It's kAyle most probably
Former pubg PC player
He also played on t1 in pubg+friend with munchking
He was a really good player, featuring in both OGN Entus and DWG (if I remember correctly), 2 teams who at the time were one of the best in Asia and even the game. The GOATs of PUBG are Pio and Inonix, both incredible players who featured in 2019-2021 GenG, arguably the best team to ever touch the game, and both who will still feature in this years global championship. As of right now, Chinese pubg player Aixleft is arguably the best atm, followed by Australian player TGLTN and Chinese players Shou and ZpYan1
That’s a bit harsh man. He doesn’t really stream so there’s not a lot to go off here, but his clips are pretty good (which I suppose isn’t a surprise), he’s always radiant ranked, it’s not proof of anything but there’s a player there, he could turn out to be a pretty good player and I wouldn’t be surprised
if the clues are 5 letters and csgo, I can see 2 choices:
Goat emoji imo doesn't narrow it down at all so who knows what's gonna actually happen