
Xeta looks great, ban looks uncomfortable on controller and munchkin has been whiffing

archetype [#13]

TS and Meteor probably could pull off these performances ngl.

Obviously it's not like DRX was playing at peak form, and I'm not basing my entire judgment on Gen.G because of 1 map lmfao, I'm just saying they aren't bad and they also took a map off DRX - it's not justification for my judgment.


saying they arent bad because of 1 map is literally a justification.
ignoring the other 2 maps where they got destroyed is just a plus, ts probably could but meteor def not, atleast on any other agent except jett.


1 team region


There's 4 good Korean players on other teams in the Pacific league, also, it will take some time, but I truly believe there will be a large number of Korean talents in this game in a few years, especially if the most succesful one, DRX can continue to bring attention to Valorant in Korea, hopefully by winning an event

andrewdamf [#16]

saying they arent bad because of 1 map is literally a justification.
ignoring the other 2 maps where they got destroyed is just a plus, ts probably could but meteor def not, atleast on any other agent except jett.

Show me where I specifically said because in my original statement.


T1 never be good in Valorant

archetype [#19]

Show me where I specifically said because in my original statement.

you dont need to specifically say because, you literally said yourself:
"geng still not bad imo, took a map of drx"
which is a justification and ignoring the other two performances.


Riot is korean dickriders cause of LCK there tons of org that more deserve franchise slot like Crazy Racoon Boom Full sense they were real legacy org have history have money then choose org like DFM GENG T1 instead bruh

fourlvalorant [#15]

T1 doesn't even look like they have strats
just saya running it down brainlessly hoping to get a pick
also carpe does not look comfortable on valorant yet.
Gen.G took a map off DRX so we'll see if they get better with time similar to T1 but T1 look really rough right now
why do they have Saya on neon on literally every map, put him on jett
Xeta looks great, ban looks uncomfortable on controller and munchkin has been whiffing

Idk who there igl is , munchkin maybe but he's been making terrible calls or just outstratted with pretty much every map so far. Also their fundamentals are so bad around trading and taking space. They give it all up and rely on their aim. They also randomly peek just to win aim duels.

andrewdamf [#21]

you dont need to specifically say because, you literally said yourself:
"geng still not bad imo, took a map of drx"
which is a justification and ignoring the other two performances.

Use commas to separate independent clauses when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.


get off my dick broski, it's not necessarily a substitution for because - you just misinterpreted it that way lol

Djysahkb0i [#22]

Riot is korean dickriders cause of LCK there tons of org that more deserve franchise slot like Crazy Racoon Boom Full sense they were real legacy org have history have money then choose org like DFM GENG T1 instead bruh

pacific franchising was a complete shit show with alot of undeserving orgs getting slots, especially some orgs with almost no presence in valorant.


kr only had 1 good team and its always drx
you guys always overrate shit kr teams by saying they can beat this or that, but they can't prove that in lcq 2021&2022

pacific teams secure 26th-30th spot

Djysahkb0i [#22]

Riot is korean dickriders cause of LCK there tons of org that more deserve franchise slot like Crazy Racoon Boom Full sense they were real legacy org have history have money then choose org like DFM GENG T1 instead bruh


And, should had been 3 JP teams imo. Their fans is so huge


DrudaL [#26]

kr only had 1 good team and its always drx
you guys always overrate shit kr teams by saying they can beat this or that, but they can't prove that in lcq 2021&2022

pacific teams secure 26th-30th spot

Bruh cmon......

Sprouts [#8]

Yes, it’s just that T1 and Gen.G didn’t sign the best KR players. They didn’t sign t3xture and Bazzi, who went to GE instead, and Suggest, who is stuck on DFM. Dplus also has some good talents like Lakia and Sylvan (Rumored), but they don’t like to give players away to their competition

Slyvan rly deserved for league instead of Secret
imagine Suggest into some korean team would be better
All korean team need IGL like stax but korean have only 1 stax 🥱

archetype [#24]

Use commas to separate independent clauses when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.


get off my dick broski, it's not necessarily a substitution for because - you just misinterpreted it that way lol

ye i def misinterpreted!!

andrewdamf [#30]

ye i def misinterpreted!!

it's ok lil bro you can cope however u want

DrudaL [#26]

kr only had 1 good team and its always drx
you guys always overrate shit kr teams by saying they can beat this or that, but they can't prove that in lcq 2021&2022

pacific teams secure 26th-30th spot

I agree T1 are bad but you guys seriously are never going to let that 2021 LCQ go lol

Sprouts [#32]

I agree T1 are bad but you guys seriously are never going to let that 2021 LCQ go lol

Agreed past was past

Sprouts [#32]

I agree T1 are bad but you guys seriously are never going to let that 2021 LCQ go lol

they like to talk about 2021 LCQ but 2/3 kr teams made top 4, 2nd place was carried the entire tourney by seoldam, and 1st place got exposed on LAN

it's really not the gotcha they think it is. better to just agree all asian teams are decent but none of them have won trophies, PRX being the closest to bringing glory home to the continent.

archetype [#31]

it's ok lil bro you can cope however u want

im not coping lmao.
you just have such a big ego that it actually tires me for trying to change your mind
mf really cant accept hes wrong for one time in his life, its like everytime there is a kr thread you activate your braindead mode.

andrewdamf [#35]

im not coping lmao.
you just have such a big ego that it actually tires me for trying to change your mind
mf really cant accept hes wrong for one time in his life, its like everytime there is a kr thread you activate your braindead mode.

im not coping lmao. 🤓

as for you, you've literally tried to be contrarian or correct me by putting words in my mouth twice now lol, first when I said T1 would be mid or worse and you doubled down on your misreading, and now when you try to correct me by saying "no ackshually they have a long way to go!!" as if i said geng are currently a good team. not bad =/= good, because it seems like you need clarification on that. yeah, geng do have a long way to go, I've literally never said the opposite. sit tf down kid lol, sounds like you're the one who can't accept being wrong.


No they don't but after champs they have delusional fans


Korea doesn't have that much talent and it shows


And the whole vlr community saying T1 is top 3 pacific ez 😂😆

archetype [#36]

im not coping lmao. 🤓

as for you, you've literally tried to be contrarian or correct me by putting words in my mouth twice now lol, first when I said T1 would be mid or worse and you doubled down on your misreading, and now when you try to correct me by saying "no ackshually they have a long way to go!!" as if i said geng are currently a good team. not bad =/= good, because it seems like you need clarification on that. yeah, geng do have a long way to go, I've literally never said the opposite. sit tf down kid lol, sounds like you're the one who can't accept being wrong.

if you dont want me to be contrarian just fucking mean what you say?
i didnt put any words in your mouth. youre the one typing it yourself.
"not bad" doenst mean neither good or a "mid" team (because that literally doenst exist as of right now)
and i didnt even say anything about you talking about them being good or not. im saying using 1 map to justify shit doenst make any sense. you also didnt use the other 2 maps where they got destroyed which is also a plus to why i said that.
you saying "sit tf down kid lol" is literally the biggest example of your bitchy ass ego 💀
i couldnt care less about you. dont think im targeting you or something, it just happens to you always be the one talking bullshit on these kr threads. its actually incredible how its only you, maybe youre one of the reason people here hate kr on vlr so much?

andrewdamf [#40]

if you dont want me to be contrarian just fucking mean what you say?
i didnt put any words in your mouth. youre the one typing it yourself.
"not bad" doenst mean neither good or a "mid" team (because that literally doenst exist as of right now)
and i didnt even say anything about you talking about them being good or not. im saying using 1 map to justify shit doenst make any sense. you also didnt use the other 2 maps where they got destroyed which is also a plus to why i said that.
you saying "sit tf down kid lol" is literally the biggest example of your bitchy ass ego 💀
i couldnt care less about you. dont think im targeting you or something, it just happens to you always be the one talking bullshit on these kr threads. its actually incredible how its only you, maybe youre one of the reason people here hate kr on vlr so much?

if you dont want me to be contrarian just fucking mean what you say?

how does this make any sense lol, do you know what contrarian means?

stop using this one map as an excuse lol. just accept that they have a long way to go.

directly implies I have not accepted they have a long way to go lol, but I've never said anything contrary to that

i couldnt care less about you. dont think im targeting you or something, it just happens to you always be the one talking bullshit

me: t1 could be mid or worse
you: guys he said t1 is MID! ackshually they are one of the weakest teams!

perhaps you are the one talking bullshit and just pinning it on me because I happened to be the one whose comments you are misreading. plus you literally blew off that misread with some mockery lol. and you talk about my ego. i do have an ego, I'm not gonna hide it. for the most part, I try to be reasonable and own up to my mistakes, I've literally owned up and apologised for misreading/misinterpreting stuff in the past, you've literally seen me do it to you lmao
pretty interesting how I've yet to see you do that to...anyone really

pretty incredible how you're constantly on my dick. you don't see me starting shit with someone this often lol. and especially not over shit I misinterpreted.

fuck you're 15 anyway

archetype [#41]

if you dont want me to be contrarian just fucking mean what you say?

how does this make any sense lol, do you know what contrarian means?

stop using this one map as an excuse lol. just accept that they have a long way to go.

directly implies I have not accepted they have a long way to go lol, but I've never said anything contrary to that

i couldnt care less about you. dont think im targeting you or something, it just happens to you always be the one talking bullshit

me: t1 could be mid or worse
you: guys he said t1 is MID! ackshually they are one of the weakest teams!

perhaps you are the one talking bullshit and just pinning it on me because I happened to be the one whose comments you are misreading. plus you literally blew off that misread with some mockery lol. and you talk about my ego. i do have an ego, I'm not gonna hide it. for the most part, I try to be reasonable and own up to my mistakes, I've literally owned up and apologised for misreading/misinterpreting stuff in the past, you've literally seen me do it to you lmao
pretty interesting how I've yet to see you do that to...anyone really

pretty incredible how you're constantly on my dick. you don't see me starting shit with someone this often lol. and especially not over shit I misinterpreted.

fuck you're 15 anyway

you actually think you're special
its actually hilarious.
shows how you have 0 social awareness at all, would surprise me if you have IRL friends. i feel sad for them if you actually have.
imagine having a dude constantly changing his argument just to prove a point? i actually had one friend like that 1 year ago and it was one of the most exhausthing mental conversations ive ever had.
and i talked about you saying t1 would be mid or worse because it was actually delusional to think they would be "mid"
and today you proved my point. couldnt even beat one of the weakest ascension teams lol. i couldnt even remember the posts about t1 but you clearly did, get me out of your head, holy fuck.
and the typical "i need to bring age to the debate, because i dont have really anything else to say" argument. even if im younger than you, which i doubt, im clearly more mature💀
i literally have never talked with you lil bro. im not "constantly on your dick" in this past week i just had some posts with you than years i had in this website. attention seeker weirdo.

andrewdamf [#42]

you actually think you're special
its actually hilarious.
shows how you have 0 social awareness at all, would surprise me if you have IRL friends. i feel sad for them if you actually have.
imagine having a dude constantly changing his argument just to prove a point? i actually had one friend like that 1 year ago and it was one of the most exhausthing mental conversations ive ever had.
and i talked about you saying t1 would be mid or worse because it was actually delusional to think they would be "mid"
and today you proved my point. couldnt even beat one of the weakest ascension teams lol. i couldnt even remember the posts about t1 but you clearly did, get me out of your head, holy fuck.
and the typical "i need to bring age to the debate, because i dont have really anything else to say" argument. even if im younger than you, which i doubt, im clearly more mature💀
i literally have never talked with you lil bro. im not "constantly on your dick" in this past week i just had some posts with you than years i had in this website. attention seeker weirdo.

i ain't readin allat u got issues homie

capital_d_colon [#25]

pacific franchising was a complete shit show with alot of undeserving orgs getting slots, especially some orgs with almost no presence in valorant.

t1 and geng was in valorant for a while just never had success

archetype [#43]

i ain't readin allat u got issues homie

good, you keep getting embarrassed.


In my personal opinion, I think KR has the developing talent pool in becoming a decent top tier region in APAC. However, that time might not be now (if we were to talk about T2-T3 below).

DRX, NU, Damwon (Dplus), F4Q, and ex-ONS were the only ones who had inter-regional and international experiences.

NU became a fossil. ex-ONS has since been gone and some went to Damwon. Damwon alone didn't have the best of times in the EA LCQ. F4Q did decent, but it was clearly not long term. Out of all four, DRX had the management, resources, talent, and experience, to hold the hegemony that is "Korea's Best Team" just because they didn't change out their roster for the majority and they went to the most intl tournaments.

However, reminder that it took even VS until Masters Berlin 2021 to get here. It took a while. Valorant wasn't that rising game thay is currently ranked 3rd in PC-Bangs across South Korea. Just look at the current VCL KR open qualifiers!

New talents and old talents coming in, new ONS got knocked out, mid-T2 players in Rio Company are having a resurgence. New names and new teams are popping up (62 registered for the open quals.)

Besides the hodge-podge teams of Gen.G and T1 (who spent the majority of their time in NA and barely competing in KR maybe except Munchkin), DRX is the only one that maintained their status quo.

I believe before talent, stability will come first into the KR scene. The T2 scene is recovering from losing DRX, but they still have Dplus, NS, CNJ, WGS, Maru, and SPEAR, all local and proven domestic names.

When that T2 stability finally comes, I believe talent will flourish.

TMosura [#46]

In my personal opinion, I think KR has the developing talent pool in becoming a decent top tier region in APAC. However, that time might not be now (if we were to talk about T2-T3 below).

DRX, NU, Damwon (Dplus), F4Q, and ex-ONS were the only ones who had inter-regional and international experiences.

NU became a fossil. ex-ONS has since been gone and some went to Damwon. Damwon alone didn't have the best of times in the EA LCQ. F4Q did decent, but it was clearly not long term. Out of all four, DRX had the management, resources, talent, and experience, to hold the hegemony that is "Korea's Best Team" just because they didn't change out their roster for the majority and they went to the most intl tournaments.

However, reminder that it took even VS until Masters Berlin 2021 to get here. It took a while. Valorant wasn't that rising game thay is currently ranked 3rd in PC-Bangs across South Korea. Just look at the current VCL KR open qualifiers!

New talents and old talents coming in, new ONS got knocked out, mid-T2 players in Rio Company are having a resurgence. New names and new teams are popping up (62 registered for the open quals.)

Besides the hodge-podge teams of Gen.G and T1 (who spent the majority of their time in NA and barely competing in KR maybe except Munchkin), DRX is the only one that maintained their status quo.

I believe before talent, stability will come first into the KR scene. The T2 scene is recovering from losing DRX, but they still have Dplus, NS, CNJ, WGS, Maru, and SPEAR, all local and proven domestic names.

When that T2 stability finally comes, I believe talent will flourish.

yeah now that valorant is popular in Korea it'll probably be at least a year before some really good kr teams start turning up. it's possible that with the new partnered leagues and VCT format that the development accelerates even within the tier 1 scene, but that's likely just a pipe dream. i figure the pacific league will have to play catch up during 2023 again, the emea/na leagues just look stronger overall.

Domination [#37]

No they don't but after champs they have delusional fans

Bro's a lil salty that DRX beat Fnatic


always was and will be a single team region
cosseted by Riot since day1 and overhyped asf among the delusional fans
SEA deserved one more slot and Kr could have 2 instead of 3

OzyMeister [#49]

always was and will be a single team region
cosseted by Riot since day1 and overhyped asf among the delusional fans
SEA deserved one more slot and Kr could have 2 instead of 3

korea is capable of building a second great team. Unfortunate because that seem it will take a long time


Plastic Surgery is an incredible talent

Shownu [#51]

Plastic Surgery is an incredible talent

does ur gf have plastic surgery

Shownu [#51]

Plastic Surgery is an incredible talent

me when I forget to bruh my teeth for 20 years(average British)


they have a decent talent just that people overhype them

fapcity [#50]

korea is capable of building a second great team. Unfortunate because that seem it will take a long time

second sure
third thats a stretch (thats why I said SEA could have done better with that slot as they have a huge talent pool compared to KR)

Shownu [#51]

Plastic Surgery is an incredible talent

What does that have to do w this you dumb brit

Shownu [#51]

Plastic Surgery is an incredible talent

This is irrelevant to the topic and other countries have it too🗿

Shownu [#51]

Plastic Surgery is an incredible talent

British talking ?




Korea has the lowest birth rates in the World, soon they won’t have much (enough) talents to compete with other nations in any sports.


For last 2.5 years they got every help they possibly could , from the highest prize pools to playing their challengers on LAN and getting a direct slot to the highest stage in Valorant and still barely got any decent players in T2.
This is what happens when all of your players regardless they shit or not all go into franchising teams .
Like it tells you all when players like carpe get a direct spot in a partner team
LCQ was the funniest part of the whole 2.5year timeline when their teams got shit on by EDG and KONE lmao

None of that matters but what makes me angry is all these kr users have alw tried to belittle sea fans and acting superior like they did something

my_fav_team_is_M3C [#60]

Korea has the lowest birth rates in the World, soon they won’t have much (enough) talents to compete with other nations in any sports.

Population has nothing to do with talent pool

JiangLi [#61]

For last 2.5 years they got every help they possibly could , from the highest prize pools to playing their challengers on LAN and getting a direct slot to the highest stage in Valorant and still barely got any decent players in T2.
This is what happens when all of your players regardless they shit or not all go into franchising teams .
Like it tells you all when players like carpe get a direct spot in a partner team
LCQ was the funniest part of the whole 2.5year timeline when their teams got shit on by EDG and KONE lmao

None of that matters but what makes me angry is all these kr users have alw tried to belittle sea fans and acting superior like they did something

didnt sea fans shit talk kr users first? i saw bunch of ppl straight up disrespecting drx and the region itself when prx got 2nd place in masters


It took drx 3 years to be decent, these other Korean teams will need 5 years to compete against other regions

archetype [#52]

does ur gf have plastic surgery

Thank God, no.

R136a1 [#63]

didnt sea fans shit talk kr users first? i saw bunch of ppl straight up disrespecting drx and the region itself when prx got 2nd place in masters

got downvoted cz ppl cant handle the truth



You know the answer to this question lil bro lol

-Supernova The King of Valorant

fapcity [#44]

t1 and geng was in valorant for a while just never had success

T1 was the very first org to commit to valorant


Sungmin will carry Korea with the amount of good talent he finds

OnlyOneStar [#62]

Population has nothing to do with talent pool

It has eventually, Korea is dying demographically


Yeah they do but they are over represented

JiangLi [#61]

For last 2.5 years they got every help they possibly could , from the highest prize pools to playing their challengers on LAN and getting a direct slot to the highest stage in Valorant and still barely got any decent players in T2.
This is what happens when all of your players regardless they shit or not all go into franchising teams .
Like it tells you all when players like carpe get a direct spot in a partner team
LCQ was the funniest part of the whole 2.5year timeline when their teams got shit on by EDG and KONE lmao

None of that matters but what makes me angry is all these kr users have alw tried to belittle sea fans and acting superior like they did something

Nah you jealous broke sea fans are obsessed with us. In the end we will dominate asia region jn valorant too watch

R136a1 [#63]

didnt sea fans shit talk kr users first? i saw bunch of ppl straight up disrespecting drx and the region itself when prx got 2nd place in masters

Bro you're in VLR. people here shit talk on everything


2 and 4 I think.

Shownu [#65]

Thank God, no.

She needs it she ugly and fat


😂😂 all these bullshit posts. I cant wait for pacific league

gordonramsay [#72]

Nah you jealous broke sea fans are obsessed with us. In the end we will dominate asia region jn valorant too watch

you are most braindead person in this site tho
Not even soulstalker or sabbatical can beat you in that competition

R136a1 [#63]

didnt sea fans shit talk kr users first? i saw bunch of ppl straight up disrespecting drx and the region itself when prx got 2nd place in masters

you think PRX didn't get disrespected before ? 🤣🤣
Copenhagen is still a recent event , do you know how much APAC teams got shit talked alr


Yes. Riot gave them 3 spot in franchising coz they have huge player base, huge viewership, huge achievements, 30+ great contender teams(but i can only remember 1), best in da world 🔥

JiangLi [#77]

you are most braindead person in this site tho
Not even soulstalker or sabbatical can beat you in that competition

😂😂😂 “singapore would be easy top 5 in a valorant world cup”? You telling me im braindead?

JiangLi [#78]

you think PRX didn't get disrespected before ? 🤣🤣
Copenhagen is still a recent event , do you know how much APAC teams got shit talked alr

bro i swear there was a moment where SEA fans literally belittled any other asian region. plue there arent many real koreans out here who shit talk other region anyway

gordonramsay [#80]

😂😂😂 “singapore would be easy top 5 in a valorant world cup”? You telling me im braindead?

lmao guy took me seriously on a fantasy world cup thread 🤣
Also post the whole message bro why did you edit it out ?
who you scared from sia

JiangLi [#82]

lmao guy took me seriously on a fantasy world cup thread 🤣
Also post the whole message bro why did you edit it out ?
who you scared from sia

I felt bad for you. Dogshit singapore really top 5 valorant world cup? That was probably one of the most delusional takes ive heard so far.

JiangLi [#82]

lmao guy took me seriously on a fantasy world cup thread 🤣
Also post the whole message bro why did you edit it out ?
who you scared from sia

We can link up so wya send the addy. Aint nobody scared here I just feel bad for you fat fucks

gordonramsay [#83]

I felt bad for you. Dogshit singapore really top 5 valorant world cup? That was probably one of the most delusional takes ive heard so far.

Singaporeans and their team have actually achieved the most in APAC internationally
why you feel bad for sgpeans ? also trying to steer away the convo
just post the whole message , let others see you cringe meatrider

R136a1 [#81]

bro i swear there was a moment where SEA fans literally belittled any other asian region. plue there arent many real koreans out here who shit talk other region anyway

JiangLi is notorious for being a delusional APAC fan to the point where some other APAC fans don't like him too. I just gave up on arguing with him, shit's not worth it bro.

Notice how you talked about DRX getting disrespected by APAC fans first and he starts spewing shit about how PRX got flamed before instead? Crazy strawman.

R136a1 [#81]

bro i swear there was a moment where SEA fans literally belittled any other asian region. plue there arent many real koreans out here who shit talk other region anyway

"there was a moment" like what moment you talking about
sea fans literally make fun of each other all the time

JiangLi [#85]

Singaporeans and their team have actually achieved the most in APAC internationally
why you feel bad for sgpeans ? also trying to steer away the convo
just post the whole message , let others see you cringe meatrider

You right 2 singaporeans 💀💀 its like chinese lpl teams importing koreans and calling it success. You msg me when another asian region has 2 teams that placed top 3 internationally.

gordonramsay [#88]

You right 2 singaporeans 💀💀 its like chinese lpl teams importing koreans and calling it success. You msg me when another asian region has 2 teams that placed top 3 internationally.

2 sgpeans enough alr for a small region like ours
guy is a LCK frog who would've thought lmao
bringing up other game stories in Valorant .
Also China owns your region in valo tho and funny enough even Indians owned your team

JiangLi [#89]

2 sgpeans enough alr for a small region like ours
guy is a LCK frog who would've thought lmao
bringing up other game stories in Valorant .
Also China owns your region in valo tho and funny enough even Indians owned your team

😂 😂 ah you keep coming back to china owns our region. Even kang kang knows who owns asia bro. Wake up its drx and will be drx. China cant even own us in their most popular game what you think gonna happen here. Its def gonna be a good rivalry tho we ll win some and lose some

BoDork [#69]

Sungmin will carry Korea with the amount of good talent he finds

dont forget pine teaching the new generation his ways.

gordonramsay [#76]

😂😂 all these bullshit posts. I cant wait for pacific league

ong bruh just relax I've just learnt to let it go. let our teams do the talking. they will shut up like they did at champs

JiangLi [#87]

"there was a moment" like what moment you talking about
sea fans literally make fun of each other all the time

its ok, if you are so delusional you can forget things that does not favor you :D Laz owns your team anyway XD

archetype [#86]

JiangLi is notorious for being a delusional APAC fan to the point where some other APAC fans don't like him too. I just gave up on arguing with him, shit's not worth it bro.

Notice how you talked about DRX getting disrespected by APAC fans first and he starts spewing shit about how PRX got flamed before instead? Crazy strawman.

i thought he as a decent user at first but you right...


Am i the only one that can supp any team from Asia in intercontinental matches? I supp zeta drx prx edg xerxia and even boom in all international events

archetype [#86]

JiangLi is notorious for being a delusional APAC fan to the point where some other APAC fans don't like him too. I just gave up on arguing with him, shit's not worth it bro.

Notice how you talked about DRX getting disrespected by APAC fans first and he starts spewing shit about how PRX got flamed before instead? Crazy strawman.

proceeds to call me a "delusional apac fans" when bro dont have any arguments against .
You think DRX is only disrespected by APAC fans ? Everyone makes fun of them and why would they not ?
PRX played so bad at champs and everyone made fun of them but who cares ? They played shit
Like PRX with shiba literally went out with 0 kills and it was so funny and everyone made fun of them
You suddenly get the victim mentality whenever theres anything Korean related . just shut up bro

Also who are these apac users who hate me man ? I didnt come here in vlr to make friends lmao . You needa go out bro if you care about those things . I only say what i see for the time im following esports

R136a1 [#93]

its ok, if you are so delusional you can forget things that does not favor you :D Laz owns your team anyway XD

you didnt answer my question tho


yes but i dont think the current korean rosters in franchising reflect the best talents korea has to offer.

i do think the talent pool severely lacks IGL's, which i think is t1's BIGGEST issue, there isnt an experienced and proven igl on the team. the team is lacking direction

supernova [#67]


You know the answer to this question lil bro lol

-Supernova The King of Valorant

hey I like brazil why u dont like us

gordonramsay [#75]

She needs it she ugly and fat

Stop describing your family members

fapcity [#99]

hey I like brazil why u dont like us

I have no problem with Korea but DRX fans are so delusional and keep overestimating this team
I can't bro...

-Supernova The King of Valorant

gordonramsay [#56]

What does that have to do w this you dumb brit

Name doesn't check out


Funny reading this now that its been 3 splits in a row where all the Korean teams made top 4 in Pacific


Need 4 teams ngl, still pretty of talent left

Blanc_cataloq [#39]

And the whole vlr community saying T1 is top 3 pacific ez 😂😆



God damn I forgor this thread exist

lez [#103]

Funny reading this now that its been 3 splits in a row where all the Korean teams made top 4 in Pacific

To be fair this thread was made before lock//in and for the sake of trying to make a discussion because i wanted more insight about the korean valorant landscape.
Mainly because t1/geng did not perform during off/season events, which we know now doesn't matter.

Every team in korea has made numerous changes from that point, with gen.g having a complete rebuild, T1 switching to english and even drx giving the youth players opportunities.

but yeah the thread has aged like milk, although a lot of what the comments said has aged well.



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