true, no way AE would let any of their player go.
Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | June 15, 2021 |
Last post: | November 19, 2022 at 6:55 AM |
Posts: | 1400 |
true, no way AE would let any of their player go.
wait nakya play for AE? damn i didn't follow the scene too long i didn't notice that lmfao
he was main duelist from X10 (xerxia line up's previous org). he's like the thai f0rsaken back then.
bener ajg wkwk bocil kingdom mulai menginvasi jdnya setiap gua berargumen ada aja yg bales pake "dek" geli bgt bgsat
lagian segala pake trial lama dikira pemain tier 5 kali gaada tim lain yg ngincer mereka wkwk
kmrn gua ngomong gini di ig langsung diserang anjeng wkwkwk
jangan samain kita dengan pro player bro. player profesional kerjaannya tiap hari main game, jadi tiap hari bisa puluhan kali ngerasain situasi ribet di game yg mana lama2 akan terbiasa. coba aja lo denger mic check tim2 internasional ya pasti udh pd terbiasa pake bhs inggris di situasi apapun.
tp ya semua balik lg ke player masing2 mau belajar atau engga.
it is, but it's not a major problem like what people said. maybe it will be a problem at first, but people will learn. historically, there are many success international teams in numerous game scene.
except if they are professional player who train everyday and been on 2v5 situation hundred times a day.
nah lo bisa lancar kan di kerjaan pake bhs inggris? karena lo lakuin itu professionally dan tiap hari jd terbiasa. itu yg ngebedain. ketika lo ngelakuin itu untuk kebutuhan profesi, lo pasti akan try hard untuk belajar biar bisa nunjang karir lo, tp kalo cuma for fun ya seadanya aja gaakan try hard. udh banyak lah contoh player profesional yg berhasil ngatasin masalah bahasa. awal2 mungkin ada yg kesulitan tp lama2 jg terbiasa.
ya kan itu posisi lo cuma main fun jd wajar kalo lo ga mendalami bahasa inggris buat in game. tp kalo udh ranah pro harusnya udh bukan masalah besar krn namanya bahasa semua bisa dipelajarin walaupun butuh waktu.
ya makanya belajar bahasanya, yakali lu udh digaji masih gabisa jg belajar bahasa baru minimal inggris basic lah.
it's not that hard to learn basic english bro, you don't need perfect grammar for it.
bro living in 2022 and still think language barrier is a major problem.
germany cs legend, bleed coach and co-founder of germany org BIG clan.
same question for NA without optic, APAC without PRX, EU without FPX, KR without DRX and JP without ZETA
sad, i thought there will be like 1 spot for ascension team.
if they got accepted, means their financials were that good. as simple as that. no way riot let "poor" org to join the franchise bcs this league will cost them tons of money.
the might build pacific superteam
yg lain juga blm ada yg ganti roster. paling nanti mulai pada bongkar pasang ya abis diumumin yg lolos franchise.
loh bagus dong kalo gaada yg LFT? artinya gaada yg cabut, berarti masih ada kemungkinan.
-JA +famouz
-georgyyy/giansanity +monyet
i agree with that. i mean the players regulation that i read, minimum annual salary should be 50K USD, that's too expensive for APAC orgs.
make sense sih, tp boom jg tetep gadapet padahal doi gaikut mpl.
masalahnya salah satu regulasi yg pernah gua baca di franchise league nantinya minimal gaji pemain 50K USD per tahun, sekaya2nya organisasi indo pasti engap jg bayar segitu buat game yg scenenya pun ga gede2 amat. mungkin itu yg bikin tim indo gagal.
emg gara2 itu tim indo gadapet? kayanya engga deh
ah my bad, i replace chronicle with shao
bro enjoy the drama more than the competition lol
between NRG and faze
Infinity (probably they will sign lev roster)
when you have "non fragging ig" you definitely need more than alfa+derke to carry them against strong team.
nukkye (duelist)
hoody (flex)
leo (initiator)
sayf (chamber)
redgar (controller)
never know that playoff has 9 teams
bro calm down, if you dont like him just ignore him. bro just feeling sad that his favourite org gone.