(It’s okay if you make fun of the game but making fun of the culture or the appearance of the fans/players is a common L) (It’s okay if you make fun of the game but making fun of the culture or the appearance of the fans/players is a common L)
Stratos [#10]Well HLTV or CSGO itself is heavily dominated with Western people who are ignorant on other culture besides them
hltv is full of white morons who actually believe that playing 10000 hours of csgo makes them the definition of a man, act all macho and equate it to serving 10000 hours in the military. In reality they are mostly pathetic and overgrown children trapped in the bodies of adults, feeling so insecure they need to attack a game which is not even trying to compete with it.
Beyonder [#20]look at that Nelex5000 comment, fucking racist nerd, he needs to touch grass smh
cant be racist if its true
Stratos [#10]Well HLTV or CSGO itself is heavily dominated with Western people who are ignorant on other culture besides them
kristof [#17]HLTV is so based holy shit
common CS fan W
nothing is based about this
it's disgusting
Stratos [#10]Well HLTV or CSGO itself is heavily dominated with Western people who are ignorant on other culture besides them
Stratos [#10]Well HLTV or CSGO itself is heavily dominated with Western people who are ignorant on other culture besides them
Do they even have culture lol
Beyonder [#20]look at that Nelex5000 comment, fucking racist nerd, he needs to touch grass smh
No offense but why are they all manlets? I mean still no offense i dont wanna make fun of their appearence im not saying they're ugly or anything, but every single dota 2 lol or valorant player is so genericly small? why? and then you look at cs and they're all unique and epic
"im not tryna be offensive but im just gonna be offensive kekw"
kristof [#17]HLTV is so based holy shit
common CS fan W
not the time for making bait threads
just log off for today pls
HardStuckGold [#33]No offense but why are they all manlets? I mean still no offense i dont wanna make fun of their appearence im not saying they're ugly or anything, but every single dota 2 lol or valorant player is so genericly small? why? and then you look at cs and they're all unique and epic
"im not tryna be offensive but im just gonna be offensive kekw"
valorant fans:😭👶🏻💩🤡🤖🤓😴
csgo fans:💪🏻🏋🏻🥰🧠👑🔞💰
HardStuckGold [#33]No offense but why are they all manlets? I mean still no offense i dont wanna make fun of their appearence im not saying they're ugly or anything, but every single dota 2 lol or valorant player is so genericly small? why? and then you look at cs and they're all unique and epic
"im not tryna be offensive but im just gonna be offensive kekw"
then u look at cs and they're all unique and epic
tf does that even mean ??? 💀
Gyro [#35]the hltv community is def the most horrible and braindead
bunch of no lifers making fun of ppl culture and looks just cause they like one game over another
the irony.... stop acting like vlrgg never do that shit here
FlyDoggoWoweeClap [#40]the irony.... stop acting like vlrgg never do that shit here
mate, how braidead are u?
stop comparing everything!
csgo v valo
hltv v vlr
no one, shld ever make fun of someone's culture or appearence
if some one said same thing here, i will also call them out
stop being so delusional
FlyDoggoWoweeClap [#40]the irony.... stop acting like vlrgg never do that shit here
ahh yes downfragging me cuz its the truth LMAO
ascensioN [#41]Bro said cs players look unique and epic like they are some vikings lmao. braindead
lmao he actually says he's not racist after that comment too.. not self aware
Ullyr [#45]lmao he actually says he's not racist after that comment too.. not self aware
exactly lol manchild living in his own world
FlyDoggoWoweeClap [#44]ahh yes downfragging me cuz its the truth LMAO
if you think that it's the truth then why are you complaining about getting downfragged?
Gyro [#43]mate, how braidead are u?
stop comparing everything!
csgo v valo
hltv v vlr
no one, shld ever make fun of someone's culture or appearenceif some one said same thing here, i will also call them out
stop being so delusional
"no one, shld ever make fun of someone's culture or appearence"
FlyDoggoWoweeClap [#48]"no one, shld ever make fun of someone's culture or appearence"
could you give us some examples of it? (I know that vlr has braindead people, but I didn't see a WHOLE THREAD making fun about culture or appearance)
Razhl [#27]Do they even have culture lol
Does Indonesia or Asia have culture? If yes then every country and continent has theirs.
LifeIsALie [#2]Not all cs players are frogs
Not all frogs are cs player
A lot of CS fans REALLY think they are more adult and „true men“ because they play a game that’s closer to the reality than Valorant
That says everything about these nerds
patuj [#51]Does Indonesia or Asia have culture? If yes then every country and continent has theirs.
If they know they have their own culture, they shouldnt talkshit on others then
Su-metal [#13]hltv is full of white morons who actually believe that playing 10000 hours of csgo makes them the definition of a man, act all macho and equate it to serving 10000 hours in the military. In reality they are mostly pathetic and overgrown children trapped in the bodies of adults, feeling so insecure they need to attack a game which is not even trying to compete with it.
Oh my god facts
Ibis [#55]On the other hand VRL users LOVE japan, I wonder if the reaction would be the same here if the crowd was in another Asian country like india
speak for urself
wiki [#38]ngl the criticism is a bit rich coming from but the guy who said it looked fake is actually braindead lmao
for the most part vlr as a whole would definitely not talk this much shit about another country outside of the game. This is just full-on racism and theres only 1 guy condemning it.
HardStuckGold [#33]No offense but why are they all manlets? I mean still no offense i dont wanna make fun of their appearence im not saying they're ugly or anything, but every single dota 2 lol or valorant player is so genericly small? why? and then you look at cs and they're all unique and epic
"im not tryna be offensive but im just gonna be offensive kekw"
Obviously its ignorant and offensive, but maybe he is just wondering and just wrote it just in a way that looks offensive. I don't remember what it is called but its really common that you will usually not find other races and their people as unique as you find yours. Someone who doesn't have interactions with Asian people may easily find them less unique look wise and vice versa. And in general the average height in many Asian countries is shorter than let's say European. Maybe he doesn't know this.
So if you are European(assume) and bit ignorant and spend most of your time with these people and watch them (like most csgo pros) its understandable why someone could be wondering these things about other races.
archetype [#57]for the most part vlr as a whole would definitely not talk this much shit about another country outside of the game. This is just full-on racism and theres only 1 guy condemning it.
vlr has more active moderation, hltv only has jonathan e
If moderation was more lax on vlr, it would be just as bad if not worse than hltv
HardStuckGold [#33]No offense but why are they all manlets? I mean still no offense i dont wanna make fun of their appearence im not saying they're ugly or anything, but every single dota 2 lol or valorant player is so genericly small? why? and then you look at cs and they're all unique and epic
"im not tryna be offensive but im just gonna be offensive kekw"
Yea Boombl4 is one hell of a specimen
Glycoroldas [#60]vlr has more active moderation, hltv only has jonathan e
If moderation was more lax on vlr, it would be just as bad if not worse than hltv
youre joking right you can get banned for 10 years on hltv for saying "hello" by some random russian admin
meanwhile the most racist shit hardly ever gets modded
Glycoroldas [#60]vlr has more active moderation, hltv only has jonathan e
If moderation was more lax on vlr, it would be just as bad if not worse than hltv
Hltv only have moderators to delete valorant threads
Heyheyehyehyehyrhyr [#49]could you give us some examples of it? (I know that vlr has braindead people, but I didn't see a WHOLE THREAD making fun about culture or appearance)
alot of it got deleted pretty sure that's the difference with hltv and vlrgg
vlrgg mods actually monitoring the thread 24/7 meanwhile hltv...
kristof [#21]cant be racist if its true
so it is racist by your own logic because it isn't true ?XD
archetype [#57]for the most part vlr as a whole would definitely not talk this much shit about another country outside of the game. This is just full-on racism and theres only 1 guy condemning it.
thats a lie vlr loves to shit on the US.
edit: downfragged for telling the truth that vlr hates to admit kekw.
patuj [#58]Obviously its ignorant and offensive, but maybe he is just wondering and just wrote it just in a way that looks offensive. I don't remember what it is called but its really common that you will usually not find other races and their people as unique as you find yours. Someone who doesn't have interactions with Asian people may easily find them less unique look wise and vice versa. And in general the average height in many Asian countries is shorter than let's say European. Maybe he doesn't know this.
So if you are European(assume) and bit ignorant and spend most of your time with these people and watch them (like most csgo pros) its understandable why someone could be wondering these things about other races.
Maybe he doesn't know this.
When you have internet but to only open hltv, your life is fucked already.
Google exist bro. You can find any information. It's 2022 not 1853.
Razhl [#53]If they know they have their own culture, they shouldnt talkshit on others then
True its definitely ignorant from some people
archetype [#59]pretty disgusting people in that thread lol
Makes sense becuase they play Counter-Strike "Global Offensive"
33AJ [#42]Wtf their hate for valorant is unreal💀
You have to see when s1mple streamed valorant for like 4 continuous days early June, his chat just freaking out LMAO.
Also he showed his career and have like 5 match MVPs and he said all those chamber games were right before the Blast Finals, actual POG
totneK_kaT_umkaM [#67]Maybe he doesn't know this.
When you have internet but to only open hltv, your life is fucked already.
Google exist bro. You can find any information. It's 2022 not 1853.
Yes, but forums are for that type of stuff. People are going to type what they think without much thought. Let it be questions, opinion or discussion openers. Half of any forum's content would be non existent if people just did their own research.
patuj [#71]Yes, but forums are for that type of stuff. People are going to type what they think without much thought. Let it be questions, opinion or discussion openers. Half of any forum's content would be non existent if people just did their own research.
I'll quote your words once again.
People are going to type what they think without much thought.
We know forum is full of this shit.
But there's a LIMIT on what you say.
Being RACIST is one of the taboo thing in any forums. Almost 99.99% forum has rules not to be racist.
And I hope this helps you understand something.
JokesOver [#69]Makes sense becuase they play Counter-Strike "Global Offensive"
this is what happens when ur game only supports a few specific regions - some people are gonna be delusional and think theyre just inherently superior and that other regions are incompetent when its not the case lol. lowkey racist. nobody says korea is good at esports because theyre just genetically better everyone knows its cuz of our infrastructure and investment. the grind mentality is there in every region and the talent is there too. the only reason some regions have better success is because the level of support and interest is different.
man72498 [#73]dont like cs frogs but ppl seem to forget the racism towards indians and brazillians on this site not too long ago…
why am i getting downfragged???cuz im indian??again???
man72498 [#79]why am i getting downfragged???cuz im indian??again???
u guys are actual hypocrites omg
philion [#81]bro you're just asking for it LMAO
am i wrong tho? the hate on indians and brazillians on this site is unreal and people acting like they are in the moral highground for some fucking reason
man72498 [#83]am i wrong tho? the hate on indians and brazillians on this site is unreal and people acting like they are in the moral highground for some fucking reason
dude you'll find assholes everywhere, just learn to ignore those fuckin losers
philion [#84]dude you'll find assholes everywhere, just learn to ignore those fuckin losers
and there definitely are racist everywhere on this site and somehow they are talking shit about other communities for being racist
totneK_kaT_umkaM [#72]I'll quote your words once again.
People are going to type what they think without much thought.
We know forum is full of this shit.
But there's a LIMIT on what you say.
Being RACIST is one of the taboo thing in any forums. Almost 99.99% forum has rules not to be racist.OKAY TO BE TOXIC BUT NOT TO BE RACIST
And I hope this helps you understand something.
Being curious and wondering = racism. Using word manlet maybe, but I don't get how rest of the comment was racist? Yeah if it was made racism in mind, but no if it was legit question. We don't know that. Again if you haven't had interactions with people from other races you may have these questions in mind. Happens in every single race.
philion [#74]can't play the holier than thou here cuz i've seen equally vile shit on this site too sadly
u are the person who does that stuff here buddy
also , no one is holier than thou dumbass
if it happens here , it shld be called out here too
u need some help brother
u want to get a W online so bad that u will type any random bullshit
Kowloon1st [#19]Cs frogs got scared cause of japanese crowds, cant do nothing besides making fun of it KEKW. Boomer game braindead fans
"scared cause of japanese crowds" bro japanese are probably the most unintimidating people lol,valorant fans are actually fuming here so cringe lol
man72498 [#73]dont like cs frogs but ppl seem to forget the racism towards indians and brazillians on this site not too long ago…
lmfao feels bad man
scroller [#82]actually crowd has to wear mask and not allowed to shout because of covid thats why they only clap. CSGO fans are so braindead
yeah like actually they literally tell it in the clips aswell,like cant they read or something loool,in the clips they always said in english "we cant yell because of covid",silly cs fans
Ibis [#52]A lot of CS fans REALLY think they are more adult and „true men“ because they play a game that’s closer to the reality than Valorant
That says everything about these nerds
its actually kinda sad, like playing cs is their personality and any other fps/game they wouldn't try or don't want like it simply cause it exists and takes away from Cs meaning they don't feel validated. I really don't mind cs fans , but some of the ppl that post on hltv are deep in that lifestyle.
Heyheyehyehyehyrhyr [#49]could you give us some examples of it? (I know that vlr has braindead people, but I didn't see a WHOLE THREAD making fun about culture or appearance)
there was 1 fucking with the manlet comments why are you so fucking soft,almost all the other comments were just people calling the crowd lame and people talking about how its japanese culture etc
patuj [#86]Being curious and wondering = racism. Using word manlet maybe, but I don't get how rest of the comment was racist? Yeah if it was made racism in mind, but no if it was legit question. We don't know that. Again if you haven't had interactions with people from other races you may have these questions in mind. Happens in every single race.
Telling someone have a small body is strange meanwhile telling that his race body is superior is racism.
Just from those 2 those are definitely racism
Ullyr [#5]dude i get they hate the game just some of the ppl legit making fun of japanese fans/players appearance and such ... wtf
I thought the weird anti mask rant was more entertaining to read personally
Razhl [#53]If they know they have their own culture, they shouldnt talkshit on others then
Aren't you doing the exact same saying that all western people don't have culture?
Su-metal [#13]hltv is full of white morons who actually believe that playing 10000 hours of csgo makes them the definition of a man, act all macho and equate it to serving 10000 hours in the military. In reality they are mostly pathetic and overgrown children trapped in the bodies of adults, feeling so insecure they need to attack a game which is not even trying to compete with it.
theres no way you actually believe this is the reason :DDDDDDDDDDDD,but nice analysis,i saw a pakistani there call them generic and comparing them to robots lol
DELUSIONAL_LAKIA_FAN [#97]cs frogs when they see someone whos not white
when they see a npc crowd*,crowd looks like something out of fifa 13 with all respect
eventonly [#70]You have to see when s1mple streamed valorant for like 4 continuous days early June, his chat just freaking out LMAO.
Also he showed his career and have like 5 match MVPs and he said all those chamber games were right before the Blast Finals, actual POG
S1mple based af lol idk why they're freaking out cs and valorant pros often probably play the other games.
ascensioN [#41]Bro said cs players look unique and epic like they are some vikings lmao. braindead
average cs player is white big muscles man
asdfgh [#100]when they see a npc crowd*,crowd looks like something out of fifa 13 with all respect
Again bro it's Japanese culture they're always taught to be respectful in a public setting as a societal norm. you don't see them yelling or screaming in public. They dont even throw trash on their streets or eat while walking cause its consider rude. You calling them npcs make u ignorant of that fact and legit just proving his point.
Ullyr [#103]Again bro it's Japanese culture they're always taught to be respectful in a public setting as a societal norm. you don't see them yelling or screaming in public. They dont even throw trash on their streets or eat while walking cause its consider rude. You calling them npcs make u ignorant of that fact and legit just proving his point.
yes i know that why are you educating me about their culture,literally everyone knows it is Japanese culture,that is literally what everyone is saying on the hltv thread
asdfgh [#104]yes i know that why are you educating me about their culture,literally everyone knows it is Japanese culture,that is literally what everyone is saying on the hltv thread
Then why u calling them npcs lmao
Ullyr [#105]Then why u calling them npcs lmao
to describe the way the act in a joking manner,npc maybe a bit disrespectful but lame is just true japanese culture is very timid and reserved so it doesnt look that hype or authentic compared to most other countries
Ullyr [#92]its actually kinda sad, like playing cs is their personality and any other fps/game they wouldn't try or don't want like it simply cause it exists and takes away from Cs meaning they don't feel validated. I really don't mind cs fans , but some of the ppl that post on hltv are deep in that lifestyle.
Both of them exist in hltv and vlr. I think A lot less are in the vlr community, but again there is less overall people in vlr community
asdfgh [#89]"scared cause of japanese crowds" bro japanese are probably the most unintimidating people lol,valorant fans are actually fuming here so cringe lol
ur afghani lmfao stop making fun of other cultures
eventonly [#70]You have to see when s1mple streamed valorant for like 4 continuous days early June, his chat just freaking out LMAO.
Also he showed his career and have like 5 match MVPs and he said all those chamber games were right before the Blast Finals, actual POG
I mean that is true, but I think that this is problem with both communities. Remember when Jamppi streamed cs few times, reaction here and elsewhere in valorant community was not any better.
man72498 [#73]dont like cs frogs but ppl seem to forget the racism towards indians and brazillians on this site not too long ago…
Why are you downfragged lmao?
s1mple_valorant_killer69 [#111]so valarante frogs start to attention seeker first . dayum back when im just back from break lmfao. no wonder csgo is renting free in all of these heads everyday . oh well im back and dissapointed in this attention seeker community that has 0 clue.
Always Rent free huh?
LifeIsALie [#2]Not all cs players are frogs
Not all frogs are cs player
Only the combination is bad
s1mple_valorant_killer69 [#111]so valarante frogs start to attention seeker first . dayum back when im just back from break lmfao. no wonder csgo is renting free in all of these heads everyday . oh well im back and dissapointed in this attention seeker community that has 0 clue.
So mad you got exposed that you deleted the thread itself loool
Hey @s1mple_valorant_killer, look at this KEK
eventonly [#117]They deleted the thread looool, saw us laughing and deleted it right away!
they always delete valorant threads you dumbass
dadiiznobozzy [#110]ur afghani lmfao stop making fun of other cultures
Afghanistan culture still >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything from US tho.
kristof [#119]they always delete valorant threads you dumbass
They couldn't see another game doing well so that's definitely COPIUM,
Also that was on off-topic so no
eventonly [#116]So mad you got exposed that you deleted the thread itself loool
Hey @s1mple_valorant_killer, look at this KEK
even the God of CS play valorant lul W
patuj [#51]Does Indonesia or Asia have culture? If yes then every country and continent has theirs.
bruh India alone has thousands of culture.
average_csgo_enjoyer [#124]such a bloodbath on both sites, what's wrong with you vlr and hltv
Both sites are filled with degenerates but vlr mods are actually kinda nice.
Also, the degens are only in threads like these. I'm sure you can have a pretty chill time in casual threads of both sites.
I'm a enjoyer of both games(obviously valo more) so idc about anything else
HardStuckGold [#29]burgers fries and guns
most people on hltv are from EU so no burgers, no fries, no guns.
SnooTangerines [#120]Afghanistan culture still >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything from US tho.
lmao ever been there?
NoobFlick [#123]bruh India alone has thousands of culture.
No shit. Every country has bunch of culture. That was my point. So don't say some don't.
duchesssx [#128]lmao ever been there?
The country literally borders us KEKW.
I am currently 5 km away from Pakistan and literally around 300Km from Afghanistan.
You don't need to teach me.
Ofc NA geography ed. I cannot expect anything more.
Su-metal [#13]hltv is full of white morons who actually believe that playing 10000 hours of csgo makes them the definition of a man, act all macho and equate it to serving 10000 hours in the military. In reality they are mostly pathetic and overgrown children trapped in the bodies of adults, feeling so insecure they need to attack a game which is not even trying to compete with it.
only on vlr u see these weirdo comments
average_csgo_enjoyer [#124]such a bloodbath on both sites, what's wrong with you vlr and hltv
Frustrated people on both sides
Ibis [#52]A lot of CS fans REALLY think they are more adult and „true men“ because they play a game that’s closer to the reality than Valorant
That says everything about these nerds
same goes for PUBG mobile fan lol
eventonly [#121]They couldn't see another game doing well so that's definitely COPIUM,
Also that was on off-topic so no
so cringe
Stratos [#10]Well HLTV or CSGO itself is heavily dominated with Western people who are ignorant on other culture besides them
HLTV is mostly European and Brazilian, NA dont post anything because we suck at the game, no point. Same with that thread.
Gyro [#87]philion
u are the person who does that stuff here buddy
also , no one is holier than thou dumbass
if it happens here , it shld be called out here toou need some help brother
u want to get a W online so bad that u will type any random bullshit
hahahaha this guy again, stop worrying about me and help yourself dude, go get some sunlight musty
SnooTangerines [#130]The country literally borders us KEKW.
I am currently 5 km away from Pakistan and literally around 300Km from Afghanistan.
You don't need to teach me.
Ofc NA geography ed. I cannot expect anything more.
I as an indian disown this mf
Stonkka [#112]I mean that is true, but I think that this is problem with both communities. Remember when Jamppi streamed cs few times, reaction here and elsewhere in valorant community was not any better.
That one is slightly different since Jamppi did say he would return to CS eventually, and people thought he meant soon.
Revlo [#66]thats a lie vlr loves to shit on the US.
edit: downfragged for telling the truth that vlr hates to admit kekw.
Tbh bro as a US citizen it deserves to be shit talked.
spookmeister [#143]Yo, can anyone give some context?
I didnt see the thread, and im curious overall what they were saying. I know there was plenty of racism from what ive read here, but what else?
It's them freaking out on the Japan Valorant VCT FInals crowd.
Eventually it ended up begin calling the audience NPCs and their appearance.
And they deleted it since, it was on off topic, so that was definitely some COPIUM for that hell of a site